
After I Married My Fiancé’s Disabled Uncle, I Was Pampered to the Extreme

Her fiance's family tricked Jiang Piaopiao into ending up in the bed of his disabled uncle. She knew this man was once a proud and talented individual. He became paralyzed due to an accident and was now wheelchair-bound for life. This drastic change had made him incredibly gloomy. Jiang Piaopiao had no choice but to marry him, and she braced herself for a difficult and challenging life ahead. Little did she know that he would shower her with gifts every day. He would offer houses one day and precious gemstones the next, and he pampered her to the extreme. Looking at the large gemstone in her hand, Jiang Piaopiao exclaimed, "I've never had a piece of candy this big before!" But then she watched her husband take a break to catch his breath after every few steps, sometimes even fainting. It was a constant reminder that he could pass away at any moment, and she grew worried. Would there be more of these precious gemstones in the future? Until one day... she sneered, "Aren't you supposed to be on the verge of death?" With a flushed face, Leng Mu replied modestly, "It's all thanks to my wife. You've taken such good care of me." Jiang Piaopiao clenched her teeth and hissed, "Didn't you have a lifelong lower-body paralysis?" Leng Mu patted his thigh and said, "I don't want our child to be made fun of, so I sought medical treatment and got better." Jiang Piaopiao exploded with anger, "Were you ever truthful?" Leng Mu skillfully and smoothly kneeled on a washboard with a loud 'thump' and said, "Darling, please don't be angry. All the mistakes, big and small, are my fault. Please don't harm our unborn child!"

Bursting · Urban
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40 Chs

A Life Providence that Curses People to Death (1)

Translator: Dragon Boat Translation Editor: Dragon Boat Translation

Li Qiuxia had already thought of this. She wasn't stupid. She said, "Yes, I know my son very well. He's very stubborn. Once he sets his mind on something, it can't be changed easily!" After saying that, she suddenly smiled meaningfully and left.

Jiang Piaopiao was silent for a long time. She felt that Li Qiuxia would not do good things.

However, she was already prepared. She did not believe that Li Qiuxia could do anything else! However, just as she was about to leave, a figure suddenly ran out and roared at her, "Jiang Piaopiao!"

Jiang Piaopiao was stunned. When she turned around, she saw Jiang Li dashing at her, "Do you know that your crippled husband wants to kill me? I didn't believe it before, but now I do. You're a jinx. If you live, you'll get your family killed!" He had originally planned to buy more things for the director to make amends, but he hadn't expected to meet Jiang Piaopiao. His anger flared up again.

Jiang Piaopiao looked at Jiang Li's crazy appearance and could not help but sneer.

"How dare you laugh!" Jiang Li was enraged.

"A shameless man like you is still alive. Why can't I laugh? You don't have the ability and will blame it on others! Would you blame the person who made the knife if a murderer stabbed you to death? Jiang Li, all these years, has your body grown, but your brain hasn't caught up?" Jiang Piaopiao wasn't angry with Jiang Li anymore.

Perhaps she had a new hope, so she could calmly meet her family.

"B*tch!" Jiang Li raised his hand and was about to hit her.

However, before his hand could land, he heard a threatening male voice, "You don't want your hand anymore?"

In fright, Jiang Li turned his head and saw Gu Ye pushing Leng Mu towards them.

As for Leng Mu, he sat calmly in his wheelchair. However, his gaze was ice-cold.

Jiang Li was a little flustered by his staring. His hand froze in mid-air. He did not dare to drop it, nor did he want to withdraw it. Because it was a little embarrassing, he glared at Leng Mu and said in a bluff, "You still want to hit me! I'm elder than you!" 

As he spoke, he took a few steps closer to Leng Mu, "You're a cripple. What do you have to show off? Because of you, I offended Director Jiao. Even the Jiang family can't afford to offend him. Maybe one day you'll get yourself killed!"

Suddenly, Jiang Li thought of something and looked at Leng Mu, "Only a cripple like you, who has no hope for the future, would treat Jiang Piaopiao like a treasure! Do you know why Jiang Piaopiao is the least favored child in the Jiang family?"

Jiang Piaopiao knew what Jiang Li would say, and her expression instantly changed.

Seeing Jiang Piaopiao's expression, Jiang Li felt satisfied. This b*tch had just spoken rudely to him. He said directly, "Her fate is not normal. There's evil in her life. Whoever gets close to her won't have a good ending! When she was born, my mom almost bled to death. Although she was saved, the Jiang family went bankrupt. Not long after, my grandmother died…A half-dead person like you will probably go bankrupt in a few days because of her!"

"Jiang Li, don't talk nonsense! According to what you said, I've been in the Jiang family for so many years. Why aren't you dead yet?" Jiang Piaopiao pushed him away angrily.

Jiang Li didn't expect Jiang Piaopiao to dare to push him. In a moment of carelessness, his head hit the wall, and he raised his hand again in anger. But at this moment, a familiar female voice came, "Jiang Li, what are you doing?"

Jiang Li looked in the direction of the voice and saw his fiancée, Meng Yun, and her mother, Sun Juan, looking at him simultaneously. He quickly stood up and smiled. He went up to greet her, "Hello, Auntie." As he spoke, he looked at Meng Yun gently, "You are here to shop? I'll buy you whatever you've chosen."

"What were you doing just now?" Meng Yun frowned and looked at him.

Jiang Li sighed and looked troubled, "It's embarrassing to say it, but you're not outsiders, so I'll just say it. My sister and my brother-in-law hit someone. I was just teaching them a lesson and telling them not to cause trouble for the family. He was already weak, and she still caused trouble everywhere. We can't clean up her mess every time."

When Sun Juan heard this, she looked in the direction of Jiang Li's gaze and saw Leng Mu sitting in a wheelchair. His appearance was extraordinary and powerful. One look and she could tell that he was not an ordinary person.

Unfortunately, his legs... However, she did not look at it too much. She still had this kind of upbringing. She nodded at Leng Mu as a greeting, "Since fate has brought us together, why don't we have a meal together? We'll be a family in the future."