
Zhouzhou: Let's Do It Again!

Unaware of the complaints brewing in Xi Mo's mind, Zhouzhou confidently adjusted her helmet and walked into the training room, head held high. Meanwhile, Xi Mo directed Skinny Monkey and the others to head to the monitoring room next door.

Wei Fangyi also joined them, his eyes drawn to Zhouzhou's odd headgear. Confused, he asked, "Why only protect her head? Isn't the rest of her body just as important?"

Maybe she was worried about injuring her face? After all, little girls care about their appearance.

Hearing this, the group, who had witnessed Zhouzhou's obsession with her "Fortune Hair," fell silent. It wasn't her face she cared about -- she sometimes didn't even bother washing it! Her concern revolved solely around her precious strands of Fortune Hair.

No one really knew how she came to believe that a few hairs controlled her financial luck.