
After I Married My Fiancé’s Disabled Uncle, I Was Pampered to the Extreme

Her fiance's family tricked Jiang Piaopiao into ending up in the bed of his disabled uncle. She knew this man was once a proud and talented individual. He became paralyzed due to an accident and was now wheelchair-bound for life. This drastic change had made him incredibly gloomy. Jiang Piaopiao had no choice but to marry him, and she braced herself for a difficult and challenging life ahead. Little did she know that he would shower her with gifts every day. He would offer houses one day and precious gemstones the next, and he pampered her to the extreme. Looking at the large gemstone in her hand, Jiang Piaopiao exclaimed, "I've never had a piece of candy this big before!" But then she watched her husband take a break to catch his breath after every few steps, sometimes even fainting. It was a constant reminder that he could pass away at any moment, and she grew worried. Would there be more of these precious gemstones in the future? Until one day... she sneered, "Aren't you supposed to be on the verge of death?" With a flushed face, Leng Mu replied modestly, "It's all thanks to my wife. You've taken such good care of me." Jiang Piaopiao clenched her teeth and hissed, "Didn't you have a lifelong lower-body paralysis?" Leng Mu patted his thigh and said, "I don't want our child to be made fun of, so I sought medical treatment and got better." Jiang Piaopiao exploded with anger, "Were you ever truthful?" Leng Mu skillfully and smoothly kneeled on a washboard with a loud 'thump' and said, "Darling, please don't be angry. All the mistakes, big and small, are my fault. Please don't harm our unborn child!"

Bursting · Urban
Not enough ratings
40 Chs

Leng Mu grabbed her hand and said casually, "Leng Huanxin was very excited. He said he had made a big discovery and wanted to share it with you! However, before he could say anything, a junior sister called him and said she had made a discovery. He hung up the phone. Piaopiao, if you like archeology, I can learn it too!"

"No, I don't like it! You don't have to learn!" Jiang Piaopiao's expression changed immediately.

Perhaps it was because of Leng Huanxin, but she was conflicted. Whenever Leng Huanxin excitedly shared his findings with her, his junior sister would tell him that she had made a discovery, and he would immediately abandon her to study the discovery.

Sometimes, it would take him a few days, or even half a month, before he remembered that he had called her before and contacted her again.

Out of a woman's intuition, she hinted to Leng Huanxin that the junior sister liked him. However, Leng Huanxin always smiled and said that she was overthinking.

Looking at Jiang Piaopiao's expression, the corners of Leng Mu's mouth curled up a little. He hoped Leng Huanxin would be engrossed in his research for longer. When he returned, Jiang Piaopiao's feelings for Leng Huanxin would be completely gone.

The two of them tidied up and lay on the bed. Leng Mu immediately pulled her into his arms, "Why aren't you wearing the pajamas you were wearing just now? It's nice."

Upon hearing this, Jiang Piaopiao was so embarrassed that she dared not raise her head. "It's all wet. I can't wear it."

Leng Mu lowered his head and kissed her cheek. "Piaopiao, I want to take back what I said just now."

"What is it?" Jiang Piaopiao suddenly felt a little nervous.

Leng Mu kissed her lips and kept rubbing them, "I want to take back what I said about you not having to please me. Sometimes it's still possible. Your husband won't reject anything about sexy pajamas."

Jiang Piaopiao's face turned red, but she immediately felt Leng Mu's big hands. She didn't have time to be shy and immediately stopped him, "No!"

"Why?" Leng Mu asked. 

"You kept coughing just now. Your health is not good. We've been having sex for a few days in a row. You have to take good care of your body."

Jiang Piaopiao's face turned even redder.

Leng Mu was speechless, "This was what he brought upon himself, wasn't it?

The next day, Jiang Piaopiao had just arrived at the office when a colleague teased her.

"Piaopiao, you're amazing. The votes on the internet are unparalleled!"

"That's right, Piaopiao, you have to treat us! Why don't you invite us to your new house for fun? Anyway, no one has seen your husband yet."

Jiang Piaopiao's expression was slightly awkward. She didn't know if Leng Mu liked it when so many people came to her house, so she declined politely, "Then let's wait until the voting is over. It's not sure yet."

The two male colleagues who saw Jiang Piaopiao get into the luxury car looked at each other meaningfully and did not say anything else.

As Jiang Piaopiao had a class, she greeted them and entered the classroom early with her teaching materials.

After she left, another female colleague in the office said, "Did the two of you see her husband yesterday? In a wheelchair?"

The male colleague who had previously pursued Jiang Piaopiao sneered, "Didn't you see her guilty face just now? If it wasn't for her husband's problem, why would she not dare to let us meet him?"

"That's true," said the female colleague. "But why would such a beautiful woman marry a disabled person? She was still so young. Wouldn't she be in trouble in the future? Why is she looking for trouble?"

"She's not as simple as you think. That man is rich. A cripple in a luxury car! He was probably in his forties or fifties! That's why I say that she's smart. She'd rather sit in a luxury car and wait on an old man than take a fancy to a teacher like us who gets a fixed salary." the male colleague said.

The female teacher who had just asked the question fell silent. Because she was afraid that if she spoke again, her relationship with her colleagues would be awkward! She did look down on some men. She thought, "You didn't have the ability, it was fine if you didn't work hard, but then you went to suppress women and increase your confidence. Where was your face? With your fixed salary, buying a house in the city center was a dream!

She's such a beauty, and she's also the head teacher. Her family background isn't bad, either. Why would she choose you? Helping you out of poverty?"

Soon, Jiang Piaopiao's first Chinese class was over. As soon as she left the classroom, she saw Tao Xiaofang running over in a hurry, "Piaopiao, this is bad! Something happened!"

"What's wrong?" Jiang Piaopiao raised her eyebrows.

"There are people on the internet who are saying that you are cheating and are scolding you! Someone who ranked second or third place must have made these bad comments. Now that the difference in votes was too big, they began to play dirty tricks! It was obvious that someone paid the comments!" Tao Xiaofang said angrily.