
After being transmigrated into another world i became a god

Shin Nori is an normal and boring guy working in a Game Company, through a conflict with his Superior he gets fired from the Company over a small thing. After he fell asleep that day, he travelled to another world. In that world, only the Strong will live comfortably and without worries. When he traversed he became a god and now needs no overcome the difficulties that come with being a god. Will he be able to become a strong being and live like he wants to? Or will he be crushed by his enemies and be forgotten in the history of time. ~~~~~ This is my first Novel and im not a Native English speaker so please be lenient with me and feel free to write how i can get better at it. Join my Discord: https://discord.gg/uWBh8SssQ8

FantasyThemedLover · Fantasy
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27 Chs

Battle against the Humans I

Now in the Lower world the Human Army on both sides is already marching in a steady pace towards the Village.

The Army of the Village is already waiting for the Humans but the Humans don't know about it.

[Sir Commander, our scouts didn't see any activities from the Village, what should we do?]

[No activities?]

[None Sir!]

[Weird, keep walking for now, inform me of anything that may be suspicious!]

[Yes, Sir!] the messenger rode away again on his horse back to the front.

[I wonder if they know about our attack, but the scouts didn't seems to be found out and i also doubt that these monster know how to form a proper army. Yes it's maybe just a coincidence...]


~~~ Army of the Village ~~~


[Hey, when do you think they are coming?]

[Dunno, we just need to wait for the order in the chat channel.]

[Yeah i know but im too excitet and can't stand still anymore, i want blood!]

[You are a fighting maniac right?]

[Yeah can't you see you dumbass?]

[Hey, why the insult?]

[My bad, im normally not like this but im just so excitet, i can't wait to give them a beating and get revenge for what they always do to us.]

[In that regard im also restless already and can't wait to jump onto them and kill a few...]

[Hey look, the Chat has got a message!]


| Lycan: All attention, the Humans reached the point were we can attack them. Have patience and | don't attack them in your own groups or alone.

| Commander Nick: You hear him, all come back from your spots and gather at the point were we | left from before, get here within 5 minutes!


[Well then, looks like it's time, lets go back real fast or we will get punished by Commander Nick, i don't even want to think about the outcome of that] He got shivers while he thought about it.

[Yeah that is plain torture he's doing.]

With that said they immediatly got up and runned towards the gathering point.


[Alright....looks like everyone got back, good, i don't need to punish anyone, now, the plan is that we will hide ourself on the trees or so that they can't see us. when they walk past us we will attack them but whe will do it at the same time, that will be when the first soldier got to the last person at the end of the way, do you understand?!]





[...] they continued to answer but soon Nick stopped them and said that they should write that into the channel later because it would be too loud and too time consuming the next time.

They then swarmed out to the spots that was marked on their Map.

Before the operation, the commander together with his strategic subordinates made a map were the position of each person was marked. it would then be uploaded to the system that would automatically make a dot at the position were the respective soldiers would be standing.

Because of that there was close to no disorder in the Army.

When the first Soldier spottet he immediatly wrote into the Chat

| Foremost Soldier: @Commander Nick, I spotted the Humans!

| Commander Nick: Good, keep waiting till the signal. Everyone else, try to move as little as possible, | we will hope to have the surprise effect on our side when fighting, that would | easen our battle against them.

| All: Yes!


~~~ Humans ~~~


[Sir, since we entered this passage i feel like we get watched by eyes...]

[What? Are you sure? I don't feel anything.]

[It's not here, it's from there.] he pointed towards the trees on the side at the front.

[What is with these Trees?]

[I think there is someone sitting in them and spying on us, no wait, now it's more. there are now two auras...three? four, five what? Oh no, Commander, i think this is an ambush, there are more and more eyes that are looking at us from the trees.]

[What?!!] the Commander looked around warily and became immediatly alerted.

[How many are it now?]

[Currently 132...]

[So much? we just walked 100 meters?! This has to be an Ambush from them!!]

[I suggest to send messengers to immediatly inform them of the attackers. They have to get these news silently though, so that the enemie won't find out and attack immediatly. Our Soldiers also have to act as normal as possible. We can't let these Demis attack us if our Soldiers are in panic, then we would without a doubt be killed.]

