
After Betrayed By Girlfriend, I Won 1 Billion!

You know what it's like to win a billion dollar jackpot? I, Adams, was a dead fat house abandoned by my green tea girlfriend the last second. The next second I was told by the manager of the Powerball lottery that I had won the fourth largest lottery jackpot ever! Nearly $1 Billion in Jackpot! Before I could recover from the shock, my identity was exposed by the media. Witnessed by reporters, I took over a huge check board from lottery executives. The whole state saw my instant riches. And my ex-girlfriend who betrayed me, crying and shouting to get back with me, begging me to forgive her for having an affair with my good brother, do you think I can forgive her? After winning a billion, my life has changed dramatically, some people say that I will lose my fortune as quickly as the historical winner of the jackpot, and I know this is just the beginning. I will earn hundreds of millions in the capital market and make more money in the capital market until my name is heard throughout Wall Street!

dao_king_1850 · Urban
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85 Chs

Tebow Regrets Extremely

"Your account ending in 4444 received USD 1,244,444,444.00 today, and the balance is 1,254,444,444.00."

Adams was still a little excited when he saw the bank's notification text message, and his balance exceeded ten digits for the first time.

But his heart quickly calmed down, and it was not like he had ever seen such a scene before.

Of the more than 1.24 billion here, more than 700 million of them were obtained from shorting the stocks of T Company, after deducting the commission of nearly 100 million yuan from Rust Lake and some fees.

Money generates money is indeed the most profitable way, but this kind of opportunity is rare.

Without the operation of the gang of Rust Lake, it would be difficult for him to obtain such an amazing profit from this short-selling.

The money came in a very timely manner, and a large amount of money is urgently needed for the acquisition of the farm.

For the normal operation of the next project, he also has to acquire several local construction companies, which also requires a lot of money.

The most important thing is to invest in Rust Lake Capital!

The strength of Rust Lake Capital is obvious to all.

After this short-selling war, Rust Lake became a rookie in the financial industry and a rising star in the industry.

To be honest, Adams regretted it a bit.

He estimated that there are a lot of capital and investment banks, queuing up to send money to Rust Lake.

Now that Rust Lake is no longer a small company on the brink of bankruptcy, Adams can only pray that Jason will accept the bet and negotiate with him about taking a stake.

Just when he was considering whether to hold his breath and wait for Jason to call, the phone beeped.

"Tibbo?" Adams was extremely disappointed to see the caller, who was still on his greylist.

He hadn't forgotten about the rejection of the loan before, and he hung up the other party's phone without even thinking about it.

Tebow, who was on the phone at first, was a little nervous, but now Adams is one of the highest savings in their bank.

Before that, he didn't even see that this rich young man had such a keen business sense.

Who would have thought of shorting a reputable industry giant, this young man did.

What's even more frightening is that this upstart not only discovered business opportunities keenly but also made a lot of money from them very beautifully.

He didn't think it was Rust Lake who dominated this short-selling plan. From the very beginning, he knew that Adams was the boss behind the scenes!

He was very distressed.

Worst of all, Adams refused to answer his call!

A cold sweat broke out on Tebow's head.

It was hard to tell if the young man had a grudge against him.

He certainly knows what it means to offend such an important user!

He immediately instructed his assistant to prepare gifts, and he wanted to apologize in person .

Massa, dragged her tired body to eat lunch and then rest for a while.

Today is another very busy day for her.

Just happened to bump into the president, Tebow, who rushed out of the back door .

"I'm sorry, I didn't notice you coming out of the door." Martha had lost her previous arrogance, for fear of annoying Tebow, who was not in a good mood.

"It's alright." Seeing Martha, Tebow suddenly had a new idea.

He greeted Massa directly: "You , go and meet someone with me."

Massa suddenly hesitated, but she knew the unspoken rules of the industry.

To cater to those rich users, these beauties had to make some sacrifices.

"What are you thinking? Come with me to apologize to Adams. Whether you can go back to your original position depends on your performance."

Hearing what Tebow said, Martha made up her mind .

When Martha got in the car, she forcibly tore a huge slit in her workplace skirt, exposing the black silk thighs inside, and could see the scenery at the bottom of the skirt!

Tebow swallowed and nodded in satisfaction .