
After my death

I am a hero who was born and forged in war. I was born to fight the enemies of the kingdom. But now I am an enemy of the kingdom. Because I never expected the kingdom to betray me when I no longer served them. And now I am reborn as a dark elf. The race I fought as a hero. And I will do everything I can to kill those who betrayed me. _______________________ Hello, I am the author. I've actually written about 15 different synopses but nothing convinces me.

FA_AFMD · Fantasy
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43 Chs

Decrea's move

With the pact made, Ingrid and I went to burn the houses and huts in the village.

It was easy, everything was made of wood with thatched roofs, it burned without much effort.

But we could not burn the chapel, which was made of stone. I don't have the energy to make a fire that could burn it.

I refuse to let this chapel stand on this scorched earth. The way I see it, it's the church that will survive this disaster, and I don't want it to.

So little by little, using magic on the earth around it, we destabilise the foundation and then reduce it to rubble.

When the fire in the fields was finally extinguished, we opened cracks in the earth and filled them with salt to prevent it from being harvested again.

Elijah showed up at one point and helped us, speeding up the process.

The whole process took a couple of days, and when we were finished we left quickly, hoping that no reinforcements would arrive, leaving behind a black earth.

When we returned, Elijah approached me to talk.

"Young master, I have seen your fighting. You have excellent skills, but you lack patience when your enemies push you, and you get lost in anger very easily. I would like to teach you to control it, but these are things that cannot be taught. I hope you considered my words," he said, his hand on my shoulder.

"Elijah, don't worry, I've noticed all these mistakes. I will fix them in the next fights," I said as I told him to speed up.

"Young Master, let me tell you what worries me. You haven't been awake for very long, yet you could be so cruel to that priest. It doesn't bother me, humans deserve it, but I'm worried about your mental stability," he said as he stared at me.

"You worry too much, I have lost some control because there is a hatred that is born when I see a human. It must be something Decrea gave me to fulfil my mission. After all, I've never seen a human before today", lying easily, is the only explanation I can think of.

After finishing our conversation, we began to move silently towards the location of the portal. We were given an object that recognizes our identity through our aura to open the portal.

When we arrived, in the middle of the forest where we had camped earlier, we approached a specific spot and used the object. After about 1 hour, the portal opened and we left.

When we arrived at the guild, we were greeted by the receptionist, who brought a sphere with which we were to make the report.

Apparently, this orb can detect lies as long as the user allows it. This is how the guild keeps track of the missions.

When I gave my report, I realized that the orb could not detect half-truths.

This means that you can tell truths and lies in the same sentence, and the orb will not detect hidden lies.

In any case, we didn't need to lie, so we reported everything and went back to the mansion.

The sad thing is that I couldn't find out anything about the current situation in the human world. The idea was to interrogate the priest, but that clearly failed.

When we arrived at the mansion, I went to report to the Count.

I don't accept him as my real father, but I don't know his name. It is not logical to ask him or any servant, and I found no information from the Runa family.

The count said little. Standard phrases like "Well done" or "I hope you are not hurt".

And so I returned to my routine.

Until one day, while cleaning my core, I finally put an end to everything that interrupted its flow. Now I can refine my essence without anything interfering with it.

I practically have a perfect core now.


Decrea POV:

I watch everything that happens around Marcus. It pleases me to see him working so hard for his goal. It is like a child that I have taken care of for a long time finally going out into the world on his own.

But he is developing very fast. In 5 months he has perfected his core and he also has my blessing. This will bring his power to a level that the elves and humans won't be able to match.

If he keeps this up, I don't think the war will be interesting. He is going to need an antithesis to counter him.

I need a new apostle.

As I turn my attention to the human world, I intend to look for someone talented enough for the job.

And there he is, in a small town on the edge of the Empire.

His name is Hostis. A rare name indeed.

He's a 15-year-old boy with all the qualities you'd expect of a hero. He is hot-blooded, loves everyone, and has a desire to protect existence.

He is also naive and believes the lies of the Church and the Empire.

He believes that elves kill humans for sport.

He is the perfect model for my blessing. I'll leave him some instructions and he'll get to work.

But I will change my blessing a little. In this case, I'll give him the ability to control mana like Marcus controls essence.

And I will also give him a body that can compete with the most talented elves and evolve with him.

I feel like I'm creating a cute toy that will follow my commands.

It would be great to see if he could kill Marcus. Or maybe Marcus will kill him.

I hope he doesn't disappoint me.


Hostis POV:

Another day in the boring countryside, waiting for something interesting to happen.

Ever since I was a child, I dreamed of having powers and fighting the evil elves.

To destroy them and be celebrated by the world. To marry many women and have everyone know me after I die of old age.

But I'm a country bumpkin.

Or so I thought.

Now I know better, for this morning, as I was plowing the land, an ethereal voice came into my ears and I saw the most perfect woman in the world.

She said she was the Goddess of Creation and she was looking for a new apostle.

Obviously, she is looking for a new one when the old one is a disgusting traitor.

After explaining why she chose me, she asked me if I agreed to fulfill my mission.

I don't care what the mission is, I will do it. I will protect this world.

She explained the abilities she had given me. Basically, no one in this world can compare to the progress I will make.

The mission is to defeat the powerful demon elf that was born. One named Marcus.

He told me not to share this information with anyone. Because he has many allies in the human world.

While I was testing my new skills, a bunch of horses came to the village.

Arriving in the center of town, I can distinguish them better.

They are the warriors of the Church of Life. Will my goddess be angry if I talk to them? I doubt it, since she has no religion herself, because she doesn't want to.

A woman dressed as a priestess dismounted from one of the horses. She is very beautiful.

She has black hair and deep blue eyes, unfortunately a robe covers her whole body and does not let you see anything, but I know that it surely hides a hot body.

The woman approaches me with a smile, "Hello, are you the boy who received the blessing of the goddess?" She ask in a warm tone.

"Yes ma'am, I am," I say proudly, straightening my back.

"Ah yes, we spotted you and wanted to see if you were interested in joining us."

I was worried, but Decrea's voice rang in my ear telling me it was okay.

"Yes ma'am, I would be honored." I said with a bright smile.

"Well, I'm relieved. My name is Mikela, what's yours?"


How you doing?

The stats of the book shows that some few people are reading this.

I'm happy about that but that is not why I'm writing this thoughts

My question is simple. I want to make a 2 sided POV of both Marcus and Hostis, following both of them in their respective worlds but I don't know if its a good idea.

The 1 or 2 fellas who read this, What do u think?

FA_AFMDcreators' thoughts