
Money Back

The next morning, I woke up to find myself enveloped in Dominic's embrace. Startled, I hastily wriggled out of his hold, pulling the blanket tightly around myself. Just as I sighed with relief, preparing to slip out of bed unnoticed, I noticed Dominic looking at me with a smirk.

"Good morning, Uncle Dominic," I forced a smile, feeling extremely uneasy.

"Last night, you didn't call me 'uncle' like that. What's the matter? After one night, I've become your uncle?" he teased.

Suddenly, it hit me that I had repeated "Dominic is the best" countless times last night. I remembered the times when I had visited Sebastian's family with him while we were still together, addressing Dominic as "uncle." Now, it all felt unsettling, almost like a taboo.

Unable to find the words, I remained silent. Dominic tugged at the corner of the blanket, causing me to lose my balance and fall back onto his chest. I struggled to get up, but he wrapped his arms around my waist, preventing me from escaping. "Planning to run away after spending the night with me? How is your behavior any different from that jerk Sebastian?" he remarked, his tone laced with amusement.

"I..." I didn't know how to counter, so I asked, "What should I do then?"

"You should take responsibility for me," he lightly pecked my cheek, "Cassandra, be my girlfriend."

"Um, isn't this... a bit too fast?" Sebastian was my boyfriend just a few days ago, and now he's my nephew. It's a bit hard for me to accept.

Dominic looked slightly displeased. "Are you not interested in me? Do you think I'm not as good as Sebastian?"

"How could that be? How can that scum Sebastian even compare to you?" I quickly replied.

"Then be my girlfriend, or, would you rather marry me directly?"

I shook my head hastily. "I think being your girlfriend is fine."

Dominic finally smiled: "There's a family dinner at my house the day after tomorrow. Remember to come over, so I can introduce you to my family."

Just as I walked out of the hotel, I received a text message from Sebastian's mother, Margaret Blackwood. She informed me in a cold tone to meet her. I decided to go. After all, despite her tone making me uncomfortable, she was fairly nice to me during my relationship with Sebastian.

The meeting place was a high-end café. As I pushed the door and entered, I saw Margaret and Elara sitting by the window. Seeing me, Eleanor wore a look of disgust, while Elara was all provocation.

Before I could even greet them, Margaret got straight to the point: "Cassandra, I think you're aware that things between my son Sebastian and you are over. However, during your relationship, my son spent a considerable amount of money on you. I find this to be unfair, so I hope you can repay these sums." Saying this, she took out a detailed bill from her purse and pushed it towards me.

Before I could even speak, Elara cut in: "Oh my, that's 638.9 dollars. Cassandra might have to work a whole week to earn that much. Just look at her clothes, not a single branded piece, probably picked up from some street stall."

She covered her mouth, snickering with pride, and casually stroked the designer label on her clothing.

I hadn't paid much attention to her clothes before, but after a glance, I became puzzled. Not only was her dress identical to one in my wardrobe, but even the ink stain on the cuff was the same. Could there really be such a coincidence in the world?

Seeing that I couldn't take my eyes off Elara's dress, Margaret sneered, "Look at her, she probably hasn't seen clothes this expensive in her life. My son was too naive, to be deceived by such a woman, actually believing that a woman without a single designer label from head to toe could be the heir to the Winters family."

What does not having a single designer label matter? The clothes I wear are all handmade by the family tailor, naturally without any brand labels.

I just wanted to quickly go home and find the dress identical to the one Elara was wearing, not wanting to entangle myself further with them, so I directly pulled up the transaction records of the money I had transferred to Sebastian over the years, totaling 128,000 dollars.

"Should Sebastian then return this money to me?"

Sebastian often claimed to be short of money, and feeling pity for him being a bastard with low family status, I occasionally transferred thousands to him. To protect his pride, I never exposed the fact that he was a bastard, even though I had known it all along. I even often praised him for being independent and not relying on his family.

Margaret and Elara gasped at the sight of the amount.

Elara was the first to recover from the shock. She looked at me pityingly and said, "How could an ordinary job earn so much money in such a short time? Only by doing those kinds of things could one possibly do it. Cassandra, I didn't expect you to go to such lengths to deceive Sebastian."

Margaret also looked at me with disdain: "I thought you were just full of lies, but I didn't expect you to be so disgraceful! It's a good thing Sebastian broke up with you in time."

Unwilling to defend myself against their baseless imaginings, I tapped the table: "Let's not try to change the subject. The mother of Sebastian and Sebastian's girlfriend, who among you will repay Sebastian's debt to me?"

Margaret and Elara looked at each other.

"Can't be, right? One of you is the mother of the Blackwood family's heir, and the other claims to be the heir of the Winters family. Surely, you can't be unable to afford a mere 128,000 dollars?"

Margaret turned to Elara, her face troubled: "Elara, I don't handle financial matters at home, so I currently don't have access to that much money, maybe you could..."

Before she could finish, Elara screamed: "How could I possibly have that much money!"

Margaret looked at her suspiciously: "Elara, aren't you the heir to the Winters family? How could you not have 128,000 dollars?"

Realizing her slip-up, Elara quickly corrected herself: "That's not what I meant. I meant that I wouldn't carry that much cash on me; I usually use a credit card."

"Well, that makes it easy." I interjected, "Fortunately, there's a Porsche dealership nearby. You can go and buy me a Porsche worth around a hundred thousand dollars, and we'll consider the debt settled."

Margaret quickly urged Elara, "Hurry up and buy it for her, so she stops bothering Sebastian about this."

Elara was still hesitant: "But..."

Margaret became impatient: "You can't even part with a car, do you not want to marry Sebastian?" She then softened her tone, persuasively: "This amount of money shouldn't be much for you, but if you take the initiative to pay, Sebastian will remember your kindness, and he might marry you sooner."

I was speechless, she made it sound like marrying Sebastian was some kind of monumental favor.

But Elara visibly became tempted: "Really? He will marry me sooner?"

Margaret was obviously pleased with her reaction: "Of course, it's true. I will speak to Sebastian and arrange for your wedding to be held at the end of this month."

With Margaret's assurance, Elara finally gritted her teeth and took out her credit card.

In the end, Margaret settled her son's debt, Elara got the assurance of marrying Sebastian, and I received a brand-new Porsche. All three of us were happy.