[Alright, go and bring the message, come back them.]

[Yes Sir Commander.] After answering, the subordinate rode away with his horse.]

When he was alone the Commander thought about it again.

"Well as it stands now these monster have a certain bit of wisdom and can even organize armies, I don't think we'll be able to come out of here without an really big amount of sacrifices."

"But as an Commander appointed by Count Groston, i can't ashame him by loosing to some Demis and Monsters. I will just fight myself as well. As it stands now im already as strong as a 5th order, i hid my power because i feared that it would trouble me, alright, i will also do my best to go back to Count Groston and tell him what had happened here and that some Monstrosities are gathering in his territory that he abandoned back in the days because of too much Monster Population."

"The Messenger should be back in a few minutes. I should keep watch of my surroundings, i don't want to be sneak attacked after all. That would be a too shamefull way to die on the Battlefield."


~~~ Shin ~~~


[Finally it's time to test out my Powers. I can't wait to test out the other speels. but since this is near the Village of my Religion, i should try not to destroy it. it would be too cumbersome to build a completely new one. Well whatever, let's go towards the Army. Hmm, what spell should i first release? Hmm...I have so many i know now....hmm...well, let's first decide the element after that the spell.]

[So Fire, Water, Earth, Wind, Light or Dark, there are still other Elements but im not very proficient in them since they were just plainly described in the Books.]

[So, I already know Fire and Water as well as Wind, then maybe i should try an Earth, Light or Dark Element spell now?]

[Hmm..alright, let's test Dark, im really interested in this Element since my favorite colour is Black and it has curses as well as other cool things.]

[So now the question what spell i should use, hmmm]

Shin began to ponder deeply and thought about all the Spells that he could cast with the Dark Element Magic.

"Darkness, Discomfort, Haunt, Conjuration or the only low level curse i can do, Silence."

"Darkness has the effect of letting the enemy see endleess Darkness for a short period of Time. Discomfort can make the enemy feel uncomfortable and let them make more mistakes when in battle, It's a good group skill when figthing in an army. Then there is Haunt, well it is just like when ghosts hunt you, you will someday go insane and you mind will be corrupted by the Ghost, but that takes a long time, this Spell works over the time frame of several days maybe even weeks!! So no, i can't use this one."

"The next one is...Conjuration...I always liked the profession of a summoner in my Old worl if it was playable, but sadly it's only up to the 4th order at the highest, and the chance is still slim when using Mana. I won't have that problem thought, since i can just use Faith Points and make the process much easier."

"And the last...a Curse, i always wondered if Curses exist but since i can do it now myself, why not try it out. It should be really powerfull when using Faith Points."

"Alright...I decided, i will first use the Curse of Silence and then try out the Earth Avalange, or maybe the Earthfire Blockade? Earth Avalange is just earth element and Earthfire Blockade is a combination technique of the element fire and earth...I'll use the Earthfire Blockade alright then, im prepared and can go to the army now" Shin said ambigously and excitedly left were he stood a moment before.


~~~ 2nd Human Army ~~~


[Lieutenant!] A soldier salutet before a man sitting on a Horse.

The Lieutenant only nodded at him to declare that he is allowed to talk.

[We received order to attack in half an hour, along with the other army.]

[Alright, inform all officiers and get ready for a fight!]

[Yes Lieutenant!] He salutet again and then left the Lieutenant in a hurry.


[Lieutenant!! All soldiers are ready and can depard at any time!]

[Good, give the order to go forward.]


~~~ 5 min later ~~~

[Lieutenant, we spotted a flying person in the sky, presumable a wizard of the Wind element of the 3rd Order. Should we procceed with an Attack?]

[What? A flying person? How rare, there aren't many people i know who can fly when they are only 3rd order. Are you sure he is only in the 3rd order?]

[Yes, we made sure to detect his aura and measure his Mana.]

[Alright, is he viligant against us and prepares to attack?]

[Yes, he looked like he anticipated a fight but waited for something, if I had to guess, I'm sure he's one of the monsters!]

[Hmm....alright, attack him, he's not of worth to us, we better eliminate him and remove a threat in battle.]

[Order received Lieutenant!]


[Soldiers!! Execute the man in the Sky immediatly!!. We received an Order!!]

On the Command, the soldiers drew the bow and aimed at the man and were about to start firing in a second but just then they heard the man from above speaking.


