
Chapter I:wakie wakie bitch!!!

Sheebalie and I were having fun on our date. We were ice skating then I fell and Sheebalie fell on me too and then she started to laugh which was contiguous because I started to laugh too then I looked at her and I got lost in those dark eyes that I love getting lost myself in them. I saw her gaze shift to my lips and I saw her move her head down and her lips were only inches from mine.

'oooh my God this is it, she's gonna kiss me...my Sheebs is gonna kiss finally. I've been waited for this kiss for ages.' I happily thanked the stars for I finally gonna have my first kiss and there is no one I wonna give to other than Sheebalie.

Our lips were finally gonna touch when I heard, 

"Wakie wakie bitch!!!what the fuck Kimberly, were you seriously gonna freaking kiss me??" My best friend Shawn hissed "Jesus fucking Christ you're such a weirdo damn"he continued.

"Ooh crap"I said.

"Yeah ooh crap!! were you dreaming about her again. What was it this time, huhh she was kissing you now?"Shawn asked as he laughed.

"Shut up Shawn and what are you doing in my bedroom this early?"I asked him just to change the topic.

"First it's not morning missy, look at your alarm watch and check the time it's almost noon you ass and second I don't need permission to be in your bedroom because you're my bestie who apparently is having a sex dream at noon with her crush. Why don't you give up on her Kim are you even sure with your feelings? I mean have you tried exploring the other gender or you'll keep pretending how an introvert your are?huhh I've never supported this Kim well not the gay shit well, you obsessing over the bitch shevalie."

"Her name is Sheebalie why do you always call her that."I asked because I know Shawn always mispronounce Sheebs name deliberately just to get a reaction from me. Well now I have to go through this conversation for the millionth time of how Sheebs ain't good for me and shit. I really don't know why Shawn hates her so much but she's my crush and I've been obsessing over her for a while now since I saw her in my office. She was the beautiful woman I've ever seen but I don't know if it's love I'm not sure and I'm too scared to know the answer because now I'm gonna fall in the lgbtq group and that's a big step in life so I'm scared. You know it's kinda of ironical that I'm scared on such a matter and I help others overcome such things. I'm a psychiatrist and it's kinda of my job but I can't help myself.

"Well I don't fucking care Kim as long I don't like her and that bitchy attitude of hers."I heard Shawn say and I chuckled. To be honest when Sheebalie came to my office for help she was sort of a bitch but a beautiful bitch though that's what attracted me to her but now she is doing better after several sessions. I really love hearing her story and I'm ready to help her always and I hate those sessions when she cries telling me of how her ex girlfriend used to mistreat her and I hate her ex so much but I have to remain professional as possible. I always feel like I could just kill her for hurting her and putting her through so much. Sheebalie is a very beautiful woman and a very successful one and owns one of the largest cosmetic company in New York but crumbling down over love and almost losing it all is so pitiful to watch. She's now trying so hard to move on and I'm doing the best I can to ensure that.

"Kim Kim stop zoning out. You've been doing that alot these days. Maybe you should seek help too you are not okay. Like seriously remember when you said you wonna get married some day and have kids with your husband. What really happened to that dream babe?"Shawn asked worried.

"You know my story Shawn I just can't. You know how men are nowadays. They are disappointing creatures well except you of course. And it's so sad when the closest person is disappointing you know my father's shit. I really hate that man."I said tears welling in my eyes.

"Oooh my God babe no you ain't gonna cry. We've talked about this for fucks sake no crying when you dad is mentioned. And that's why you need to see a psychiatrist too you need help and overcome your fear. Jeez how do you deal with male clients.. God!!. Now wipe those tears now coz you're strong." Shawn encouraged.

" I deal with male clients just fine I don't know how I do it but I always manage. Shawn...?"I called Shawn as I leaned on his shoulder.

"Yeah sweetie"he answered looking at my face and kissing my hair.

"Thanks so much for always being here. You are the brother I never had and I'm so grateful for this."I said all serious

"Naah it's no big deal but if you keep saying this nothings I'm surely gonna cry. I don't want to mess my eyeliner please."Shawn said and I chuckled. This guy always don't take things seriously." By the Kim why don't we go out today since it's weekend. Let's go and get drunk huh what do you think."Shawn suddenly said wiggling her eyebrows.

"Sure why not."I said 

"Perfect!!let me call Andrean. She would be so excited I bet she had missed party life so much."he said calling Andrean. Andrean was the other bestie but she never finds time like us for she is always busy in the hospital doing surgeries."done!!party it is."Shawn excitedly jumped up and down and I smiled. I like seeing people happy most importantly those close to me.

"Now bitch you gotta get your ass from this bed and do some cleaning while I cook us some breakfast well luch because it's almost luch. Oh and Andy said she'll be here by six so let's be ready by that time we need her ride. Her car has more space."Shawn said as he went to the hallway leading to my kitchen and I rolled my eyes."yeah yeah..... I can literally feel you rolling your eyes Kim but you know I'm right we need her ride."Shawn added and he knows me too well. I literally roll my eyes when he says how we need Andy's ride while practically he has the same car as her a maybach he's just so lazy to drive. My car is smaller though that's why I don't usually voice my opinion.

Well I get my lazy ass and go the bathroom to take a bath and brush my teeth as I remember my dream. I don't know why I am always attracted to Sheebalie but I always feel like I just wonna know her the confusing part is where I feel sexually attracted and sometimes I just wonna listen to her and know her better. Our stories are not that different though. I just don't wonna get be sexual attracted to her anymore I just wonna know her and maybe we can be friends. I dismiss the thoughts when I hear shown asking for me in the kitchen.

" Why are you screaming like a mad man dude?"I asked.

Did you know that there is no groceries in your fridge? Jesus woman what do you eat. Maybe I should snitch you on antie like how are even healthy right now."he asked and I rolled my eyes because he was obviously overreacting as always but wait did he say he's gonna tell my mom jeez...no my mom would surely come here thinking I'm dying because I'm not eating healthy. Well I usually take takeouts so technically I usually eat and when I'm in the mood I cook. I'm a good cook though but I'm lazy and now when my mom and my bestie gang up on me on not eating healthy is the worst conversation ever and I don't wonna deal with some melodrama right now.

"Ooh about that I was to go shopping yesterday but arrived late so I couldn't make it. So don't tell mom I would go shopping soon."I said pleading for Shawn not to snitch on me because I know he would and can it's not the first time though. Well he just boiled some noodles and added some aggs as I continued cleaning. Well I was a clean freak and Shawn and Andy always tease about it once in a while but I don't really care what they really think that I just like everything in order and clean.

By six we were ready to leave when Andy came. Well we call her Andy as in the short form of Andrean and she likes when we cut her name short we sort of all like it.

Guys this is actually my first book so I hope you'll support me. Thank you. Love you guys I hope you enjoy reading.❤️❤️❤️