
After Divorce: The Mischievous CEO Wants Me Back

"I can wash the dishes if that's what you want?" He offered, his eyes filled with longings. She didn't know her billionaire ex-husband could stoop so low to wash the dishes just to win her back. Even with that, he looked so adorable wearing an apron making her to realize that he was indeed serious on his quest to win her over. ***** After been divorced by her hotshot CEO husband, Cecilia had finally found her stride in life. She was determined to prove herself, refusing to be the groveling ex. But just as she thought she had move on, an unexpected twist turned her world upsidedown. In a stunning turn of events, her ex-husband, the man who once treated her like a golddigger, suddenly realized her worth and embarked on a mission to win her back. Will Cecilia open her heart again and give love a second chance? Follow author's new IG account for aesthetics and character views author.moonlightimagines

MoonlightImagines · Urban
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47 Chs

Fooling Around With Her

"Hey, Simon. Do you mind following me to the bar? It's gonna be hot tonight?" Veronica asked, dropping a package on the table as she directed her question to Simon who was sitting with his legs crossed on the couch, with his eyes glued to his phone.

"Sure, sure." Simon smiled dropping his phone on the couch as he helped her pack the packages inside. "They are pretty heavy."

Veronica chuckled as she clapped her hands, removing the dust away from her hands. "Yes, they're the items I need to participate in MG's upcoming event."

"MG?" Simon asked curiously, raising his brow.

"You don't know MG fashion company? The biggest fashion home in Spain." She let out a low laugh slapping his shoulders gently.

Simon chuckled. "Sorry, I must have forgotten about it. I remember it now. Good luck with joining the event." He smiled, giving her a thumbs up.

"Thanks, Simon," Veronica said in exhaustion as she sat back, gesturing Simon to sit opposite her once he was done with the packages. "So, do you have any plans on going back to the U.S.?" She asked after Simon had settled down opposite her.

"I don't. I want to secure a job that I can use to fend for myself while I'm here." Simon said, smiling sheepishly at her.

Veronica relaxed her back on the couch, her mind going through a whirlwind of thoughts. "What job do you have in mind? You don't have your certificate with you, do you?" She raised her brow.

Simon shook his head in disapproval. "A low-class job won't be a bad idea."

"In that case, you wouldn't mind being employed as a janitor?"

"A janitor? That's way too low." Simon furrowed his brow in disgust.

His expressions made Veronica let out a low laugh. "You said you wanted a low-class job since your certificate isn't with you. Besides, you can work as a janitor in MG's fashion company. I'm sure they'll need one."

"Wait a sec," Simon adjusted as he sat on the edge of his seat. "Isn't MG fashion company owned by the Gonzalez?"

Veronica nodded in agreement. "It's owned by the hot CEO, Miguel Gonzalez." She said before letting out a disappointing sigh. "I love that man, he's my idol."

Simon's eyes widened in awe. He was going to work as a janitor at MG fashion company owned by the famous Gonzalez. He rubbed his jaw, his mind drifting into different dimensions of thought.

He remembered speaking to Mr. Gonzalez on the phone all because of Cecilia. Wait, does that mean? He gasped.

"What are you thinking about, man? Let's go to the bar, you can tell me what you've concluded afterward." Veronica said as she stood tiredly, stretching her arms while yawning.

Simon nodded in response as he followed her from behind, his mind kept reeling on the possibility of meeting Cecilia at MG fashion company if eventually, he worked as a janitor. A smirk settled in his face making Veronica curious to know what was going through his mind. Before she could ask any questions. Simon moved forward to speak.

"Vero, I'll do it. I'll work as a janitor in MG fashion company." Simon said, with a smirk on his face.

"That's the spirit." Veronica tapped his shoulders, oblivious to what was going through the mind of the deceitful man who was following her from behind.

Simon massaged his shoulders that were tapped by Veronica. Such a strong woman with a fragile look. He anticipated about that day and wished it'd come. Everything was falling into place and he couldn't wait to tell Anna the good news.

Meanwhile, in the house of the Gonzalez. Marco was in the custody of his father. He followed the butler from behind and was slow with his movements until he got to the entrance of his father's study. He pushed the big oak door open and was welcomed by the scent of brewed tea.

"Good day, Father." Marco smiled at the old man who was sipping his tea gracefully.

"Marco, my son." The old man smiled back at him, as he gestured Marco to sit while dismissing the butler.

Marco noticed his father's actions and gave him a questioning look, "That's unusual. You haven't dismissed the butler even when we're having serious conversations."

His father chuckled. "This is more of a serious conversation, son. It's a scheming one."

"Dad cut it out. You're scaring me." Marco said with a straight face.

Chairman Gonzalez dropped the teacup on his desk as he clasped his hands, his focus now on Marco.

Marco noticed how his father glanced at him and his father's new look. They both had the same features especially the same color of hair—silver.

The old man cleared his throat before speaking, his voice low and firm. "What's your relationship with your brother's wife, Cecilia?"

The question came as a shock to Marco as it caught him unawares. No wonder he sent the butler out because of the scheming conversation they were going to have but he didn't want to have this kind of conversation with his father.

"Huh?" He raised his brow, pretending not to know anything related to his father's question.

"You know what I'm talking about, Marco. Don't be ignorant about it." Chairman Gonzalez's voice came as a warning to Marco, making the latter uncomfortable in his seat.

"Father, I'm not supposed to be having this kind of conversation with you. I and Cecilia are just friends. Can't I be friends with Miguel's wife?" Marco asked in a calm voice, he couldn't afford to yell at his father as the old man's annoyance was something he could not handle.

Chairman Gonzalez let out a low chuckle. "I'll run a background check on her but I just want you to know, you shouldn't be fooling around with her even though her relationship with your brother is fake."

"Fake?" Marco was on the edge of his seat because of the sudden revelation from his father. How did his father know about Miguel's fake relationship with Cecilia? This isn't good.