
1 . Her miserable life

In the town of Xinhua a small house was located near the river there was a store room in the middle of the pile of things lay a girl on a old bed she was beautiful but her clothes tattered it was very cold she curled herself up to find some warmth , she kept shivering but has nothing to cover herself .

Until dawn she was down with a fever at 6 in the morning she propped up her dizzy body from the bed went outside everyone was sleeping soundly she lightened her footsteps went to the bathroom outside to wash.

Coming out of the bathroom she went to the kitchen cooked food for everyone dragged her dizzy body towards the river the water in winter was extremely cold she steeled her heart started fetching water for the day her petite body made her unable to carry the bucket but she still gritted her teeth and carried back home .

Everyone slowly rose at 8 her aunt started cursing her " Stinky girl boil water for everyone she is such a burden for us her parents passed away but left a burden on us ."

She quietly went to do as said she didn't feel bad about her aunt cursing and beating her it's been so many years since she has hearing it at first she felt very sad cried then slowly her heart turned cold she stop feeling bad .

Her mom fled with a foreign man for money when she was 3 year old her dad died due to alcohol she became an orphan.

Her uncle took her in then she became a little maid in their house although they let her go to school due to villagers pressure she was abused and used by them for the rest of time .

They gave her leftover food let her sleep in the store room beat her curse her every day , slowly she stopped crying worked hard at home she also studied hard to get out of this house.

Last month she gave the college entrance exam her uncle's family didn't know they didn't care about her academic affairs as long as she worked well at home didn't make trouble outside they let her be .

Today is the result of the college entrance exam she will go to school to know the results she hopes to fly from this cage.

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