
Chapter70: untitled.

The day ended so great. Alex was right. Ignoring Val was really helpful. The moment I treated her like she didn't exist the whole day my day was so great. I still have to figure out what she's doing here but it's kinda hard to find out anything when Henry is back to his usual self today. So I decided to put Val shit aside. Since she has not attempted anything stupid then I'm not gonna be worried about her and thinking she's plotting anything. My grandma knows about her pretentious behaviour so she is obviously cautious. Life is good then.

Alex and I were to leave tomorrow because we have to leave for our work. He has his work and I have my work too. We slept early today because we were so tired. Henry and annoying Val left some time ago and we just ordered take outs, today we didn't cook. Grandma slept immideately after dinner and I was happy she got to do some exercise today. It's good for her health.

The following, day we prepared to leave for New York. I visited Max one more time before leaving and then later we set to leave. My grandma was not happy at all but we had to leave. We reached New York before dark and we went to Alex's penthouse immideately. 

We were welcomed by angry faces of Alex's friends and I wondered how they know the password to the penthouse. Did Alex tell them?

"What are you doing here guys? And how did you get in? "Alex coldly asked. I looked at him at the change of his voice. Is he this cold to his friends?

"Melissa gave us passcode. But we are so angry at you Alex. We need to talk."Felix said and I remembered what Felix said when he called Alex at my grandma's house. About Alex giving up everything because of his sister's words. Now that I remembered, I want to hear it from Alex since he also promised to tell me when we come home and now we are home, he might as well tell me.

"There's nothing to talk about."Alex coldly said and he took the suitcase upstairs to our bedroom. I looked at his friends who had their mouths hanged open. They should be used to Alex by now.

"Kimberly, you have to convince him to talk to us. He listens to you."Andrew said and I nodded.

"I'm not sure about that because if he doesn't want to talk he won't talk but I'll try."I told them and they replied thank you in harmony. I went upstairs and found Alex removing his clothes ready to get in the shower.

"Whatever you are about to say, it's a no."he said removing his pants throwing them on the floor. His shirt was on the floor too and I wonder why he always do that. Throw his clothes on the floor after removing them. He's a clean man but this is one of his few flaws in cleanliness. I bent down and picked up the jeans and the shirt and I put them in the laundry basket.

"I haven't said anything and you already think I was gonna say something. I'm not going to say anything, take a shower or whatever I'll go prepare dinner I just have to change."I told him. I wanted to act like I'm not here to tell him to go and talk to his friends. Maybe this approach will work. I went in the closet and I changed my clothes and wore something more comfortable. I wore his clothes, his t-shirt and a sweat pant. They're baggy but comfortable.

"Baby..."I heard him call me and I smiled to myself. I knew I didn't need much effort to get him to come to his senses.

"What is it honey? Aren't you going to take a shower?"I asked him from the closet then I tied my hair into a bun and got out. He was still standing at the same place I left him wearing only a boxer. I looked at him waiting for him to say something but he didn't."well, what is it?" I asked him.

"Will you still love me if I'm dead broke?"he asked and I chuckled then I looked at him. He was dead serious right now. I stopped laughing and I walked closer to him. I remember he once asked that when he was drunk. I thought it's because he was drunk that he was spouting nonsense but hearing it again from him and him looking this serious, I really think it's not a laughing matter.

"Why would you ask that baby?"I asked back but he didn't reply. I lifted my hand to hold his chest and I looked up at him." I didn't love you for your money Alex so yes, I would still love you if you are dead broke. Besides, I have a job that is enough for the two of us."I told him and he chuckled." I'm serious."

"I know you are serious but seriously I'm about to go broke."he said after he stopped laughing. This came to me as a shock. I don't know how to take this news because it's really shocking and I don't know how to react or to feel. I mean, this is big news.

"Is that why your friends are here?"I asked him.

"Yes and no. I don't know what to do. It's really a big story and I'm really confused on what to do. My sister is saying something else, I think something else too, my friends think something else, the people who I don't know what they think it's you and my parents because obviously you don't know what it is."he said running his fingers in his hair.

"Okay, I would like to hear this story but first take a shower and I prepare dinner first. Do you want to talk to your friends?"I asked him.

"What do you think? Should I?"he asked back and I smiled. It is good to know he trusts me with making his decisions. It feels so good and trusted.

"I think you should talk to them."I said to him and he nodded.

"Promise me you will be there. I trust myself more when you are with me. This is such a big issue and you can help us solve it."he said and now I was starting to get nervous. What's so big that they have to include me in it. I don't know anything about business at all and I don't trust myself sometimes and now they are trusting me? I just hope I won't mess up.

"I promise."I said anyway because I have to be supportive. Alex went to the shower and I went downstairs to cook dinner. I found his friends at the base of the stairs looking impatient. They saw me and they looked at me curiously.

"He'll talk to you guys just relax. He'll be downstairs in a bit. Why don't you sit while I cook dinner. We can all have dinner then you talk to Alex. And one more thing, don't pressure him please, he looks stressed enough don't add up to his stress."I told them and Felix chuckled.

"Don't get too worried about Alex, he can handle anything. He's well....he can...."

Andrew interrupted Felix," Felix is just blubbering some foolishness. Just prepare dinner we would be happy to eat something you cooked Kimberly."

Andrew glared at Felix but the latter just smiled at him. I looked at them weirdly then I left but I could hear Andrew talking to Felix in a hushed tone," what the hell were you going to say fool. She can't know about that."Andrew said and I frowned. What I'm I not supposed to know about. I looked back at them only to see them smiling at me. This is really weird, I'm I hearing my things.