
29, a considerable age, and still friggin' unemployed

Translator: 549690339

Sun Xinyi and Zhao Yingying were both women with strict body management, so neither of them had large appetites, hence they didn't order too much.

Soon, the dishes were all served, and the three chatted while eating. Although Yang Hao didn't eat anything high in calories, this experience of hotpot still satisfied him mentally.


"Is that really you, Xinyi? This is such a coincidence!"

A man holding a dish of dipping sauce suddenly stopped beside their table and then exclaimed Sun Xinyi's name with a look of surprise.

From his voice, one could tell this surprise was genuine.

Yang Hao subconsciously glanced at the man, who was in his late twenties, quite tall, roughly around 180 cm like himself, with above-average looks and wearing a Nike tracksuit, looking quite energetic.

"Qin, what a coincidence."

Sun Xinyi greeted the man, whose name was Qin Feng, and he was her senior from three years above at college.