
Chapter194:hear from me soon.

Alex looked at the sleeping Kimberly and he sighed then smiled. He put his hand on her belly but they he pouted when he didn't get what she was looking for. He wanted to feel whether hi little bunnies will kick but they didn't. 

"Seems they too have slept."he said sadly. He enjoys his time just talking to them even though they can't really hear him. He's never been this happy in his life. He has two kids on the way and his wife wakes up next to him every day they wake up. His New company Alekim is booming like never before and so is Lexi corp. What more can he ask for in life?

Just as he was thinking about how happy he is, his phone rung and he groaned but then he kept quiet so that he couldn't wake his wife up who apparently lately has been a very light sleeper.

He frowned when he saw the caller ID." And here I thought what more can I ask for. I have some mother fuckers to kill."he said and he let his phone ring because he had to tuck Kimberly to sleep then get out of the room.

After he was done, he took his phone and left the room as queitly as possible so as not to wake Kim. He went to his study and then called the person who had called him.

"Why aren't you picking up my phone?"Felix yelled in the phone.

"Because I have a sleeping wife on my bed who needs this sleep asshole."Alex said with gritted teeth mostly because he was annoyed that Felix just yelled at him. He breathed in to calm down and then he sighed." Anyways, why are you calling this late?"he asked a little calm this time.

"Of course it's about Andrew. He's been really depressed lately and I am worried about him. What the hell should we do to make him feel better and see it was not his fault that you almost died?"Felix said with concern in his voice.

"It was his fault I almost died, well technically. I would have recommended that he talk to my wife but if my wife finds out what he did, she's gonna murder him. Mostly right now when her emotions are a ticking time bomb."Alex said.

"What are we gonna do then? Recommend him to another psychiatrist? He said that Kimberly once helped him and he wants her to help him this time too."Felix said.

"My wife is not doing that. Not this time. This situation is really complicated and I'm ending this conversation if you won't stop saying whatever you are saying right now."Alex threatened.

"Okay fine, we'll see what we can do. So, any plans on how to take Fernando and his some down this time? You almost fucked up last time you attempted and if you would have been shot again Alex I swear I would have beaten you to pulp to compensate on the mental damage that I would suffer under your wife. Damn, she's scary when she's mad and I wouldn't want to fa e her wrath at all."Felix said and Alex chuckled.

"She just blabber, she can't really do whatever she says she will do."Alex said.

"Is that supposed to make me feel better or not be scared of your wife? Dude, you don't know how she went apeshit at the hospital when you were in a coma for being shot."he said.

"So I heard. You know everyone was telling me about that incidence and I feel like I kinda missed on something really big. I mean, everyone got to be really scared of my gentle wife and I feel like their story isn't adding up at all. She's a gentle woman Felix."Alex said with a smile planted on his face.

"Until you step on her bottom line which in this case is you. I'm done talking about this. I want to hear what the hell you are planning. I want to be in too to help."Felix da and Alex sighed.

"I'm not planning on something for now. The plan I had got fucked up and now I don't have anything in mind. Xavier, that motherfucker will hear from me soon though."Alex said.

"Soon means when exactly."

"Any time. It can be even tomorrow. I just need my wife to be safe and under twenty four seven protection. The reason why I didn't kill Fernando is because he has what I need and that's what really fucked up my plan. I didn't know he has the information that is keeping my wife the target as his key to open it and access it. All I need is to access the fucking info and then shit will go down. Both for the father and son and probably their whole generation. I don't want weeds growing to destroy my family's future."Alex said.

"Alex you crazy? You can't kill innocent people Alex. Just so what you have to do and leave those who are not involved out of it. That's not the way to go."Felix adviced.

"I'll think about it, I want to seize the whole territories of Fernando so that by the time I'm initiating my plan, I would be having full control over them."Alex said.

"Why don't you ask Anderson for help. He knows a thing or two about the information so maybe he can help. You don't have to do all this alone."

"I just don't want to involve anyone in this. This is my battle, first I want to keep my wife safe then take my fucking revenge on Xavier. He now already knows that he killed my sister. I had a confrontation with him last week and I made him know that. He didn't look remorseful just as I expected but I will make him look remorseful and beg for death which I wouldn't grant until I have had my full of seeing his tortured and haunted self. Only heaven's know what I have planned for him."Alex said.

"Damn, I now feel sorry for the guy but he deserves it though. How are you gonna get to him. He's very sly."

"Sly but stupid and stupid people always fall in their stupidity. I'm looking for an opportunity to present itself and trust me, it's gonna be soon. He'll hear from me very soon."Alex said with a smirk but an evil smirk.

"Okay, I'll see you then in the headquarters tomorrow but please just ask Anderson to help. He may be the key you have been ignoring all this while. Just try."Felix said.

"Whatever, see you at the headquarters and Felix, done birdy informed me how you fucking made my wife hold a gun last week when I was in."Alex said this time getting angry.

"Tell Samuel to shut his mouth. Snitches get stitches."Felix said.

"You can't fucking do that motherfucker. She's my wife who is pregnant and not supposed to be holding a gun at all."

"She wanted to hold it and so I showed her how to hold one. Don't you think she needs to learn to shoot a gun? I mean considering how your life is, you really need to think about teaching her to shoot one. I have been teaching Shawn."Felix said excitedly.

"No... Kimberly can't learn that. It's my job to keep her safe and make sure she never holds a gun at all. How even in the world did you get to make her hold one?"Alex asked.