~~~ Shin ~~~


[Why are you attacking me? I didn't do anything to you did i??]

[Start firing!! Don't talk with him!]

The Arrow that was already drawn this time fired and started attacking the man

[Alright if you don't want to talk then im just going to kill, you...

{Curse of Silence: Damarum Tenious Yevaiuesta Persmion Noraiydo Salious Acciiocentesis Cisaeiola Asni Syvayeme Angayaest Pesist Eccla}

When the last three words were said, the battlefield that was formerly still loud and noisy, was now so silent that you could hear a needle falling. No noise and tone was heard.

[Wow, it's really strong therefore that it is only a simple spell.]

[Well then, who was the Commander of this Army again?....ehhh...ah yes you.] Shin pointed towards the Lieutenant that was still riding on the Horse but this time he was completly shocked and unable to move his Body because of the sheer fear he felt at this moment.

[Hmm...alright then, tell me, why are you attacking my Village?]


[Still not talking? I think you should be more than ready too now...well then what should i do...hmm using another spell that makes him feel fear? But i don't know such a spell yet...ah wait a moment.....i used a Silence curse right? Of course you can't talk then, sorry about that.]

[Well then, now you should be able to talk and hear again.] Shin waved his and and the curse dissipated from the Lieutenant.

[W-wh-who are y-you?] The man stuttered slowly and in panic.

[Me? Well, you could say that im the holy protector of this Village and some others in the future.]

[You are a deity?] The man now completly paniced and began too lose his mind.

[Hmm well yes, but why do know that? Or I'll say it different, why you think that i am a God/Deity?]

[Because you declared yourself the Holy Protector. Someone who declares himself like that either has the position declared by a Church or it is because he has founded the religion/ territory and is it's God. It is understood this way normally.]

[Thanks for the Information, you are an interesting person, because of your reputation as humans, i would have thought that you wouldn't tell me a little bit and just die for your honor. Well there is also the option of Fake info but i doubt you would have the courage to lie to me, would you have the courage?]

[No. No. No. I would never dare to try lying to you, you could see right trough me anyway so what would it bring me instead of a more painfull death.]

[Hmm really a clever guy. Alright, i have an Idea, you think Demis are monstrosities, so how about i let you live with them, i would even allow you to take 1 up to 4 persons with you so that you aren't alone. Maybe the way how they live would change your mind over thinking that they are Crazy Monsters that are not intelligent.]

[How about it? Do you want to accept?]


[Alright now you can really talk but you don't want to i suppose.]

[Well then, i have another method that isn't that nice for you because i will send you there alone and even prevent you from killing yourself, yes. Alright then, that will be your future.]

[Wait!! please no please at least let me take with me one person otherwise i will just kill myself here and now.]

[So you think you can kill yourself?]

Because Shin said that he immediatly swung his sword towards his throat. But just 1 centimeter away from his throat he couldn't go any further.

[No No No, that won't work, alright then, i will allow you to take another person.]

Still unwilling he stopped trying to kill himself and started to accept his future.

[Can i at least choose the person i will take with me?]

[Yes just do it right now, i don't want to waste more time here. I also have other things to do!]

[Yes well then i wan't to take my most trusted subordinate with me, his name is Carlson, can i go and get him here?]

[Yeah Yeah just do it already] Shin became impatien since he wanted to test his spells out already.

Few minutes later he came back with another person, namely Carlson.

[Alright come here i will also dispell my Curse on you.] another wave of his hand and Carlson was also able to talk and hear again.

[I remember that i didn't ask you yet, but what is your Name?] Shin remembered that he only knew the name of the friend of the Lieutenant but still didn't know the name of the Lieutenant himself.

[My name is Edward Borell, and my friends name is Carlson Gavell.]

