
after a war comes a radiant love

Dex, the captain of exSeal members and the now shareholder of the ski resort with the same sworn brothers aka his ex-team members, always has the duty to teach young kids about self defence as the side hand business of their ski resort. While the parents would enjoy the ski resort their kids would be allowed to stay with the exSeal members and learn some self defence techniques. But on a certain winter day when Dex went out from the town to buy some fuel needed for a machine in the resort because their employee who would bring that fuel suddenly fell ill. It was really a huge task for Dex since he didn’t liked going out of the town because he didn’t like loud people from outside the town but this fuel trip proved to be very beneficial for him since he found something very interesting or rather peculiar for himself.  A woman or more like a drunk woman standing outside a university with the board “ save yourself” and yelling “don’t enter this shithole if you want a bright future and save yourself” Her appearance was completely distraught with messy hair, smudge makeup and a shoe missing. From the looks of everything she looked like she was too drunk to even know her own name. She was completely out of the definition of the “woman” in Dex’s dictionary but for some reasons he just couldn’t take his eyes off of her and soon he unconsciously walked towards her. Both had an eye contact and a little chat when the university’s authority came to chase her.  Although Dex had no link to the situation here but for some reasons he felt that it’s time he should help her escape and that’s exactly what he did. But halfway through the car journey back to the resort the girl had fallen asleep. Now the thing was, Dex couldn’t decide either to throw out that woman or take her back which he thought that the later option was better, but was it? On the other hand Hazel, who was going through the toughest time of her life found the love of her life, who helped her escape from being caught by the university’s authority. She felt a weird spark the second Dex held her hand to run away and for some reasons she even followed this complete stranger to his car and even fell asleep in it. Their first encounter was completely different from how their personalities actually were. At first Dex wasn’t so interested in falling in love with a woman who can drunk herself and get in trouble so much but what would happen if he fell in love with her in the end?.

viola_aster · Realistic
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5 Chs

character profile

Characters profile:

The 5 main sworn brothers:

1-dex (age 28)

Introduction: joined the military at the age of 19 and advanced to a team ranking and accomplished all the missions and was the sniper shooter in the alpha team. He is the most insightful one in the group but sometimes is dumb when it comes to solving his own love problems. Falls in love with a certain girl who visits the resort very often and is a very beautiful woman both in and out.

• Can speak english, french and spanish.

• Very good at hand to hand combat

• Appears to have a low temper but if angered then is very scary

Physical appearance: a complete native USA guy (half french) with brown hair with hazel colored eyes and a scar at his hand and lip as a result of a knife wound from his own father.

2- noah (age 27)

Introduction: he is also from USA downtown, joined military at the age of 18 after the death of his uncle who adopted him when his family threw him out.

The most silent one, can guess the situation by judging the surroundings. Likes everything in perfection but falls in love with an artist girl who doesnt even match his ideal.

• Can speak english, spanish. He can understand french but doesnt talk in it since his accent is bad in french.

• Very good at combat.

• Always keeps a straight when he is in a gathering or social events but inside the friends group laughs alot.

Physical appearance: has a very handsome face and ash blonde hair with long bangs which covers his eyes in events. Eyes are jade colored. Has a scar on his arm due an injury during the mission.

3-stetson (age 25)

Intro: was recruited from australia to the military. Joined military at the age of 19. Is very hot headed and gets annoyed very quickly. Acts on impulse but is a very kind guy.

• Can speak english, spanish, chinese and french.

• Very good at strength and physical power

• Likes getting attention but doesnt shows it. Is very socially awkwards with new people.

PA: brown hair with dark brown eyes. Is the most handsome out of the group. Has alot of scars on his body as the result of torture on a mission.

4- flynn (age 27)

Intro: recruited from spain , parents both worked in military. Joined military at the age of 18. He is the playboy in the group and dreams to have a luxury and peaceful life.

• Can speak spanish and english. He can understand french but cant speak it.

• Good at iq.

• Gets very attentive towards woman

PA: has black hair and black eye orbs. Likes to wear open buttoned clothes. Has a few scars on the body due to the missions

5-dylen ( age 29)

Intro: was recruited from greenland. Has sworn to never fall in love. Has alot of one night stand but never takes women seriously. Gets uninterested easily.

• Can speak english and spanish. Knows alot of french cursing words.

• Very insightful

• Gets bored easily

PA: is a pure blonde and has blue eyes. Very handsome face and looks like a 25 years old guy.

The female leads :

1- hazel (age 26)

2- lucia (age 27)

3- ivy (age 22)

4- ember (age 25)

5- autumn (age 26)