
Chapter150: quit

"Really?"Stefan asked and I nodded. He then looked at Alex and he smiled at him.

"Congratulations man."he told Alex who just nodded but didn't say anything." Are you fucking kidding me? You are going to be a father yet you are still brooding? Tch... you are no fun man."Stefan said and I smiled.

"You are here to check on her not anything else and don't go spreading the news because Kimberly want the pregnancy news a secret for now. She umm... what are the effects of pregnancy?"Alex asked.

"I fucking knew it. You fucking made me come here just for a minor issue like that. What the fuck is always wrong with you man?"Stefan complained.

"Are you gonna answer my question or not?"Alex asked glaring at Stefan and Stefan looked at him defiantly. I sighed because of how childish they were behaving right now.

"Okay...guys let's calm down please."I said and Alex was the first to avert his gaze from Stefan and he looked at me. I smiled at him then I looked at Stefan." I have a question."I addressed Stefan.

"Go on.. shoot."he said and I took a deep breath.

"I think I'm addicted to sex and I want you to tell me something I can do about it. I don't know......."I didn't finish my question because Stefan burst out laughing and I frowned. What is so funny with what I just said? I'm mad serious right now." What's so funny?"I asked when he didn't stop laughing.

"Are you sure you are a doctor?"he asked and I creased my brows in confusion. 

"I'm not a doctor, I'm a psychiatrist."I answered and he chuckled.

"What the hell is the difference? You are a doctor still."he said and I frowned.

"No it's not the same. I deal with mental health and psychological conditions. How is that related to being a doctor?"I asked him.

"Because you treat those conditions. So tell me Kimberly, ain't you a doctor now? Furthermore, don't your patients call you doctor? I don't know why pregnant women always have lower IQ and EQ sometimes."he said clicking his tongue.

"What's that supposed to mean?"Alex asked angrily and Stefan looked at him smirking. Why the hell is this guy hellbent on provoking Alex? 

"She did learn the effects a pregnant woman can have otherwise how the hell would she be a doctor right now. Didn't you Kimberly?"he asked raising a brow at me.

"I learnt something like that but what does my addiction to sex related to that?"I asked him and he chuckled.

"It has to do with that because it is one of the effect of being pregnant. Hormones changes and that's the result of that. Go research about that, I'm not gonna tell you the rest. So in conclusion, you are not addicted to sex my dear."he said and I sighed a relief.

"Okay. That's great."I said out loud.

"For you yeah... but for your man here, he would need to reserve some extra energy for having sex."he said laughing and I blushed looking down away." Is there anything else?"Stefan asked and I looked at him though my face is red right now, it's just that there is nothing I can do about it.

I looked at Alex who had his eyes on me all this time and when he didn't say anything I looked back at Stefan." There's nothing else Stefan."I told him and he nodded.

"Guess I came for nothing. But at least I get to know that you are pregnant and see you too."Stefan said and I smiled at him apologetically.

"I'm really sorry for wasting your time. I'm really sorry and thank you Stefan."I told him and he nodded then he looked at Alex.

"Are we celebrating now that I'm in town or what?"he asked wiggling his eyebrows at Alex who just looked at him and stood up from the bed and walked to my side." God Alex!! Do you know how you suck when you behave like that?"Stefan said irritated.

"I don't care, as long as my wife doesn't say I suck. You need to go, Kimberly needs her rest."Alex said and I looked at him but more like glaring at him.

"I'm not sleepy Alex. I want to meet with my friends. Where is my phone, I had planned to call them."I said attempting to get out of the bed but Alex held me down.

"No you are not doing such a thing because you are sleeping."he said and I looked at him defiantly.

"What if I refuse. I just said I'm not sleepy."I told him and he looked at me without saying anything and I searched his eyes and I looked into them.

"Why are you always so stubborn?"he asked smiling at me and I removed his hands from my shoulders.

"I don't want to sleep, I just told you that."I told him firmly.


I interrupted him from whatever he wanted to say." Don't you baby me right now. I want my phone right now so I can call Shawn and Andy."I told him.

"But they are busy at this time. It's the morning hours and it is the time work is at its peak. You can call them later, you know what, I will call them for you later so please go to sleep."he said and I pouted.

"I miss my work Alex. Who will be keeping me company here? When you go to work, I'll be left here alone and sad and bored. Is there no way I can go to work?"I asked hopefully there is a way I can still go to work instead of staying here bored all day.

"Baby, I wanted to talk to you about that. Your job. I told Sheebalie that you quit."Alex said and I looked at him not knowing what to say.

"What?"I asked him because that's the only thing I could say.

"I told Sheebalie you quit. You are now pregnant so you don't have to go to work. Furthermore, there are dangers lurking everywhere."Alex said and I glared at him. I got out of the bed so that I can look at him perfectly. I'm beyond mad right now. He can't go quiting my job without my permission." Baby, say something."he said.

"What do you want me to say? I'm really mad Alex. I feel like my blood is gonna burn me because of how mad I am right now. God!! Why would you quit my job without even asking for my opinion? Just because I am pregnant doesn't mean I am crippled Alex, I can carry out my duties just fine."I told him breathing really hard.

"Baby...calm down please."he said and I glared at him.

"Calm down? You want me to calm down? After you made me lose my job. Why the fuck do you always make me lose my job? I had a good a job at the hospital but you did whatever you had to do and I quit there and now my new job, you just had to do something to make me lose it."I told him when I remembered that he made me quit the job at the hospital which now belongs to him, with the stupid shit he pulled.


" You know what, I don't want to hear you speak. I want to be alone."I told him.

"Baby, I can't leave you alone with you being like this. You need to calm down first."Alex said.

"I'm calm, believe me you don't want to see me angry right now. I need to be left alone." I said and I got in the covers and I covered myself looking away from Alex.

Alex looked at his wife not knowing what to do. He wanted to go and uncover her but he felt a hand on his shoulder. He looked back to be met by Stefan's smirking face. He forgot Stefan was in the room. Stefan whispered something to him and Alex looked at him conflicted but he left with him but before he closed the door he looked at his wife one more time.

"I love you baby."he said in a loud voice then he closed the door.