
After I die I got 4 wish and became omnipotent in Multiverse

Our MC die by saving a girl for raped and die in this process after he die his soul travel through space and time vortex and in that vortex no soul can survive So, our MC got attract an unknown being and he give him 5 wish and what world he want to go His first wish is................. _________________________________________________

DarkSoul999 · Anime & Comics
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18 Chs

Chapter 12 Meeting Slade

[ Sun in this world slade is at tier 1 ]

Sun : But Slade should be stronger than Robin why is he weaker than Robin

[ Sun because in this dimension ever villian is weaker than teen Titans only Trigon is stronger than teen Titans this is the reason why they don't face life and death experience and there friendship don't got unbreakable ]

Sun : so , I need to make villian strong than it worthy of the teen Titans if I don't do that they will not grow much

Thinking about it I should go and meet Slade

Starlet give me the coordinate of Slade base

[ Sun this is the coordinate of Slade base ]

Sun : After getting the coordinate I equipped my assassin suit it is like in Iron man nano armor after equipping my assassin suit I go out of my base

and go to the way of coordinate I can just use shadow move to go there but I seal all my power it is not like I can't unseal my power but I don't feel like I should unseal my power for this simple matter

After some time I reach the coordinate and after sometime I found an underground base that is 100 meter underground I go inside without any one notice inside I saw big machine like in the clock there steam is coming out of machine there I see a man seating in the throne the man was wearing black and orange mask on his face he was wearing black clothes like ninga in his clothes there is metal plate I know he was Slade the Slade look at me and than I punch at him

Slade point of view

I was seating on my throne and thinking about how to destroy Teen Titans and than I sudden see a man coming out of no where he was wearing black assassin suit with hoodie he was wearing a black mask that cover his half of his face I can only see his red eyes those eyes are very beautiful at the same time it is deadly I can can tell that this man is dangerous

Before I can do anything I saw a punch coming towards me I wanted to dough it but is was faster than I could react

end of point of view

Sun : This world Slade is weak than I thought if I don't hold back than he will be unconscious any way

Slade : who are you and why did you attack me before I can say anything more there comes another punch on my face

Sun: I don't want much but I am seeing my future partner how strong is he but I am very disappointed that you can't even take my punch

Slade : what future partner

Sun: of course to destroy Teen Titans anyway

Slade : so you are also enemy with teen Titans but why do you need my help

Sun : Of course I need your help you know much more about teen Titans than and I can't do it alone

so I need your help ( inner thoughts actual I can do it alone but I need to go to strong people grean fight experience if don't have to go than why would I come to you)