[Alright well then Edward and Carlson, i will take you with me now.]

Still unwilling they both went near Shin and waited for him to do something. The more unwilling of the two was Carlson since he still didn't know anything about Shin, he only knew that he is most likely a Deity. It isn't sure now if it's true though, sp it is still only a probability right now.

[Oh and by the way, if you are wondering why no other Soldier is interfering right now, i made sure to make myself not noticebal, so right now, only you two can see me since i didn't activate it against you two.]

They didn't answer and just made a look of understanding something and then went back to normal.

[Lord God, if i may ask, what are you doing to our army now?]

[What im doing to them? Of course im killing them, why should i hold them alive? They're only going to be nuisances anyway.]

[Be happy that i won't obliberate you as well!]

[Please don't do that!! You can take them as slaves or whatever but please don't kill them, they all have families and kids.]

[Do i look like i care about that? You attacked my Believers without even talking to each other, i originally planned to let them contact you and that we can be friendly with each other, so that there won't be any war, but sadly you had to make the order for an attack.]

[I would like to say that we both were against the fight!, There was a Voting between fighting and not fighting yesterday and we both voted against it!]

[Hey Edward!!! Why are you giving out information to the enemie!! I bet if we don't have any more information we will still be killed by him at most we will die a little later than everyone else, you can see that he is unfriendly towards us!!]

[Stop it Carlson, I decided for myself, im long done with the Discrimination against other races, when i was young we both wanted to join the Army because we wanted to make peace among all races. But see what we did till now, we did slaughter and murder against other races!!! That isn't what we originally wanted to do, instead of making peace as we planned to, we made war, this is something i don't want to do anymore. That is also the only reason why im taking up his offer to live in his Village, I want to live a life in peace. I recently started thinking about the Human history and found out that we Humans were the ones who fought against other races, we started the war!! A war that is completly unreasonable and Dumb, we offended most races except a few that are still to strong for us.]

[What are you talking about Edward!! Only through war can we have piece for the Humans!! Other races are simply not good enough as us so we need to eliminate them from the world and cleanse the earth to live a good life!!]

[I see now...I finally see that i am a dumb guy...you are already brainwashed like all other humanity...alrigth then, since that is what you think you can also die here, i can't remember you being such an idiot and believing the storys of the church that much that it influenced your thinking capacity..] Edward said sadly while looking down and shaking his head.

[I also can't remember you being a rebel of the Church, i really thought we were best friends till now. How could i have never found out about you being a faithless person.]

[Well Lord God, you heard us and im sorry for that, but could i please take another person, it seems like he is one who wants war and not stop war.]

[It's interesting, well then, you may do so, i also want to 'talk' with Carlson a littel more indept alone, you can come back in about 5 minutes, that will do.]

Edward shuddered and nodded immediatly running away at his fastest speed. After about 5 seconds he heard a scream and mourning noises from behind.

He was a bit sad about his former best friend being such a Bastard but he hated himself more because he befriended such a person in the first place and didn't find out about it till now.


[Well then Carlson, how about i let you be in Silence again and in addition to that also in Darkness? Maybe also Discomfort. I could also let you burn or drown to death slowly. Normally it would take 10 minutes or longer till you drown but i have a method that is much faster, how about it, you want to try it?]

Carlson wanted to shake his head but he couldn't then a force he didn't know about made his head nod and he became immediatly terrified.

[Oh how nice, you nod, well then, let's start with making you see

{Darkness: Expoaili Wallo Zetra Yare Solaeudium Eperac!}

See, much better, the sun won't bother you ever again, well but can still get sunburn or other things, whatever, next, how about a firebath?]

[Wait? Why are you doing this to me you dirty deity! I didn't offend you in any way, you just deserve to be called dirty, it's what you are!]

[Well still talking like that, okay i will rise the punishment!

{Incinerate!: Vertra Jaliea Verouaris Viniaila Infcio Impni Aciaiyme Ecruola.}

A ring of fire formed around Carlson and started to burn him.

[Heal: Atennea Silaeurium Vicuso Aceum Infeutuna Lobesis Itharran Zeeacia]

[With that you will constantly burn and right after that you will heal again and that will go on endlessly. till i stop it or the fuel runs out, well but that isn't enought.]

