
After Being Dumped by My Ex-Fiance, My Beast of a Husband Pampers Me Every Night

"I'll do anything as long as you give me money." Nobody would've guessed that the once-celebrated rich daughter of the Liang family could one day say something like this. The Liang family went bankrupt. Overnight, Liang Ran lost her identity as the rich daughter of the Liang family and became a debtor. Her father had only just died, and the hospital already urged her to repay the debt. At her most vulnerable moment, her fiance called off the wedding and immediately found someone new. The person he found happened to be her creditor. Only then did Liang Ran realize that her childhood best friend and fiance had long been plotting against her with an outsider. He took advantage of her precarious situation to overtake Liang Group. He was definitely involved in her father's death too. To rescue her family, Liang Ran found herself a sponsor. She gave up her ego and pride, and she begged him to take her with him. "I've never liked anyone who threw themselves at me." The man coldly rejected her. However, she still got what she wanted in the end. After the incident, Liang Ran began negotiating with that man. To her surprise, he actually started developing an interest in her. He even wanted to become her sugar daddy. For a single year, he'd give her three million yuan every three months. If she gave him a child, he'd give her an additional 100 million yuan. For the time being, Liang Ran felt that the best option for her was to accept his offer. After a long time, Liang Ran found out that this had always been the man's plot. However, he said to her, "Trying to get you was the biggest mistake I've ever made." It turned out he had never loved her. Liang Ran decided to leave him. She met in a car accident and died. However, after finding out about her death, the man went crazy!

Mountain Springs · Urban
Not enough ratings
40 Chs

You Found a Replacement

Translator: Nyoi-Bo Studio Editor: Nyoi-Bo Studio

Ji Xuan's gaze was unfathomable. He said in a deep voice, "How did you reply to him?"

"I haven't answered yet."

Ji Xuan looked at her with a cold gaze. "You want to say yes?"

He said with certainty. Liang Ran smiled at him. "Mr. Ji is really a prophet."

Ji Xuan's face completely darkened, and his eyes seemed to be wrapped in ice. "Liang Ran, have you forgotten who you are?"

Liang Ran walked around the desk and stood behind Ji Xuan. She bent down and rested her chin on Ji Xuan's shoulder, saying softly, "Of course I haven't. Don't worry, Mr. Ji. I'm definitely on your side. I wanted to say yes, but you are the one to decide whether I see him or not?"

Ji Xuan's expression was still not good. He said in a deep voice, "Are you going to have dinner with him tonight?"

Liang Ran turned her head and touched Ji Xuan's cheek with her lips before standing back in her original position. She smiled and said, "Yes."

"Liang Ran!" Ji Xuan's voice was deep and cold, and his eyes were filled with anger as he looked at Liang Ran.

Liang Ran trembled slightly but quickly regained her composure. She smiled and said, "I want to invite Mr. Ji to go with me. Would you like to?"

Ji Xuan didn't speak. He had already calmed down a lot and had noticed that previously Liang Ran was deliberately provoking him.

"No." Ji Xuan sounded a little angry.

Liang Ran said, "Then I won't go either. He's here to see you, not me."

Ji Xuan looked at Liang Ran for a moment before suddenly saying, "Wait here."

Liang Ran coughed lightly. "Then I'll make an appointment with him."

"Tell him to come to the company later," Ji Xuan said coldly.

Liang Ran was slightly stunned. "We can talk while eating. It's Fan Ze's treat anyway."

Ji Xuan sounded a little impatient. "I'm not interested in eating with him."

"Oh." Liang Ran nodded and didn't say anything else.

She walked to the window and called Fan Ze. When the call connected, Fan Ze's voice was a little surprised. "Ranran, how is it? Have you thought about where to eat tonight?"

Liang Ran glanced at Ji Xuan, who was typing something on the computer, and said in a low voice, "Mr. Fan..."

"Ranran, do you have to call me so distantly?" Fan Ze interrupted her, "I've been overseas for the past few years, so I don't know anything about my family. When the Liang Family was in trouble, I couldn't help. I'm very sorry about this. We can remain the same as before. You still call me Brother Fan, okay?"

Fan Ze's voice was deep and gentle, with a hint of pleading in his tone. Liang Ran couldn't help but feel a little hesitant. Fan Jin's deeds couldn't be blamed on Fan Ze.

She pursed her lips and said, "Brother Fan, we won't have dinner tonight. Come to Ji Corporation later."

Fan Ze was silent for a moment. Although there seemed to be a turning point in the situation, he didn't sound very happy, "Thank you, Ranran."

After saying that, he paused for a moment before continuing, "Are you still in the Ji Corporation?"

"Yes," Liang Ran said calmly.

Fan Ze said solemnly, "Ranran, I hope you can seriously consider my proposal. What Mr. Ji can give you, I can also give you. Furthermore, I can give you a legitimate status."

Liang Ran was slightly surprised, then said helplessly and seriously, "Brother Fan, don't joke with me. I'm fine now. I don't need another status."

Fan Ze was silent for a moment. He then smiled and said, "Alright, I won't tease you anymore. However, I really want to help you."

Liang Ran raised her eyebrows. "Brother Fan, you should settle the Fan family's matter first."

Fan Ze's tone was a little helpless. "Alright. Anyway, it's been hard on you. I'll buy you a meal if there's any chance in the future."

"We'll see." Liang Ran replied and hung up.

As soon as she hung up the phone, she felt a burning gaze on her.

Liang Ran turned around and smiled at Ji Xuan. "Mr. Ji, do you have anything to say?"

Ji Xuan leaned back lazily on the chair. There was no emotion in his tone. "Brother Fan? What status does he want to give you?"

Liang Ran frowned slightly, but she relaxed after a moment. She said nonchalantly, "Oh, he said he wanted to marry me and give me a legitimate status."

Ji Xuan's black eyes were cold and sharp. He snorted and said, "So this is the replacement you found?"