
After losing my job, I inherited assets in the game

"During his time at Tang Song University, Tang Song played a single-player simulation business game. In the game, he started from scratch and founded the Tang Song Group, which eventually reached a trillion-dollar valuation. After being laid off by the company, his trillion-dollar corporation from the game suddenly manifested in the real world. 'Quick, bring my in-game female secretary over!' This is a story of a CEO's comeback and gradual inheritance of assets."

Daoist11vo4x · Urban
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28 Chs

18.Proposing a Toast.

Liu Tianhao, sensing the atmosphere was right, spoke up, "Yuyan, I heard that your recent job hasn't been going smoothly. Our company is currently expanding, would you consider trying over here?"

A hint of awkwardness flashed across Dong Yuyan's beautiful face as she whispered, "No need, I can handle it myself."

Unperturbed, Liu Tianhao smiled and kept his gaze on Dong Yuyan, saying, "Yuyan, reconsider it. The work is easy, and the salary is at least double what you're earning now."

Upon hearing this, Wang Yanyan's eyes turned jealous, "Tianhao, if there are job opportunities on your side, you should consider us old classmates too."

This remark stirred Shen Lichao, who couldn't sit still anymore, his eyes eagerly looking over. Wasn't he being so proactive today precisely for this opportunity?

Lu Zi also showed some interest but didn't speak up.

"Of course, no problem. If there are suitable positions, I will prioritize all of you," Liu Tianhao said, playing with the BMW car keys in his hand, a hint of arrogance in his expression.

"Dong Dong Dong~" The door of the private room was suddenly knocked, followed by the entrance of a tall and handsome figure.

Wearing a plain white T-shirt and black trousers, he exuded a naturally youthful aura, with thin lips, a straight nose, and handsome features. Walking into the room bathed in light, he seemed like the male protagonist from a comic book, truly stunning.

Everyone's gaze was fixed on him, and they were all momentarily stunned.

"What the heck! Tang Song, did you get plastic surgery or something?"

Lu Zi was the person who knew Tang Song the best among those present, having shared a dormitory before graduation. He couldn't believe how much Tang Song had changed in just three months.

Even though there were no major changes in his facial features, his physique, skin, and overall aura were just unbelievable.

If you didn't know, you might mistake him for some internet-famous celebrity.

Liu Tianhao snapped back to reality, and a bad premonition dawned on him. He quickly looked at Dong Yuyan, who was staring intently at Tang Song.

Tang Song's arrival was intended to showcase him as a failure, emphasizing Liu Tianhao's success. However, it unexpectedly backfired.

"Sorry, seems like I'm a bit late." Tang Song greeted everyone, then patted Lu Zi's shoulder, "How do I look? Do you think I have spare cash for plastic surgery?"

Wang Yanyan stood up with a red face, "It's not late at all. It's just 12 o'clock. Tang Song, come sit over here."

Approaching Tang Song, Lu Zi playfully pinched his face, asking, "What's going on? Your skin is so good now. Wait, how did you grow taller? We used to be about the same height."

Sitting down beside Lu Zi and Wang Yanyan, Tang Song laughed, "Hehe, it's called a second growth spurt. Envy won't help."

Curious, Dong Yuyan asked, "Tang Song, if you have any skincare secrets, you must tell me. Your skin condition is so enviable."

Facing the former campus flower, Tang Song was more relaxed than before, "If Shen Beauty really wants to know, let's exchange WeChat and discuss it privately."

"Bang~" The sound of breaking glass rang out.

"Sorry, didn't grip the glass well," Liu Tianhao casually shook his hand, calling a waiter to clean up.

Shrewd at reading emotions, Shen Lichao noticed Liu Tianhao's displeasure. He also found Tang Song disagreeable.

Attempting to break the awkward silence, Shen Lichao asked, "Tang Song, how's the job hunting going lately?"

Not wanting to dwell on it, Tang Song casually replied, "It's okay."

Misinterpreting Tang Song's response as evasion, Shen Lichao continued teasing, "It's tough finding a job now, right? I heard you switched to advertising planning. You can ask Tianhao; he owns an auto trade company now. Maybe he can use someone with your skills."

Liu Tianhao, catching on, praised Shen Lichao and said, "That's a good idea. Tang Song, make a resume, send it to me on WeChat, and include some of your advertising planning cases. If it suits us, you can join the sales planning department of my company."

Unaware of the dynamics between the two, Tang Song chuckled, "Thanks for the offer, but it's not necessary."

Patting Tang Song's muscular arm, Wang Yanyan suggested, "Tang Song, with your current appearance, you could become an internet celebrity—shoot videos, do live streams."

"That's a great idea. Maybe next time we meet, I'll be a small internet celebrity. You can take pictures with me then." Tang Song made a playful joke while subtly moving his arm.

Wang Yanyan and Dong Yuyan burst into laughter.

The atmosphere in the private room seemed to liven up again.

"Now that everyone's here, stop staring and start eating. Come on, Tianhao, as the host, you go first." Lu Zi stood up, helping everyone pour drinks.

Although everyone continued to focus on Liu Tianhao, looking at Tang Song's excessively handsome face made them feel uncomfortable.

After a while, Liu Tianhao, with a darkened expression, absentmindedly picked up a chopstick.

The dishes at the banquet hall were excellent, especially the signature roast duck, crispy on the outside and tender inside, fragrant and not greasy. Laughter and conversation filled the room as everyone enjoyed the delicious meal.

"I need to use the restroom." However, Liu Tianhao, who seemed to find the food tasteless, made an excuse and left the private room.

Despite Liu Tianhao still being the topic of discussion, Tang Song's overly handsome face made them all feel a sense of repulsion.

Not long after leaving, Liu Tianhao returned with an excited look, "Everyone, quiet down! Listen to me, we'll go to the adjacent private room later to propose a toast."

Shen Lichao was surprised, "Did you meet an acquaintance?"

Liu Tianhao chuckled, "Acquaintances don't deserve my toast. Later, when we go, none of you should speak. Just follow me and toast. Every person in that private room is a distinguished figure in Yancheng."

Wang Yanyan's face flushed with excitement, "Tianhao, tell us who they are! Let us broaden our horizons."

Liu Tianhao, with a proud expression, said, "You probably won't recognize them, but I'll mention a few. The owner of this banquet hall, Mr. Wang from Zhongcheng Group, Mr. Bai from Zhongxing Auto Trade, and Mr. Li from Hengda Motors."

"Oh my God! I know Zhongcheng Group; their headquarters is right next to our company. It's a famous company in Yancheng." Lu Zi couldn't believe that he had a chance to speak to these legendary big bosses.

Dong Yuyan, also excited, stood up, "Hengda Motors is a major client of our company. It's the largest motorcycle trading company in Yancheng. I've heard about Mr. Li many times but never met him."

"Let's go, Tianhao, you must take us to see them." Shen Lichao eagerly pulled Liu Tianhao.

Seeing himself becoming the center of attention again, Liu Tianhao straightened up, saying in a solemn tone, "Remember, when we get there, you must not speak. Just follow me, toast, and leave quickly."

"I'm currently working under Mr. Bai from Zhongxing Auto Trade. If I make him unhappy, the consequences..."

Wang Yanyan assured, patting her chest, "Don't worry, we'll listen to you!"