
After I awakened my talent, I am invincible.

In 2050, a new game launched, it is a VR game with very high graphics. People said that this is the first game that they have seen, that could match the reality. After joining in the game Jiang li , awakened a eternal level talent, Unlimited Clones. With this talent, he could create many clones, with the same strength as him. After getting the talent, see how he rise from the bottom of the world and he invincible with his strength. After he joined the game, Jiang li saw that, there are many secrets in this game. And he sees that, all his strength of the game merged with the reality. And demons of the game also came to the reality. See how Jiang li saved world from them.

Villan_boy · Games
Not enough ratings
70 Chs

Fighting the fourth wave of monsters

Now I could fight these monsters without any problem.

After saying this, Jiang li attacked the first monster, that was the hell dog, then he saw a huge damage number appearing on his head.


After his attack, Jiang li saw that all of his clones had also attacked the other monsters, and they were fighting 1 vs 2.

So in just the first attack high damage numbers appeared in the head of the monsters, and these numbers were like a wave.








Some of the monsters got killed in the first attack of the clones, because their attack was the critical hit.

-14,000,000 (critical hit*2)






After killing these monsters, Jiang li received many notifications at the same time.

[Ding ~ Your clone has killed a gold level monster].

[Ding ~ Your clone has killed a gold level monster].

[Ding ~ Your clone has killed a gold level monster].

[Ding ~ Your clone has killed a gold level monster].

[Ding ~ Your clone has killed a gold level monster].


These notifications were very high in the numbers, so Jiang li chose to ignore these notifications, and attacked the monster in front of him.


After his attack a high number appeared on the head of the monster, and after this number, he disappeared with a flash of light.

It means the monster has been killed, and he also received a notification in his mind.

[Ding ~ You have killed a gold level monster].

After this notification, Jiang li started seeing all around to see which monster to attack, but he found out that there was not a single monster around him.

All of the 10,000 monsters that appeared out of the dimensional hole, were killed by his clones within just a few seconds.

This was a very shocking record even for him.

After that, he received many notifications in his mind, but Jiang li chose to ignore them.

Because he saw that more monsters appeared in front of him, and their numbers were around 10,000.

If he wasted his time on seeing the notifications, then he will not be able to get some kills, which will be too disappointing for him.

So he started attacking the monsters, and he also saw that his clones are also preparing to attack these monsters, so he increased his speed to kill more monsters.

And in a flash of light, he appeared in front of a minotaur, this minotaur has very high skills, but it's not useful in front of him and his clones.

Because the attack power of Jiang li, and his clones had reached a very high number, and they could kill these monsters very easily.

After Jiang li appeared in front of the minotaur, he slashed at the minotaur and after his slash, Jiang li saw a high number appearing on the head of the minotaur.


This damage was the same as the hp of the minotaur, and in just one attack the minotaur got killed by Jiang li.

After seeing this damage number, Jiang li was also surprised, but he got to know how his attack power has increased so much.

It was after killing the 10,000 monsters, that his strength attribute has increased by 500,000.

And it was not just him, whose attack power has increased.

His clones attack power has also increased with the help of his talent, and this increase made the killing of monsters very easy.

Now with a critical strike his attack power could cross the 15 million mark, which is very high.

But Jiang li chose to ignore these things, and he started attacking the next monster. 

This time he appeared in front of a hell dog, and he slashed randomly at him.

After his attack, Jiang li found out that the monster in front of him disappeared in the flash of light, and he received a new notification.

[Ding ~ You have killed a gold level monster].

After this notification, Jiang li got to know why this monster disappeared in front of him, it was because his attack just now got a critical hit.

And this attack was too powerful for the monster to bear, so he got killed instantly.

After killing this monster, Jiang li started searching around for the monsters, but he found out that there was not a single monster around him.

All the 10,000 monsters got killed by his clones in just a few seconds, which was normal for him now, because their attack power was too high.

Then Jiang li saw more than 10,000 monsters appearing in front of him.

This time Jiang li decided that he will not attack these monsters, but he will just check his notifications. 

He wanted to know about how much his strength has increased.

He will attack the monsters after checking his strength, the. Jiang li started checking his notifications.

After opening the notifications list, Jiang li saw many notifications appearing in front of him.

[Ding ~ Your clone has killed a gold level monster].

[After killing the gold level monster, your strength attribute has increased by 138 points].

[Ding ~ Your clone has killed a gold level monster].

[After killing the gold level monster, your agility attribute has increased by 138 points].

[Ding ~ Your clone has killed a gold level monster].

[After killing the gold level monster, your intelligence attribute has increased by 138 points].

[Ding ~ Your clone has killed a gold level monster].

[After killing the gold level monster, your constitution attribute has increased by 138 points].

[Ding ~ After killing the gold level monster, your strength attribute has increased by 138 points].

[Ding ~ After killing the gold level monster, your strength attribute has increased by 138 points].



After seeing these notifications, Jiang li started checking his attributes panel.

He wanted to know that how much his attributes has increased after killing the 30,000 gold level monsters.

But then he rejected the idea, because he will check it after clearing all the gold level monsters.