
A day as husband and wife means a hundred days of grace.

Princess Changle's inner shame slightly subsided. After all, if one could divert their attention, no one would willingly dwell on such mortifying memories.

Her husband, a farmer?

But strangely, Princess Changle now felt much more at ease.

For a long time, no one had communicated with her like this.

Servants and court ladies, naturally, need not be mentioned. They could only dutifully serve Princess Changle, with nary an extra word. Each time she felt ashamed, it was always followed by chilling silence.

Most of the visits from her parents were filled with sighs and tears; she felt as though she was just an object to pour their emotions into.

Yet, she could clearly hear them.

How wonderful it would be if her parents could just talk to her, even if she couldn't respond.

It was so dark here; she couldn't see a thing.

She wished to hear fresh news, to bask in the sun... But she couldn't voice her desires.

And now, her husband told her to persevere, to live on.

Because... it seemed that her husband named Su Li had better days because of her.

She hadn't dragged him down?

Princess Changle knew she couldn't change her father's decisions. What her husband Su Li said was probably true. If she died, he would be buried alongside her.

What does death feel like? Is it the end of everything?

How great it would be if he could talk to her every day.

Could she... ever wake up?

What did her husband look like?

A farmer? Was he dark-skinned, old, thin, and short?

But his voice sounded so pleasant...

Lately, most of the voices Princess Changle heard were filled with grief, pain, and sorrow.

So Su Li's gentle voice was like a pleasant tune to her ears.

"Are you curious about how I look?" Su Li softly asked, scratching the princess's palm.

Princess Changle wished she could nod.

Although their wedding was abrupt and she had no say in it, which woman wouldn't wish to see the face of her future husband?

Princess Changle could faintly feel the pulsing and warmth in her palm.

Was he teasing her?

Was every farmer so crude and impolite?

Wait, he was her husband... Nevertheless, an inexplicable shyness welled up within her.

"Let me tell you a secret, I'm quite handsome," Su Li continued softly.

His voice bore no trace of sadness, only gentleness.

Many people would weep profusely beside a patient's bed. In reality, a patient shouldn't experience strong emotional upheavals.

And sometimes, excessive negative emotions can cause a patient's mentality to collapse, leading them to give up the will to live.

The best companionship is calm and gentle, not a doomsday demeanor.

So, Su Li always spoke gently, ensuring that even in her dazed state, Princess Changle would never feel panicked.

To be honest, Su Li didn't know how much Princess Changle could comprehend. It was possible she couldn't hear him at all, as it's hard to gauge the consciousness of someone in a vegetative state.

But even if she heard him once, it would be enough to soothe her fearful soul.

And indeed, it was.

At this moment, Changle's embarrassment had completely disappeared, or rather, her curiosity had been fully aroused by Su Li.

"Is he very handsome?" Princess Chang Le briefly imagined numerous handsome figures.

What does her husband look like?

She really wanted to see... Was he deceiving her? Princess Changle had met people from humble backgrounds, and they were often pale and thin, not necessarily good-looking.

Her husband is a farmer... Could he possibly look like the refugees she has seen before?

Handsome? He must be deceiving her!

"I guess you definitely don't believe it!" Su Li laughed.

"Come on, you tell the princess if I'm handsome or not?" Su Li looked at the palace maid, signaling her to reply to Princess Changle.

The palace maid hesitated for a moment, looking at Su Li with a strange expression.

She had thought that Su Li was going to complain about his own experiences, but to her surprise, Su Li was actually talking to the princess.

But... the princess can't hear!

She felt Su Li was very strange. Even though there was no answer, he could still speak confidently.

However, she had no intention of defying Su Li. She had watched Princess Changle grow up. When Su Li spoke, the palace maid oddly wished that Princess Chang Le would suddenly respond.

If only Princess Changle could hear...

"Replying to the princess, the prince consort indeed has an outstanding appearance!" The palace maid finally said.

She wasn't lying. Although Su Li was a farmer and somewhat thin from overwork, he was undeniably handsome.

"He really is handsome!" A hint of surprise flashed in Princess Changle's heart.

"The official in charge would never lie to me!"

The palace maid is an official of the Princess's mansion and has been there for a long time. She is in charge of all affairs in the mansion and had volunteered to take care of Princess Changle personally.

Compared to this, Princess Changle undoubtedly trusts the palace maid of the Princess's mansion more.

"Ah... I really want to see him!" Princess Changle felt a little happy.

She hadn't felt this way in a long time...

Su Li continued to hold Princess Changle's hand and whispered to her.

The female official watched Su Li converse by himself, with a mix of weirdness and sadness in her eyes.

She never thought that the newly arrived prince consort would care so much for the princess.

Judging people by their actions rather than their hearts, just seeing Su Li's efforts, she was willing to respect him.

Su Li spoke for a long time... Until the moon was high in the sky. Checking Princess Changle's breathing, which was deep and steady, and seeing her eyes tightly closed, he guessed she had fallen asleep and finally stopped talking.

"You should go and rest..." The palace maid spoke when Su Li stopped.

Su Li... is just a tool named 'prince consort'.

Given Princess Changle's vegetative state, how could they allow Su Li to share a bed with her?

"The saying goes, 'One day as husband and wife, means a hundred days of grace.' Regardless of everything, now that we are married, how can I ignore her?" Su Li shook his head.

Jokingly, he was still hoping to earn points from Princess Changle.

He held Princess Changle's hand and talked for about an hour.

The system's points jumped from zero to 2000, and it continued to rise. On average, it was a thousand points an hour.

In a day, that would be 24,000 points, which means in a day, he could earn enough points to buy two attribute point packages.

Five days' points would be enough to buy the salt-making technique. Ten days could buy the photographic memory ability.

In fifty days, he could buy the Power of the Overlord!

The system requires physical contact to earn points, so how could Su Li be willing to separate from Princess Changle?

Those are points after all!

"I won't go to bed, I'll stay here." Su Li pointed to himself, then pulled over a low stool.

Sitting on the stool, Su Li held Princess Changle's hand quietly.

Jokingly... Just by grabbing a stool and seeing the points stop rising was painful for Su Li...

How could he let go? He couldn't let go, even if he had to sleep sitting on a stool by the bed.

The palace maid looked at Su Li, who was quietly holding Princess Changle's hand, and then at Princess Changle, and in the end, she remained silent.

As a palace maid, she has to serve closely. Su Li already said he wouldn't sleep in the bed, so she had no reason to refuse.

And... Su Li had just said, 'One day as husband and wife, means a hundred days of grace.'

Although the palace maid didn't believe Su Li had feelings for Princess Changle just after arriving, if Su Li was willing to take care of her like this, it was still a good thing.

Judge actions, not intentions, and when it comes to intentions, no one is perfect.