
Chapter105: I want you

Alex reached his house and found Felix waiting for him at the sitting room."I want answers Alex, like right now."Felix said coldly looking at Alex who just looked at him with his expressionless face.

"What are the answers you want and nothing happened?"Alex asked.

"Nothing happened? You left me with a fucking gun warning me to be ready for anything. How the fuck is that not something? You can't keep shit from me Alex. I'm your friend."Felix shouted.

"Keep your voice down and I'm not saying shit because nothing concerns you about what the fuck is happening. Just relax and enjoy life because nothing is wrong."Alex said and Felix started laughing maniacally.

"You got to be kidding me Alex. You want to say that your shit doesn't concern me? People are always after you and as your friend, I get worried sick for you and have you ever asked yourself what could possibly happen to me or Andrew or many others who care about you if you got yourself killed and you didn't say shit about your problems? Think about that and say what the hell is going on."Felix angrily said.

"I'm not getting killed by anyone, that's for sure. And no, I'm not saying shit about anything. Go to sleep Felix because some things are better of unsaid."Alex said smirking then left. He heard him curse at him but he didn't look back.

He found Kimberly still fast asleep and he kept his gun queitly in the safe and then he went to the bathroom to take a shower. When he was taking a shower, he heard footsteps and he turned around to see Kimberly going to the toilet seat. She must be here to pee. He smiled at her but she didn't smile at him.

"Alex, are you coming back at this time?"she asked  sitting on the toilet seat and Alex stopped smiling.

"No.. I didn't even leave the house."Alex lied.

"I didn't ask if you left the house, I asked if you are coming back now from wherever you were."Kimberly said and she stood and went to stand next to where Alex was in the shower.

"What are you doing?"Alex asked when he saw Kimberly getting drenched.

"Is that the answer to the question I asked."Kimberly asked moving closer to Alex and she got drenched some more and since she had her clothes on, clothes stuck to her body.

Alex looked at his wife right now and his adam apple went up and down." Baby, I ... please.. I...uh..."

"What is it? Cat got your tongue?"Kimberly said looking up at Alex and water from the shower flowed down and ran down her face to her neck. Alex watched all that, he saw how her nipples stuck on the t-shirt she had worn. This was making him hard and all he wanted to do right now was just turn the cold shower and cool his body temperature that was not so good. He was feeling hot right now.

"Baby, you are looking so hot right now."Alex said and Kimberly chuckled.

"You think this trick of yours is gonna work on me right now? I want answers right now Alex. You are clearly not taking into consideration of your health lately and that is making me really mad."Kimberly said and Alex took her hand and he led it to his dick.

"You feel how you are making it be? I'm not playing tricks with you. I just can't understand anything right now when your nipples are stuck out like that. I want to do things to you but I don't want to do that. I want to prepare something special for you for your first time."Alex said and Kimberly chuckled still holding his dick.

"So you are simply saying that you want me right now?"Kimberly said and Alex looked away.

"Baby please, you need to leave. I need a cold shower."Alex said and Kimberly smirked.

"Oh yeah."she said removing her t-shirt."how about right now?"Kimberly asked.

"Baby,.."Alex warned but Kimberly didn't stop. She went for her shorts and she got out of them and now she was left with only a panty.

"Why are you calling me Alex?"Kimberly asked feigning innocence. Alex looked at her for a while and then he pulled her closer to him and he put one hand at the back of her head and the other on her waist.

Alex kissed me senseless. It was like he was possessed or something but I liked the way he was rough. He's always so gentle with me but I like it that he's a bit aggressive. I don't know why I started seducing him when all I wanted was some answers about why he's late from wherever he is from at this time. He obviously was not in the house and that got me wondering why he's lying to me but all that got lost out of the window when I felt how hard he was.

Baby, we need to stop."I heard Alex say and I felt like I can hit him. Stop? Is he fucking serious right now? 

"Why should we stop Alex? I want this and you want this, what speciality surpasses that? This is special as it is so why are you telling me we should stop?"I asked him a little angry.

"So what do you want?"he asked and I looked him in the eye.

"I want you Alex, right now."I said poking his chest with my index finger. 

"But I'm scared."Alex said and I frowned.

"What are you scared of honey?"I asked him concerned.

"I want you too. Fuck! I want you every day but I'm really scared. It's very hard to admit this to anyone but I will admit it you. I'm scared of many things. Many things are happening right now and I'm scared of the outcome of them. I can't loose you baby and please never leave me. Whatever that will happen in the future please, make sure you talk to me first before making any move. Promise me that you will always talk to me first when you find something suspicious."he said and I digested what he just said. What the fuck is going on?

"What's going on Alex?"I asked him and he smiled.

"Nothing. I just want you to promise me that you will always talk to me every time you find something that need clarification. Like I said, I'm really scared. Just promise me so I can at least be at peace."he said and I chuckled.

""Okay, I promise. Stop being scared now."

"Also, promise me that you will stick to your bodyguards. You can't hide away from them please."he said and I smiled reassuringly.

"I promise."I said and he smiled.

Alex looked at Kimberly and smiled some more. He has done what he wanted and with her promises he can relax a bit. Her talking to him about everything will be great because she won't act so rushly and mess things up. He can feel things getting worse everyday and no matter how much they try to hide everything from her, she's finally gonna find out and he's so scared of when that time will come. 

He saw the fire in her eyes and he smiled. He wants her too and he was trying to postpone this but his wife is just so alluring right now." Would you wait till we go for our honeymoon sweetheart?"Alex asked Kimberly who frowned.


"Because...it will be so special doing it on our honeymoon. Where do you want to go anyway?"he asked her.

"Okay Alex, I think I can wait a little just because you are insisting so much on this special thing. About honeymoon I don't know where I want to go and since it's not many days, we can go somewhere not far." She said and Alex smiled.

"Okay let me know when you decide so we can leave as soon as possible."Alex said. He thought this honeymoon isa good thing. It will help him start to plan on a strategy of how to attack the people after his wife and also it will keep her safe for a while and also he will be able to give her a good time. He smiled at the thought of giving his wife a good time.