
Chapter166: cocaine

" damn, where the hell did you get this... I don't know.. considerate?"Stefan asked and Alex looked at him really serious.

"It's when your wife is really considerate of others and you realise that all your life you have been an asshole so you decide to change your ways."Alex replied. Stefan smiled at his response nodding his head.

"Woow... getting yourself a wife was really a great idea. But anyways, some habits never change though, like you being cold to everybody else except your wife and her mom."Stefan said but Alex didn't feel offended. What people view him is none of his concern but what his wife thinks of him really matters.

"I don't give a shit what you and everyone else thinks. So long as you are not Kimberly, you can all fuck off."

"See... that's what I was fucking talking about."Stefan said and when he saw Alex really didn't give a shit about what he's saying, he sighed." What are you gonna fucking do when your thinking is right and that Anderson has really been kidnapped?"he asked Alex because it seems that's what he gives a shit about right now.

"I don't know man. I need to think about it. My wife's sister is looking into the matter to track his phone maybe we'll start there."Alex said.

"Why are you hellbent on helping this guy anyway? It's not like he deserves it and you know it."Stefan asked. 

"I'm not doing it just out of goodwill. Hell, I'm not a charity case. I'm doing it for my wife. I know she hates him right now or maybe she thinks she hates him but it's will be another case when he dies and she won't have had a chance to even get to know him. I need to make sure he's alright so that I give my wife the chance she's always wanted, a feeling of having a fatherly love. Anderson is not a bad guy, he did what he had to keep his family safe it's just that the method he used was stupid but who would blame him. If I were in his shoes, I don't think I would have done anything different from what he did."Alex said.

"And that would be the stupidest thing you have ever said Alex. You would leave your wife and a new born kid taking the other two kids your wife gave birth to and disappearing from them? Don't you maybe think your wife would deserve an explanation of why you are leaving, maybe tell her of what is going on?"Stefan asked glaring at Alex.

"Explanations will ruin everything. She needs to be safe and so is my three kids, do you perhaps I tell her that I'm in danger and then jeopardize everything and in the process we all get killed?"Alex asked.

"I get it now but still, that doesn't mean it isn't a stupid idea."Stefan said." Just imagine what would happen when your wife comes to know you took her other two kids that she didn't know she even gave birth to. After staying for twenty four years, she finds out she missed out on their parenting. What about that?"Stefan again said.

"At least they would be alive. She can hate me but I kept every one alive."Alex said and Stefan sighed.

"Whatever man, Anderson didn't really do the best thing but it's done. Isabelle really deserved an explanation. She has maybe been hating him and trying to heal all her life because Anderson of course broke her and that too his daughter. He broke Kimberly too in the process in the name of keeping them alive. How's that different from being dead?"Stefan asked Alex who kept quiet because Stefan was kind of right in a way.

"I need to go."Alex said standing up right.

"Sure. I'm gonna go and find a place I can smoke. I really need it and since you quit smoking, I don't think you should be with me."Stefan said and Alex looked at him for a while.

"You know what, I'mma take that shit. I need some kind of a release right now and with my tensed nerves, I can't take it."Alex said and Stefan smiled.

"You ain't afraid of sleeping outside because your wife would have kicked you out?"

"Stop being a pain in the ass."Alex said and they walked to the study together.

What they didn't know was that, all that they said was heard by Isabelle, Kim's mom. Right now she sat on the cold floor tears rolling down her eyes. Her body was shaking like a twig during a windy day. She just couldn't believe what she heard. She feels betrayed, denied her rights. She feels so many things right now and she didn't know how to take them out. She wanted to scream but nothing came out of her mouth. All she could do was shake her eyes fixed on the floor, tears flowing down non stop.

Anderson took his other kids? But she didn't have any other kid except Kimberly. What was Alex and his friend really talking about? Whatever they were talking about may be not true. She didn't have other kids except Kim. 

Isabelle sat there negotiating with herself until she couldn't anymore. She stood up and she reached for her bag and fished out a white powder neatly sealed in a small polythene paper. She's not done this for a long time but right now she needs it.

When she left earlier in the day, she forgot her purse and when she realised it, she immideately turned her car around and drove back to Alex's mansion as fast as she could. She couldn't imagine what would happen if accidentally, anyone took her purse and opened it to find cocaine in it. 

She entered the door of the mansion to be welcomed by the shock of his life. Anderson. Anderson was just in front of her arguing with her daughter. The first thought that came to her mind was, " ohh, he finally came." But that was soon replaced by the hatred from two decades ago. She has tried everything to be okay after the broken heart that Anderson left her with. She's tried her best to occupy herself with so many things so that she can be normal and be there for her daughter, for her mom and brothers and all in all try to heal but she managed to do all that with the help of the white powder she was holding.

She's been doing cocaine for years because it was the only thing that made things right in her life. At least with it she got to see her daughter grow up to become a very beautiful woman, she got to see her mom be proud of her and she's had been there for her brothers. She got to be a good friend to her daughter, attend her school occasions and support her throughout her every way. She got to do a job and give her daughter what she importantly needed because her meager salary wouldn't provide for everything she wanted. Her mom depended on her damnit, she needed money for drugs too.

Isabelle went to the bathroom with the powder and she put a pinch on the area just next to the sink that was smooth and she bent to inhale the powder. She moaned when she felt it in her nose.

"Ooh...how I have missed this."she said to herself. She hadn't used cocaine for months now. If she remembered correctly, it's since Kimberly got married. She felt at peace that her daughter is doing just fine but she keeps at least a small amount in her bag for emergencies. She had been an addict for years and since Kim got married she tried withdrawal herself and had managed to stop but now remembering how great it made her feel, she couldn't help herself right now. She can't take anything she heard just now and this friend of hers is her best shot for going through this.