
Chapter75: meeting adjourned

"you look like her."the old man said looking at my face. This is weird for a stranger to talk about." You know what, don't mind my words."he added and I smiled.

"You may have a seat sir, let's talk about what brought you here."I told him sitting down in my chair. He smiled and sat down but immideately the door was opened with force. I was startled and I immediately shifted my gaze to the door.

"Sheebalie..."I muttered more to myself because I was so shocked. What is she doing here and why? I saw her look at the man opposite me with warning eyes and I wondered what was happening. Does she know the man. The man smirked at Sheebalie and now I was confused.

"Sheebalie, what are you doing here?"I asked her." You don't have a session with me today."I told her.

"I'm sorry Kimberly for barging in your office like that but I need to get this man out."she said then looked at the man. I frowned because of how confused I was in this situation. Is the man dangerous or something. He didn't even introduce himself except the weird words about me looking like her. Who is her? I only look like my mom. Or maybe he knows my mom. How does he know my mom?

"Sheebalie, do you know him?"I asked her so that I can at least understand one thing.

"He's my..uh ..I'm... uncle. I'm really sorry for his intrusion. He is not mentally stable and when he heard about this building he came. He ran away from home so pardon him please."she said looking apologetic and I smiled.

"You don't have to apologize. Your family is more than welcomed here. If he wanted a session, he is more than welcomed. I am not even gonna charge him."I said smiling at the man who had been staring at me all this time. Why is he staring at me like that?

"You are so kind young lady. It's so hard to find women like you acting so kind."he said and I frowned. Women like me? What does he mean by that?

"Don't take his words too serious Kim. Now uncle, let's leave. Kimberly needs to work."Sheebalie said holding his uncle's arms pulling him up so that they can leave. I smiled at the man who was still looking at me while smiling. I waved my hand to him to tell him goodbye.

"See you later Kimberly."Sheebalie said walking to the door and I smiled. When they closed the door I sighed and I laid my head at my leather chair. I closed my eyes and at that second my phone rung. I immediately lifted my head up. I took my phone and looked at the caller ID but I was disappointed.

I expected Alex to be the one calling. Maybe he's ready to listen to me and stop his craziness. He doesn't even want to talk to me huuh? Fine I'm not thinking about him again. He can kiss my ass for all I care. What a nerve he has to hurt me like that. I might as well not talk to him. Then I remembered I need a break from Alex. Yes, a break. I'm not acting desperate for him at all.

Shit. The phone rung and it stopped ringing while I was thinking of Alex. I'm not thinking about him again. I called the number back and Andy picked immideately.

"Heey Kimberly, why didn't you pick up the first time I called."Andy asked and I can imagine her lips so pursed right now because of how annoyed she is.

"I am busy. I'm at work."I lied.

"Ooh.. I totally forgot about that. How have you been babe?"she asked and I chuckled. I'm not fine at all.

"I'm great, like really great."I continued to chuckle. I can't really tell her about Alex and I. That's a dumb idea I guess.

"Kim....."she called stretching my name." What is wrong. You are obviously lying."she said and I stopped chuckling.

"No I'm not. I just miss you so much. By the way, my grandma sent her regards. She misses you so much."I changed the subject so fast so that Andy would stop nagging me.

"Really? I bet you sure do have a lot of stories to share. Heey, why don't we meet at lunch and talk about your weekend."she said.

"What, I'm busy at lunch... I.. Ca.."

I'll pin you the location and we'll meet there. End of discussion."she said firmly and I sighed.

"Fine, why did you call anyway?"I  asked.

"Duh, to ask you out for lunch. Today I got some time on my hands so what's better to use the time other than use it to have lunch with my girl. I miss you so much though."she said and my heart was filled with warmth. That's the nicest thing someone has told me today. It's kinda of funny that my best friend is asking me out when my boyfriend has never ever taken me out for anything. No more thoughts of Alex. I told myself.

"It feels so good that you are thinking of me babe. I'll be there for sure and I miss you too."I said smiling.

"I know you will be there. Continue with your work and see you at lunch."she said and then she hung up.

"Madam.."I heard Angela's voice and I almost dropped my phone. My chest went up and down and I bet my heart stopped for a second.

"You don't sneak on people like that Angie."I said glaring at her. 

"Sorry madam, but you have a session in ten minutes."she said and I nodded in a way of dismissing her. I looked up and I saw her looking at me with no intention of leaving." What is it Angie?"I asked her.

"It's just that I feel like you are not okay. Your eyes don't look like they have dark circles, they look swollen. Were you perhaps crying?"she said and I cursed inwardly for forgetting my sunglasses. Wait, did Sheebalie see me like that? She of course knew something was wrong. I sighed and I looked at Angela again.

"Angela, just do your job. Don't worry about me. I'm fine.", I told her and I gave her the best reassuring smile I've ever had.

"Okay madam. If you say so."she said and I nodded then she left.

*******************Alex's office********************

Alex was in the meeting but his head was somewhere else. He can't believe everything that changed in his relationship. He knows he overreacted but he himself doesn't know why he overreacted.

"Boss, I'm done with the presentation."the guy presenting said and his voice broke him in his thoughts. He looked at him and then at the projector that he was using to present. He didn't get a thing he said and he didn't want to continue with this meeting anymore no matter how important it is.

"Meeting adjourned." Alex said and then stood up and left. The employees present at the meeting looked at each other shocked. They all knew and understood the importance of the meeting.

Alex went to his office and took his phone out. He started going through his contact and he came across Kimberly's number. He really wanted to talk to her and hear her voice. He's been all over the place and only Kimberly can calm him. He didn't know what to say to her. She's probably mad at him and he don't know what to say to her. He hurt her, hell he knows that.

"Alex... What the hell?"Felix got in Alex's office shouting.

"I need some quiet environment assholes."Alex told his friends and he put his phone back.