
After Being Dumped by My Ex-Fiance, My Beast of a Husband Pampers Me Every Night

"I'll do anything as long as you give me money." Nobody would've guessed that the once-celebrated rich daughter of the Liang family could one day say something like this. The Liang family went bankrupt. Overnight, Liang Ran lost her identity as the rich daughter of the Liang family and became a debtor. Her father had only just died, and the hospital already urged her to repay the debt. At her most vulnerable moment, her fiance called off the wedding and immediately found someone new. The person he found happened to be her creditor. Only then did Liang Ran realize that her childhood best friend and fiance had long been plotting against her with an outsider. He took advantage of her precarious situation to overtake Liang Group. He was definitely involved in her father's death too. To rescue her family, Liang Ran found herself a sponsor. She gave up her ego and pride, and she begged him to take her with him. "I've never liked anyone who threw themselves at me." The man coldly rejected her. However, she still got what she wanted in the end. After the incident, Liang Ran began negotiating with that man. To her surprise, he actually started developing an interest in her. He even wanted to become her sugar daddy. For a single year, he'd give her three million yuan every three months. If she gave him a child, he'd give her an additional 100 million yuan. For the time being, Liang Ran felt that the best option for her was to accept his offer. After a long time, Liang Ran found out that this had always been the man's plot. However, he said to her, "Trying to get you was the biggest mistake I've ever made." It turned out he had never loved her. Liang Ran decided to leave him. She met in a car accident and died. However, after finding out about her death, the man went crazy!

Mountain Springs · Urban
Not enough ratings
40 Chs

Talking About the Bottom Line at This Point

Translator: Nyoi-Bo Studio Editor: Nyoi-Bo Studio

Ji Xuan's expression was a little unpleasant, and he felt that he was already on the verge of losing his temper. He said in a deep voice, "Stop dreaming, and don't give yourself fake titles."

Ji Xuan's words successfully made Xu Yan's eyes turn red. She felt like she was going to cry the next second. She touched her injured elbow and sobbed, "Darling, why are you so ruthless?"

Ji Xuan ignored her and took out his phone to make a call.

As soon as the call was connected, he said coldly, "Is the security in Lishui so bad now? Anyone can just come in?"

Ji Xuan's expression was still very unsightly after hearing what was said on the other end. He said in a deep voice, "Come over immediately."

After hanging up the phone, he pulled Liang Ran's hand and opened the gate.

Xu Yan was dumbfounded. She was still unwilling to give up even though she was locked outside the gate. She shouted heartbreakingly, "Ji Xuan, why are you so heartless? Don't you have sympathy?"

Ji Xuan acted as if he did not hear her and dragged Liang Ran across a large garden.

Liang Ran turned back to look and asked, "Are you just going to leave her like that?"

Ji Xuan said lightly, "The security will come and kick her out. They won't let her in again."

Liang Ran nodded and asked, "She said she's your fiancée?"

Ji Xuan tilted his head and glanced at her. "Are you only interested in the parts you like when watching a show? I already said she's not."

He had just seen Liang Ran standing there with a look of interest.

"Does Mr. Ji have any other fiancées? Or should I say, does Mr. Ji have any secret wives?" Liang Ran laughed awkwardly and asked again.

Ji Xuan looked at Liang Ran like she was an idiot and asked, "You lost your mind too?"

"...It's good that you don't." Liang Ran said.

"If I do, what do you want?" Ji Xuan was speechless.

Liang Ran said reluctantly, "If there really is, then our relationship should end. Although I've fallen, my bottom line is still there. I don't want to be a mistress who destroys other's marriages."

"Hmph!" Ji Xuan sneered, stopped walking, reached out, and pinched Liang Ran's chin, turning her face toward him. "Talking about the bottom line at this point, Liang Ran, don't you think you're being hypocritical?"

Liang Ran lowered her eyelids and after a moment, she looked up and smiled, "I don't think so. Isn't there a saying that goes 'cut loss in time'? If Mr. Ji adores someone in the future, please tell me as soon as possible so that I can go find someone else."

Anger flashed in Ji Xuan's eyes. He hadn't fed up with Liang Ran yet, and she was already prepared to find a new partner.

Liang Ran saw his anger and smiled. "It was just a joke, why take it so seriously, Mr. Ji?"

Ji Xuan let go of her hand and walked forward without saying a word. He was a little depressed, not only because Liang Ran had easily said that she would look for another person, but also because of the angry feeling he suddenly had.

With their relationship, it was not a good thing to be easily affected by each other's words and deeds.

Liang Ran followed him silently. As she walked, she observed Ji Xuan's figure. She couldn't help but recall what had happened at the Zeng family's house. The way Ji Xuan had stood up for her had left a deep impression.

Ji Xuan had made the Zeng family speechless, and he looked really handsome doing it.

Liang Ran closed her eyes and patted her slightly reddened cheeks.

"No, no, Liang Ran, wake up." Liang Ran warned herself softly.

"What, do you think your words were stupid now?"Ji Xuan, who was walking in front, suddenly turned around and mocked her mercilessly.

Liang Ran was stunned for a moment before laughing. "Yes, they were pretty stupid."

How could she have had such foolish thoughts? Besides his background and appearance, Ji Xuan had nothing to offer and was completely uncultured.

The slight stirring within Liang Ran disappeared in an instant, and she heaved a sigh of relief. She ran to Ji Xuan's side and took his hand with a particularly formal smile, following him home.

Both of them were tired after a long day. That night, Ji Xuan did not do anything. He fell asleep while cuddling Liang Ran.

Sleeping like this wasn't comfortable at all, and Liang Ran had nightmares all night about being tied up.

The next morning, Ji Xuan was refreshed and his private part was in high spirits. Liang Ran felt like she was dying.

She looked at Ji Xuan helplessly. "Should I buy a human-shaped pillow for Mr. Ji?"

"Why?" Ji Xuan was stunned.

"I feel like Mr. Ji isn't looking for a lover, but a pillow."

Ji Xuan was speechless.