Carlson now screamed and wailed inside the flames trying to run out of it but a circle wall around him was formed so that he couldn't get out of the ring.

[Well i also will cast the Discomfort spell so that you are constantly feeling itchy or something. And after that is the Curse of Silence because you're starting to get on my nerves.]

{Discomfort: Tasala Ventaeiiasis Traoaitio Kalieturi Ziuoaerate Nimist Aciayularan}

[And next is:]

{Curse of Silence: Damarum Tenious Yevaiuesta Persmion Noraiydo Salious Acciiocentesis Cisaeiola Asni Syvayeme Angayaest Pesist Eccla}

[Alright, that is nice, finaly it's quiet again...how nice this is.]

After waiting for another 2 minutes Edward came back with a woman in an armor.

[This one is a real friend of mine, we share the same oppinion in regard to not fighting. Her name is Beatrice Beaumont.]

[Alright then i will lift the curse on her.] While saying that Shin noticed their gaze wandering to the fire behind me and that a persons shadow was dancing inside and hammering against the Firewall.]

[What are you looking at?]

[Nothing!!!] They immediatly looked back and did as if they didn't see anything.

[Good then come up with me]

{Upward: Libauial Moroyuguin Malaoeesis Gravuouba Tanfictum Occaoeli Zioaycane Hermis Ascenoeame Zyauergo Ascenic Lula}

The tree suddenly got up and went flying into the sky.

[What? Were flying but how what? eh? Is it that easy? Really?] Beatrice asked astonished.


[Lord God, you must know that we Humans have sometimes difficulties with casting spells so we need especially good control over elements or have a special talent for magic which is really rare.]

[Is that so? im just saying the spell though and it is really ease well whatever.]

[Since my original plan is change i will use Earth Avalanche.]

{Earth Avalanche: Auxsus Zila Acrlium Libaeyeli Saliuin Asaaecio Libaoiacule Kalioyoism Ravaoaest Zatis Xevayoilum Heral Vasoycio Zaayuity Yeveyetion Solilium.}

The earth in front of the human army suddenly rises, startling all the surrounding soldiers who now already started writing on the ground with their swords and trying to communicate, though only a small amount of the soldiers present could understand it since it wouldn't be taught at school. Only higher nobility and some servants could write and read.

When the earth rose to a high of 50 meter, it started to bend forward and create an Avalanche towards the Soldiers. Some of them realised what was about to happen so they started running but there were also some who just stood there and didn't move an inch away.

Beatrice and Edward looked away and decided to just forget their anger instead of fighting against Shin since they couldn't do a thing against him anyway.

They just painfully accepted the mourns and cries of the about to burrowed subordinates.

[Well then, since this is finished here we can go back to the Village, im sure the Army of the Villager will also be finished with your other army because they are quite weak.]

[Im sure we will lose Lord God, but if your army doesn't have anyone stronger than the 5th Order then you will problably loose...]

[Oh why?]

[We notice our Commander having the strenght of a 4th Order Peak Warrior who is about to become a 5th Order. No one except me knows this but i can assure you that this is true!]

[Hmm well you don't need to worry about that, this won't be a problem for Iris and Ripley at all, it's just a snap of the finger and he will die, espically when Ripley does it.]

[Who are Ripley and Iris Lord God?] Beatrice asked curiously.

[They are my Believers with the strongest strenght. You can talk to them yourself since you will be in their care from now on.]

[Oh and im going to advise you, they all have names just as you, so don't be arrogant because you think they don't have names. As you may know, almost all of the Villagers have strenght to 1st Order or at least are close to the 1st Order, even the Kids, so don't try anything and don't try to label them as Crazy, their just using a gift of mine and can see something you don't see.]

[Thank you for telling us laves that Lord God.]

[Hmm your are indeed slave now i suppose, well then, try to be nice and maybe i will invoce the Slave status, you both seem like relatively good people to me in terms of personality against other races and fighting.]

While talking Shin already moved towards the Village with them and now landed slowly in front of the gate.