
After I Became a Zombie, My Face Is Paralyzed

I am a doctor, and after I became a zombie, I found that my face was paralyzed. Actually, I didn’t want to block the zombies for my patient, but I accidentally stumbled and fell on him. As for why I am conscious, it may be because I am handsome… After all, compared to those A zombie that stinks and dries and still grows green hair, except that my skin is paler, my body temperature is a little lower, my pupils are a little discolored, and there are a few cyan veins on my neck, as long as I don’t say… Actually I can still see that I am not a normal person. I was able to determine that my stomach was not interested in humans. However, my patient seems to smell delicious… Rong Yun (smile): Be good, don’t bite anyone Xiao Shenwei (face paralysis and rub hands): Okay, ah hoo~

CrystalPearl · Fantasy
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10 Chs

Chapter 4: Feeding Guide

Rong Yun didn't know how to describe how he felt now.

The guy in front of him... let's say he's a zombie. He first gave his life to save him from becoming a zombie, then saved him from his distress, and gave him medicine for treatment.

But now, the other party is holding the blood that can inhibit the divergence of pheromones, and his eyes are sincere and firm.

As if everything he did for himself was taken for granted.

With the advent of the end of the era, the social order has been completely destroyed, and the greatest malice in human nature has been released under the threat of death, and the unrestrained evil is the most terrifying devil.

However, the look of the man opposite made him see the long-lost light in this dark world.

Of course, he didn't know that Xiao Shenwei was full of thoughts at this time:

My reserves must not be coveted by other zombies.

And—don't hold back his pheromones I'm afraid I'll be tempted to eat him.

It is difficult to be a zombie, it is difficult to raise and reserve food, the life of a corpse is hopeless, and the world is not worth it.

Not to mention Xiao Shenwei's mental activity at this time, Rong Yun pulled Xiao Shenwei, took a bandage and wrapped the wound on the back of Xiao Shenwei's neck, and sighed: "Does it hurt?"

Xiao Shenwei is very honest: "It hurts."

The glands on the back of the neck are one of the most vulnerable places in humans, and also one of the most sensitive.

There are many times more nerves than the skin elsewhere, and the level of pain experienced by the same injury will also increase.

The most effective way to kill a high-level zombie is to destroy their glandular crystals, followed by bursting their heads or hearts.

"Don't do this in the future." Rong Yun touched the bandage that was still soaking blood, only to feel that the fragrance of white tea lingering on the tip of his nose made his heart a little blocked.

"I want to... protect you." Xiao Shenwei shook his head.

A breeder who can't even protect his own grain reserves is not qualified.

He turned around and looked into Rong Yun's eyes seriously, only to find that the tip of his ear was a little red.

"Is it hot?"

Rong Yun coughed, looked at the rising sun outside, and nodded: "Well. A bit."

"wait for me."

Xiao Shenwei lowered his eyes and thought for a while, then ran back to the warehouse to get a bottle of water and stuffed it into Rong Yun's hand.

Then, under Rong Yun's suspicious eyes, he quietly hid the "Hamster Breeding Guide" in his hand behind him.

He pursed his mouth for a long time, but due to the language barrier after zombie transformation, he finally spit out three words: "...Drink more water."

Rong Yun: . . . ok?

Daxing is nearly 300 kilometers away from their safe zone, and there are many dangers along the way.

They not only have to face the invasion of zombies, but also need to guard against the attacks of those alienated beasts.

Rong Yun originally planned to travel lightly, bring enough food and water for a week, and some lethal weapons.

Too many things will only become cumbersome and slow down the journey. If you stay outside the safe zone for one more day, it will be a little more dangerous. The safest way is to cross the no-man's land and return to Daxing at the fastest speed.

However, Rong Yun still underestimated the importance Xiao Shenwei paid to those things (food).

At this time, Xiao Shenwei was sitting in the small warehouse, holding a pile of food in his arms, his eyes were firm: "I have to bring it."

This is what he has worked so hard to collect!

"We can't fit so many things in our car." Rong Yun held his forehead and smiled helplessly.

"..." Xiao Shenwei lowered his head and thought for a while, then said seriously, "Then, no weapons."

Anyway, you have to bring all the food!

Rong Yun: "...The road is very dangerous."

Xiao Shenwei: "I will protect you."

Rong Yun: "...The alienated beasts will tear us up together with the car."

Xiao Shenwei: …

He lowered his head and thought for a moment, then pulled Rong Yun out the door.

Then Rong Yun stood in the underground garage, looking at the semi-trailer and became silent.

Xiao Shenwei looked at the truck, looked at Rong Yun next to him, and touched his nose.

...I always feel that I really want to drive to Daxing like this, not like fleeing, but like selling supplies.


This car can hold a lot of food!

Xiao Shenwei turned his head and looked at Rong Yun with bright eyes.

"...Okay." Rong Yun couldn't hold back, touched Xiao Shenwei's head, and nodded while holding back a smile.

The two checked the fuel tank, and there was enough gasoline in it to make two round trips between Daxing and here.

The compartment is filled with reinforced concrete and the like for construction, and they need to clear these things out first.

The cab that has not been started for a long time has a thick layer of floating ash and needs to be cleaned.

Those piles of materials still need to be loaded into the car, each of which is a big project.

So when everything was almost sorted out, a red glow appeared on the horizon.

Xiao Shenwei was sitting on the wall with a pack of compressed dry food, and while watching Rong Yun busy, he casually threw out half of the door and smashed the zombies who probed their brains outside the wall.

He slammed it, slammed his mouth, and said in his heart that the door panel is comfortable, efficient and fast.

As for whether the picture will be too childish...

Is it important?

