
Chapter46: untitled chapter

Alex and I went home and he made dinner. Later he went to the study to do some work. I went to the kitchen to clean the dirty dishes. My wound was almost done healing and at this stage water can not affect it. After I was done I went to the bedroom to freshen up. Melissa left yesterday so I had no movie buddy today and Alex is busy with his work. After I was done I went to the bed and took my phone and I started a chart with my friends in the group chat that Shawn had created. We were just the three of us.

(Heey miss Alex Scott?) Shawn. At least he's cooled down and he's even teasing me about it.

(Stop teasing me Shawn.) Kim.

(But it's true) Andy.

We continued to chat about random shit and how they drunk themselves last Friday when we bought drinks with Alex's credit card. Then my phone rung and I looked at the name of the caller. I have a video call from my grandmother. I swiped answer and I was met with the face of my beautiful grandma.

"Hello my darling?"she greeted. I love my grandma so much because half of my childhood I used to stay with her.

"Hello grandma. I missed you so much."I said smiling.

"Not more than I did my baby girl."she said and I laughed."how are you doing?"she asked.

"I'm doing great grandma. Just working as usual. How about you?"I asked.

"I'm bored as usual."she said and I laughed some more. She always complain about being bored when she wants me to visit her. So I know what is coming next.

"How come you are bored? You have a lot to take care of over there."I said playing with her.

"Of course I have things to take care of. But taking care of them alone is boring. When are you visiting dear? You always say you will come to visit but you don't."she said pouting and I chuckled because of how childish she was acting.

"It's because I'm working grandma. I can't leave my work to come and visit you."I told her.

"You people and work. Your mother says about work all the time too. You are my eldest granddaughter and I can't even see you. I think it's time you look for a man and give me some great grandchildren. I need people to accompany me here."she complained as well as whining.

"I'll think about that but not right now." I told her and the door to the bedroom opened and Alex came in. Damnit can't he choose another time to come. Does he have to come when I'm on a video call with my grandma who is apparently nagging me about getting a man. I gestured him to shut up so that I give an excuse to my grandma and end the call.

"Why are you telling me to shut up?"he asked out loud and I inwardly cursed. I turned to look at my phone and smiled at my grandma who was looking at me with curious eyes. What the hell is wrong with Alex.

"Who is that dear?"grandma asked. Great, now what I was avoiding happened. Then Alex came from behind me and appeared on the screen too." Who is this handsome man you have there darling?"she added. I smiled some more not because I was happy but because I annoyed.

"Uuum... This is Alex grandma."I briefly said.

"This is your grandma?"Alex interrupted."why didn't you tell me. I would have come to say hi earlier."he added smiling and I glared at him. He's just come in. Was I supposed to fetch him in the study just so he can talk to my grandma?

"Heey grandma?"he greeted my grandma.

"You are so handsome young man. I'm fine." She said smiling from ear to ear and Alex smiled at her too."so are you my baby girl's husband or what?"she asked and I coughed. Then I glared at my grandma.

"Grandma can we talk some other time."I said trying to dismiss the call.

"What other time? I just saw my grandson in law for the first time and you are dismissing me already. What a rude child. I want to talk some more with Alex. It's Alex right?"she asked.

"He's not my...."

"It's Alex grandma, you got it right. And I'm not your granddaughter's husband yet but soon I will be."Alex said and I hit  him on the shoulder. He looked at me smiling and I cursed him inwardly for acting like nothing is wrong. It's wrong to tell my grandma about marriage, a topic we have not even discussed dammit.

"Ooh really. So it's alright if I call you grandson in law right?"she asked.

"Of course. It's good to practice early." Alex replied.

"Kimberly, when were you gonna tell me you have a man?"she asked angry. Well, that's a fast change of emotions over there.

"Ummm. Grandma, I .. well.."

"We had not made it official yet grandma. So you are one of the first to know."Alex replied and I smiled nodding my head.

"Really?"she asked and we nodded at the same time smiling at her. We lied and I don't think grandma will notice that." That is so nice. Alex you should get this granddaughter of mine to come visit me. I have been telling her to come visit me but she always gives excuses." She snitched on me to my boyfriend. I inwardly rolled my eyes. What does she think he's gonna do. Make me visit her. Please.

"I'll see what I can do about that grandma. She's very stubborn though."Alex said and they laughed. Now I'm their discussion topic.

"Sure she's. You too should come visit me too Alex."she told Alex who smiled. He's talking more to my grandma than she spoke to my mom and I wonder why. With my grandma he's so carefree but with my mom he's so composed and restrained.

"I will grandma, but right now I will be taking care of some business outside the country so I may not be available for some time. When I'm back I'll surely come to visit you." Alex said and grandma smiled.

"It's okay, it doesn't matter what time you take, as long as you come visit me."she said.

"Okay."Alex said smiling."grandma, I'm gonna go, we'll talk some other time. Good night.'he added.

"Goodnight too dear.'she said smiling at him and Alex left to go to the bathroom and I looked at him till he disappeared in the bathroom. I turned my attention back to the phone then I lay down on the bed.

"So grandma what else do you have to say." I asked her.

"Are you still a virgin?"she asked suddenly and I looked around afraid Alex would be here to hear my grandma's question. Not that he doesn't know, but it coming from my grandmother is embarrassing.

"What? Yes of course."I replied. I always tell my grandma everything so don't blame me. It's because she asks questions like these and I can't get away from them other than answer.

"That's great because I want you to lose your virgity to your husband. You are only allowed to have sex when you are married, always remember that."she said and I smiled. Talk about strict grandmas. Mine is so strict, like who's even a virgin at 23 nowadays.? Probably me. I am."don't get me wrong though, it's not that I don't trust him, I do, he seems like a nice guy. So nice but I really want you to have a great life with only one partner, your husband."she said and I almost rolled my eyes because her logic is so not logic." Do you love him?"she asked and I blinked. I thought she was done.

"Grandma let's talk some other time."I said.

"When did you start hiding things from me Kimberly?"she asked me annoyed.

"I'm not hiding anything from you it's just that I'm not there yet. I can't tell you I love him and I'm not there yet. He loves me though. He said it to me today."I told her.

"Yeah, I can see it in his eyes."she said and I remembered the time I saw love in his eyes but I brushed it off. So I was not wrong huuh? We talked some few more minutes then I hunged up. Damn, that was a long ass call. Then I remembered I left my friends hanging in the group chat. I texted them an apology explaining that grandma called then I wished them a good night.