
Chapter72: late

I looked at Alex waiting for him to say something. I'm really nervous and my heart is beating really fast right now. He looked at me then at his friends.

"So, y'all think the same as my sweetheart here?"he finally talked but he asked a question instead. Andrew and Felix said yes in union and Alex nodded."okay then. What I think is, I'm not using any money from the Lexi Cop to start my business. I will still manage it and use the money too but not to start my business with it. I want my business to start from the scratch. No discussion about that. I have agreed to use Lexi Cop to my advantage since I build it but any other decision is not up to discussion."Alex said and he rested his face on my shoulder.

I think that's better. I don't know about his friends. What do they think.

"Okay, Alex. I won't say anything. I think that's better, what do you think Andrew?"Felix asked Andrew who didn't say anything. He stayed silent for a while but he finally said something.

"It's okay. It's not that anything I say can change his decision anyway."Andrew said and I chuckled. He right though. Nothing he can say can change anything. Alex's friends stayed for a while and Alex told them about Val. You know the weekend story at my grandma's place but it was centred fully on Val. Alex refused to tell them about the weekend saying he's waisting his energy telling them. He said that it's just that Val's weird behaviour is alarming otherwise he would not have said anything at all. I laughed at how his friends cursed at Alex who acted as if he's not the guy being cursed at. This guy is so arrogant.

His friends left and we left to the bedroom. I went immideately to the bathroom. I needed a shower before I sleep. After I was done I went to the bedroom to sleep and I found Alex sitted on the couch his elbows on his knees while his hands supported his face.

"What are you thinking honey?"I asked him walking to him. I sat next to him and I leaned on his shoulder. He smell nice. He looked at me with those warm eyes of his full of love.

"I think that if Lexi was here, she would love you so much."he said smiling lovingly. I can also feel that he's missing her right now. Oh Alex.

"Really?"I asked him standing and took his hands from his his face and knees and sat on his laps.

"Yeah baby, she would love you so much."he said holding me in his arms. 

"I would love her too."I told him and I lifted my head to look at him." You are so handsome right now."I said looking at his face. He looked really handsome and those cute dark eyes were so distracting.

"Don't I look handsome every day baby?"he asked smirking and I looked at him bewitched. That smirk always drive me nuts."heey, baby, are you still here?"he asked waving his hands in front of me. I just zoned out for a second. Blame the smirk.

"Yeah,, I'm still here. It's just that thatsmirk of yours drives me nuts."I said and I covered my mouth when I realized I said that loud."I didn't say that loud, didn't I?"I asked looking at him.

"Yes you did baby, and I'm so happy. Why didn't you tell me. I would smirk more for you."he said wiggling his brows and I regretted saying I like his smirk." Now, tell me about what my smirk do to you."he said tapping my nose.

"I'm not doing that. What I'm gonna do is sleep so let go of me.", I told him struggling to get out of his hug.

"I didn't invite you in my arms, the sheep brought itself to the wolf. Now I want that sweet kiss."he said and before I could say anything his lips were on mine kissing the life out of me. We panted for air as soon as he broke the kiss and before I could catch enough air he had started kissing me again. The kiss became intense and he pulled away before I had had my fill.

"What is wrong?"I asked looking like I have been wronged. I was really wronged by him for starting a kiss and then pulling away before I could be satisfied.

" We need to stop else I won't be able to sleep for a while. Come on let's sleep."he said picking me up and laid me on the bed. He then got to his side to sleep too.

"That's not fair you know."I mumbled my complaint.

"What's not fair?"he asked.

"You leaving me hanging in the middle of a kiss. Do you think that's fair?"I asked him sulking.

"No it's not. I am frustrated too because those lips are the sweetest thing I have tasted and I want to have them more but heey, I don't want my little brother waking up right now. I would be more frustrated than I am right now. Would you let me off the hook for now please, baby."he said pouting and I laughed. He looks so cute right now that I can't help it but laugh.

"Okay, you are so cute I can't help it. Buuuuttt... I'm gonna let you off the hook if you bribe me nicely."I told him wiggling my brows.

"Fine, what is it that you want?"he asked smirking. Is he doing it on purpose? Maybe, I shouldn't have told him about the smirking effect on me because he will be doing this all the time.

"I want you to do something that you have never done. Something that always get spoilt every time we set to do it."I told him and he smiled.

"Where do you want to go on a date then?"he asked and I smiled. At least this time his head is working fast but the statement was so direct. This guy is smart, so smart in other things but when it comes to his EQ, damn, it's pretty low. His IQ is so high that I think sometimes he is a genius or maybe he is a genius like for real.

"Just think of a place I would like to go."I told him smiling and I snuggled closer to him and I laid my head on his chest. I now want to sleep. I yawned and I snuggled even closer.

"You look like a cat right now baby."Alex said laughing.

"No I don't, now let's sleep honey. Goodnight."I said my eyes shut.

"Yes you are but since you look so sleepy, I won't talk about it." I heard Alex say then he kissed my forehead."I love you baby. Sweet dreams of me."he said and I smiled.

"I love you too honey. Now let's sleep because tomorrow I don't want to be late for work by waking up late."I said and I felt him bring his hands on my waist and he hugged me tighter.

The following morning I woke up late. I got up waking Alex who was also sleeping. How come we overslept like this.

"Alex, how come we overslept?"I asked Alex who was still yet to open his eyes" Alex...."I shouted his name when he didn't say anything. I can't believe he is not panicking right now.

"Why are you screaming in the morning?"he asked his voice so horse from the sleep.

"We are late for work. Now get up and freshen up. Today I can't make breakfast because we are gonna be late."I said and went to the closet. I have to choose Alex's outfit for today and mine too.

"Baby, you are panicking too much. No one will question you, you are the boss for heaven's sake. Furthermore, it's not the first time you are late."Alex said following me to the closet.

"I'm not really worried about me, You are gonna be late for your morning meeting."I said looking for a shirt he's gonna wear.

"Oh shit. I forgot about that. Wait...how do you know I have a morning meeting?" He asked me and I turned to look at him.

"You and your friends talked about it yesterday. Not get in the shower. And I'm not the boss, Sheebalie is and she can decide to fire me any time. I wonder why she hasn't because I have mostly been late. There's no such thing as being a boss means you can be late. That's being unfair to other people like I'm always unfair to my secretary Angela when I'm late like today. She's gonna be so mad."I told him then I continued what I was doing." Get in the bathroom right now."I added but instead of him going he came to hug me from behind.

"I should probably marry you soon. What do I need to do for you to marry me tomorrow." Alex said and I turned around to look at him. I really thought he was joking but he wasn't, his face was dead serious.