A pack of dry food was eaten quickly, Xiao Shenwei clapped the residue on his hands, held his cheeks and started to focus on Rong Yun.

Well, he is tall and straight, with a slender waist and long legs, but he is not weak at all.

The arms are strong, the knuckles of the fingers are slender, and the skin is fair and firm.

Xiao Shenwei looked at the lines of Rong Yun's body drawn by bending over, and licked his lips.


Maybe his eyes were too focused (exposed) and noticed (bone) by the other party. Rong Yun turned his head and bent his eyes: "What's wrong?"

Xiao Shenwei was struck by this smile, and he silently looked away: "Are you tired?"

"It's okay." Rong Yun wiped the tiny beads of sweat on the corner of his forehead with the back of his hand, and his face was flushed with a light blush caused by strenuous exercise.

"Next." Xiao Shenwei threw away half the bottle of mineral water beside him.

Rong Yun raised his hand and caught it firmly: "Thank you."

Then Ton Ton poured down his stomach, squinted his eyes and let out a sigh.

Xiao Shenwei opened his mouth and swallowed the words he was about to say.

...that half bottle of water is not for you to drink, it is for washing your face.

And, that's what I drank.

It was night, and the two slept directly in the carriage.

In fact, Rong Yun advocated going back to the house to sleep. After all, the house is still much safer than the outside.

However, Xiao Shenwei felt that he would feel very insecure without food around him.

So now the two of them are lying side by side on the soft bedding in the carriage, looking at the twinkling stars in the night sky through the sunroof on the roof.

Since Xiao Shenwei can remember, he has lived in this urban area. From childhood to adulthood, he has never seen a star at night except for a few natural scenic spots he visited before the end of the mourning.

However, with the doomsday approaching and the demise of human industry, the stars reappeared in the sky overhead.

"Where are you from?" Xiao Shenwei poked Rong Yun next to him.

"Chuancheng." Rong Yun said.

"Good place." Xiao Shenwei stretched out his hand and connected the Big Dipper above his head into a line in the void.

Chuancheng, there are a lot of delicious things.

Hotpot Rabbit Head Dandan Noodles, Bingfen Maocailong Chaoshou, Lung Slices Shao Mai Mao Xuewang, Intestine Flour Sprouts Hemp Tofu…

Xiao Shenwei licked his mouth: "Let's go to Chuancheng."

Rong Yun didn't say anything, just touched Xiao Shenwei's hair, and was about to say a good zombie, how can you be crazy?

Chuancheng is more than a thousand kilometers away from here, and not to mention the many dangers on the road, the gasoline remaining in the fuel tank alone can make them break down halfway.

And the advanced zombies seem to be powerful, and they still have to stop when they encounter alienated beasts.

Xiao Shenwei also realized this, so he grabbed another bag of dry food and gnawed on it as if venting his anger.

The night was getting dark, Rong Yun couldn't resist the sleepiness, and fell asleep leaning on Xiao Shenwei.

In the dark night, there were bursts of roars from time to time, and a slight rustling sound began to be heard outside.

Xiao Shenwei's eyes flashed with emerald greenness, and he let Rong Yun tuck into the corner and quietly went out, removed a door panel and jumped out of the fence.

In the night, the cries of the zombies were particularly miserable, which was directly proportional to Xiao Shenwei's resentment for not being able to go to Chuancheng.

Rong Yun in the carriage turned over, and after a while, the world was quiet.

Xiao Shenwei carefully sprayed disinfectant spray on his body, took off his coat and got into the quilt.

He rubbed Rong Yun's shoulder and closed his eyes.

"Good night, my reserves."

Xiao Shenwei was awakened by a burst of aroma.

As soon as he opened his eyes, he saw half a huge spicy rabbit leg hanging in front of him, red and shiny.

...is dreaming.

He blinked and closed his eyes again.

Then the aroma was stronger, as if it was on his lips.

...I can't take it anymore, even if it's a dream, it's worth taking a bite!

Xiao Shenwei took a deep breath, stretched out his hand and regardless of the greasy, grabbed the rabbit's leg and sat up.


Getting up too quickly, Xiao Shenwei bumped his head into something.

Someone groaned and covered their heads, while Xiao Shenwei was so pained that she burst into tears.

However, he didn't take this into consideration.

Instead, while covering his forehead, he put the rabbit's leg into his mouth with tears in his eyes.


So authentic taste!

After turning into a zombie, the sense of taste that seemed to have died seemed to come alive at this moment, and the mouth was full of delicious fragrance.

...is that this rabbit leg seems to be abnormally large, it looks like a leg of lamb.

emmmmm what he cares about is a dream anyway, there is everything in a dream.

Xiao Shenwei nibbled on the rabbit's legs and narrowed his eyes happily, but heard a voice beside him that seemed to be holding back laughter: "You eat slowly, if it's not enough, there's more here."


Xiao Shenwei's movements stopped.

He turned his head stiffly and saw that Rong Yun was holding a pot, and the large piece of rabbit meat in the pot was still steaming.

Outside the carriage, a small fire was standing there, and half an alienated rabbit with a very uncute appearance lay beside it.


Xiao Shenwei swallowed the meat in his mouth.

He recalled the way he was tearing the rabbit meat in a big way just now, and he had a tendency to want to autistic.

...to die.

Then he turned around silently, turned his back to Rong Yun, and continued to eat.

"Pfft." A chuckle came from behind.

Xiao Shenwei's back froze.

...Forget it, the "Hamster Breeding Guide" says that you need to keep your pet...cough, keep the food reserve in a happy mood.


Xiao Shenwei: Do you know why the ugly duckling was excluded when he was a child?

Rong Yun: I don't know.

Xiao Shenwei [serious face]: Because he doesn't look good.