
Chapter59: will you still love me if I'm dead broke?

I finished eating with Shawn. I think he had cooked dinner before hand. Later, I told Shawn about my plan on how I'm gonna confess to Alex. I wanted to make a special setting to confess in. Shawn helped me arrange everything but I was still checking my phone to see if Alex had texted maybe to say where he was. Where the hell is he?

I waited for him for hours and still he didn't show up. Shawn had long gone to bed and now I was in my room pacing to and from across the room worried sick of where Alex could be. He still doesn't pick my calls and I feel like I can't do this anymore. I looked at the wall clock and the time was so gone. It was a quarter past midnight.

I sighed and I tapped my phone to wake the screen and I looked at Melissa's contact on my phone and fuck I don't have it. Why the hell don't I have her number on my phone? We've been living together for the past month and I don't have her contact? I sighed for the millionth time then I closed my eyes wondering what the hell I was supposed to do.

After racking my head for a while, I decided to go and knock on Melissa's door maybe she can help me. 

Knock!! knock!!

Few minutes passed and I thought maybe she was not in the room when she didn't open the door. I was about to turn around when she opened the door and we made eye contact. Damn her eyes look so red. Was she crying or something.

"Heey."I greeted first when she didn't speak.

"What's up?"she asked. I looked at her face clearer and her eyes looked puffed so was her cheeks. She was definitely crying.

"Umm. Are you okay?"I asked out of concern. It's out of instinct that I ask her that because she doesn't seem okay.

"I'm sure you came to ask more important things than this."she said smiling but the smile didn't reach her eyes.

"You not being okay is important. I'm just concerned."I told her.

"Yeah I know. I'm so grateful for your concern but there is no need really. If you are looking for Alex then you can find him in the study."she said and she read my mind or maybe there is nothing that we talk about other than Alex related matters most of the time.

"He's been there all this time and he didn't even think about picking my calls?"I asked her when the thought came in my mind. I couldn't even believe this. Can you imagine he's been in the study which apparently is within the house and I have been going crazy worrying about what fucking happened to him.

", You might want to check on him."she told me and I wondered what the hell is happening. Melissa knew he was there all this time and she can't really check on him. She's his sister, then I remembered they are beefing. Damn siblings fights.

"Did you ummm...talk. like about your argument. Are you two good now?" I asked her.

"I think you should go and check on your man. If there is nothing else have a good night Kimberly."she said and closed the door right on my face. Okay, something is wrong here.

Nevertheless, I went to the study to look for the man who apparently had decided to ignore me for a whole night. Is he like working the whole night or something. I knocked at the door but there was no answer so I decided to invite myself in and I found the shock of my life. The scene was not new one but damn, I was still shocked. Now I'm starting to doubt myself on how I hurt this guy. Did not telling him I love him back make him this angry?

I looked around for him and I couldn't find him. I walked slowly on the broken furniture and glass that was scattered all over the floor.

"Honey... Alex baby. Where are you?"I called him but there was no answer. Where can he be now. I stopped and I looked around looking for any room that maybe he can be. Then I remembered the place he keeps his whiskey bottles. I have seen that room once. I walked up there and I couldn't get the image I saw out of my head.

My man was drunk and he looked a mess. I quickly ran and knelt down beside him and took the bottle out of his hand. I looked around and saw there were a few empty bottles lying on the floor. I then looked at him and my heart really ached seeing him like this.

"Heey honey, let's go to our bedroom."I told him because I didn't know where to start. He started fighting but I didn't give up on him. I had to get him out of this place. I can't let him drink anymore do I tried to lift him up. He was really heavy and I wondered what makes him so heavy. He doesn't eat much, he doesn't sleep much, then what makes him so heavy? He managed to stand on his two feet but he leaned on me. 

I led him out of the study and we walked down the hall and we entered any nearby bedroom. We couldn't make to our bedroom which was on the last floor that is the second floor of the penthouse. I sat him on the bed and started removing his shirt and socks. He ricked of alcohol but the smell is not of my concern right now.

"Baby..."he finally said something. I looked up at him because I had knelt on the floor removing his pants. He needed a serious bath.

"Yes, honey, what is it?"I said paying my attention to him.

"Will you still love me if I'm dead broke?"he asked and I was shocked by his question. Of course I would still love him. First of all, I didn't love him because of his money, so him being broke doesn't matter.

"Yes Alex I would."I told him as I held his hand so he can stand up and go to the bathroom. I supported him because he couldn't even make a step without support. He drunk a lot and I can totally understand." Now be good and let's get you cleaned up okay."I told him and he didn't even reply. I really want to tell him I love him back right now maybe he can feel better. I probably put him in this situation and I want to do anything to get him out of it but right now he's not in his normal sense. He's talking about being broke and I wonder where the hell he got the idea that he's broke. He's a billionaire for fucks sake.

I put him on the edge of the bathtub and I I turned the tap on and the water  flowed. I told him to step in the tub and he did so. I bathed him then oh shit, he didn't have any clothes here. I gave him a towel to wrap himself around his waist then I stormed out of the room to our bedroom. I picked his night wears and ran back and I found him still sitting on the bed at the same posture I left him.

Now I'm getting worried. Alex had never been this quiet. He doesn't talk much but with me he always talk. He looks so vulnerable and I don't even know what to do. I helped him dress up then I sat beside him on the bed. I didn't know what to ask him or tell him so I decided to start with an apology.

"I'm really sorry Alex. I really didn't..."

He cut me off,"no you are not supposed to apologize for anything. I'm really sorry. I know what I did was really immature but I just wanted you to realise your feelings for me."he said and I was really shocked. But all in all I am happy at least he's a bit sobber."I was....."he didn't even reach half the sentence and he ran to the bathroom covering his mouth.