
After broke up, I fell in love with my ex-boyfriend’s cousin

Reborn and returned to the day before her wedding, Isabella broke up with the scumbag and found a new husband for herself. Everyone knows that Alexander, who was once so famous, is now disabled in both legs and has become a fool. However, Isabella knew that Alexander would recover in three years. She provided for Alexander and waited for his recovery. When the day finally came for Alexander to recover, she took out the divorce papers. “No, you're not allowed to go anywhere. You're going to stay with me,” Alexander said. Isabella: ? ? ? Why hadn't anyone told her that Alexander had been acting stupid? ? ?

Julian_000318 · Urban
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33 Chs

The Wedding

Alexander's expression was very serious. Faced with such a serious person, was Isabella truly a little nervous.

She is very confident in her beauty, she can't lose to a Rubik's Cube, right?

About a minute later, Alexander's eyes returned to Isabella's face, and he said seriously: "You are more beautiful."

Isabella breathed a sigh of relief. After a moment, she came back to her senses. She couldn't help but laugh. Did she just seriously compare herself to a Rubik's Cube?

Isabella regained her composure and looked at Alexander. His eyes fell on the Rubik's Cube again, with doubt in his eyes, as if asking why the Rubik's Cube hadn't been returned to him yet.

Isabella kept up her efforts, looked up at him, pretending to be sad, and gazed at Alexander with tearful eyes, saying, "Since Izzy is prettier than the Rubik's Cube, why doesn't Alex play with Izzy?"

Alexander didn't seem to expect that she would react this way, and he was a little panicked.

He looked at the Rubik's Cube and then at Isabella, saying, "No... different, Rubik's Cube... Izzy... different."

He looked at Isabella, appearing unsure of how to explain.

He wanted to take the Rubik's Cube back but didn't dare, feeling aggrieved.

Isabella looked at him with a confused look and felt a little guilty, but the play had to go on.

She looked unreasonable and said, "I don't care; Alex must play games with me, and you have to be the groom, otherwise, I won't return the Rubik's Cube to you."

Alexander blinked, looked at Isabella blankly, and finally said aggrievedly, "Okay."

Isabella curled her eyes and said, "Alex, please change your clothes obediently. Put the Rubik's Cube in Izzy's place first. When the game is over, Izzy will return it to you."

Alexander responded in a low voice. His mood was not very high, he was obviously a little unhappy, but there was nothing he could do about it.

Isabella somehow felt a strange feeling of forcing her little gril. What ever, the wedding is more important.

Alexander finally agreed to change his clothes, and everyone immediately got busy.

As a girl, Isabella couldn't stay and watch people change Alexander's clothes, so she slipped away.

In the lounge, Alexander changed his clothes and still sat in front of the floor-to-ceiling window.

From here, he could just see the wedding scene on the grass outside.

He looked at the beautiful decorations in the manor, thinking about the way the little girl pretended to be pitiful and deceived him just now.

Facing away from the others in the room, Alexander had a half-smiling expression on his face and whispered, "What a little fox."

He originally thought she was a naive little white rabbit, but it turns out she's a cunning little fox.

The servants behind him didn't hear clearly, but they didn't care. Ever since Alexander became 'stupid,' he often talked to himself, and they were all used to it. When the time came, they pushed Alexander out in a wheelchair.

Alexander never thought about what his wedding would be like, and he never thought about getting married after the car accident.

He was being pushed forward in a wheelchair, and the comments around him could be heard clearly.

"Why is Alexander here?"

"I haven't seen Alexander since the car accident!"

"Look at his hands, they are so ugly!"

"I heard that there was a fire during the car accident, and Alexander was burned in many places."

"Wait, why is he in the groom's position?"

"What's going on? Aren't Daniel and Isabella getting married today?"

"Speaking of which, I haven't seen Daniel anywhere today yet!"

"Oh? Oh? It's Alexander and Isabella who will get married today, right?"

There were more and more comments around him, and they were obviously a little confused by this sudden change.

Alexander calmly observed the people in Benny's family.

Both Richard and Margaret looked uneasy, but they suppressed their temper and tried hard to maintain a smile.

But he didn't see his 'stupid' cousin, who was probably locked up by Richard.

It was rare to see these people revealing their true feelings, and Alexander felt that the wedding was not so boring.

After a while, the bride came over.

The wedding scene was decorated in a dreamy way. All kinds of roses and lilies flown from abroad were scattered around and surrounded by clusters of flowers, and the air was filled with a faint floral fragrance.

Isabella was wearing a snow-white wedding dress decorated with lace and pearls flowers, which shone like stars in the sun.

Two little flower girls walked in front, scattering flowers. She stepped on the red carpet covered with petals and walked slowly over, like a flower fairy, so beautiful.

Alexander looked at such a picturesque scene and thought that if he made a fuss now and ruined this beautiful scene, this wedding would be more interesting, right?

I wrote this novel to practice my English and hope to capture your attention. If you have any ideas, please leave me a message. I trust you will enjoy my story and consider adding it to your library.

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