
Chapter48: keep away from her.

I was busy packing Alex's stuff that he would go with tomorrow morning with when he came out of the bathroom with only a towel on his waist. He walked in the closet and wore his pajamas. Today he came home so tired I think he had a lot of office work.

"Baby, what are you doing?"he asked when I packed his pants in the suitcase.

"Packing, what else do you see me doing?" I asked him rolling my eyes at him.

"Please stop with the eye rolling. And no, you should not pack my clothes."he said and I stopped what I was doing and I looked at him.

"What? I mean why? Do you think I'm a shitty fashionista? I have been choosing your clothes. Do you remember when you said I will be picking your clothes? What the hell happened now? I'm pac......."

"Baby, would you stop? Your imagination is running wild wild and I don't like it when it does."he told me softly and I frowned.

"Why then don't you want me to worry?"I asked him pouting.

"Who do you think your husband is huuhh?"he said raising his eyebrows up in a egomaniacal manner. Shit, wait did he just say husband?

"Did you just say you're my husband?"I asked him my mouth wide open.

"Yeah, is there a problem?"he asked back and I groan in frustration.

"You're my boyfriend dummy."I told him hitting his chest gently and he laughed.

"You will be my wife anyways. So why not start practicing early, what do you think?"he asked wiggling his brows.

"You are annoying. Now that you don't want me packing your stuff, what will you be wearing?"I asked him folding my hands below my breast and looked at him.

"What do you think?"he asked and I frowned. What's up with him and not answering my questions. I didn't say anything so he continued,"I'm stinking rich, why would I be needing travel bags and suitcases? I'll buy what I need there. Or just hire a designer but I prefer my baby girl designing me."he said poking my cheeks. I know he wants me to laugh and I can't help it but smile.

"You know that is so much wastage of money. But whatever, it's yours anyways."I  told him leaning my cheeks on his hands.

"Yeah. It's our money. I'm working hard to gain money for us." He said then he lifted me up and carried me to the bedroom and He laid me on the bed." Are you going to be fine when I'm gone?"he asked as he got in the covers with me then he I laid my head on his chest.

"Yeah. I guess. If I get too bored I'll just call my friends to accompany me."I whispered in his arms. He didn't say anything he just kept his head on the crook of my neck."wake me up tomorrow before you leave okay?"I told him as I drifted off to my sleep. I didn't know whether he replied or not because I slept immediately.


Alex looked at the girl in his arms who was fast asleep and smiled. He has been smiling so much lately and it's because of this beautiful woman in his arms. He knew he's gonna miss her so much but he have to go to China for the business he have there. He smelled in her sweet scent and then sighed. He thought of staying the whole night looking at her maybe that way he won't miss her so much. He couldn't believe he confessed to her about how he felt about her. It was early and fast to confess but what to do? He sure did love her, at first he didn't know what it was but now he knew. He couldn't understand why he got attracted to her at first sight but it's because she was made for him, only him. This woman was his everything. He couldn't afford loosing her and that's why he decided to confess. So that for the two months he will be gone she can remember that he loves her and hold on to him and don't leave or forget about him when he's gone. Kimberly is a beautiful, smart, kind and a lot of things. Who wouldn't want a woman like her. Even himself who never thought of having a woman in his life fell for her at first sight. How many other men out there are gonna do the same and since he's not here with her, who knows what she might do. She might fall for them maybe because they are better than him.

He's not the best choice for her, hell he knew that but he's gonna make himself the best choice. He overheard her conversation with her grandmother the other day he went to the bathroom and with what her grandmother told her, he knew he had to treat this woman right. He wants to give her the life of her dreams. Her grandmother told her something about having sex after marriage, he sure will try his best to manage that and give her the wedding of her dreams. He wants her heart first then marry her.

He looked at her again and he smiled. She looked so cute and beautiful when she's asleep. How can someone be this beautiful and cute at the same time? He couldn't help but wonder. His woman is just extraordinary, with extra super abilities. He can't help but wonder about what Sheebalie told him about her dad. He can't let him be in contact with her, he's done a lot of psychology damage to his baby girl he can't let him damage her more when she's trying to heal herself.

He understands what Sheebalie said about her father wanting to see Kimberly but that won't be happening. His father did a lot of mistakes according to what Sheebalie told him he can't afford him coming to her life to mess it up again because he's dead sure his father will not bring good news to her. He wants Kimberly to live a peaceful life and happy one without the dramas she's had in her whole life. 

The phone ringing broke him in his thoughts. He got out of the bed gently lying Kimberly on the bed away from his chest and he heard her mumble something like a complain. He smiled and then took his phone from the bedside table where it was charging. He cursed when he saw who was calling.

"What do you want woman?"he whispered as he got out the room so as not to wake his sleeping girl. Her sister is blowing his phone late at night and he wonders what Sheebalie want.

"Why are you whispering? And what's with the greetings. Aren't you supposed to greet me first?"Sheebalie asked.

"I don't have time for this you crazy. Last time I said this can't be a habit but you just don't listen do you? I don't want me or my wife getting involved in that shitty bullshit of yours."Alex said annoyed.

"Damn, you fucking married my sister? Without informing me?"Sheebalie asked shocked.

"Do I have to tell you? This is the last time I'm saying this, keep away from her. She's been through enough for fucks sake and right now she's healing. Whatever bullshit your dad has got going inform him to not bother her. He decided to leave her, now is not the time to amend for his stupid mistakes."Alex said.

"You know he didn't mean to. He wants to explain."Sheebalie defended.

"Explain, are you fucking nuts? He had all the years when she was broken, and now she's smiling and healing he wants to bring her into the dark place again. It's better the way it is now."he said.

"I thought we were on the same page? What happened?"Sheebalie asked in a disbelief tone.

"What happened is that, I have had a chance to meet the small family she's had in years and you don't know how peaceful she's been. The two most important women in her life were her greatest supporter in life and they have gone through hell to give her a better life. Do you know how much she must have suffered living with her grandmother at a young age and she had two parents alive while you and your brother lived like prince and princess with your father and his wife? Do you think she will be happy to hear that? Tell me now. You know what, I'll probably hung up because you wouldn't understand anything."Alex said moving his phone away from his ear to hung up.

"Wait Alex, please. I need to talk to you about something."Sheebalie begged before he could hung up. He just sighed and peeped in the bedroom to see his girl fast asleep. His eyes softened a little. He moved away from the door and asked,

"What is it?"