
After a long journey

In "After a long journey" the story unfolds with the unlikely pairing of a damaged man, Shen Yujin, and a beautiful princess, Wu Jiayi. Despite their stark differences, they find themselves entangled in a whirlwind romance. However, circumstances tear them apart, leaving Yujin scarred and Jiayi yearning for what once was. Five years pass, and fate brings them together once more, igniting a tumultuous reunion filled with unresolved emotions and lingering desires. As they confront the wounds of their past and navigate the complexities of their present, "Fool and Princess" delves into themes of love, resilience, and the enduring power of second chances. Will they find solace in each other's arms, or are some wounds too deep to heal?

Aditya_Raj_1048 · Urban
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9 Chs


The night was shrouded in darkness, the city lights reflecting off the rain-soaked streets. Shen Yujin, a man of unknown past, stood at an intersection, waiting for the traffic signal to change. Unbeknownst to him, fate had already set its course in motion.

In another realm of the city, Wu Jiayi, the heiress to the illustrious Wu family, was drowning her sorrows in the neon-lit haze of a club. The rhythmic pulsing of music echoed in her ears as she gripped the steering wheel, intoxicated by more than just the alcohol coursing through her veins.

The rain blurred the boundaries between reality and illusion as a car careened into the intersection. In the blink of an eye, Shen Yujin's world shattered. Metal collided with flesh, the impact resonating through the night. In the aftermath, the rain continued to fall, washing away the remnants of what once was.

When Shen Yujin regained consciousness, the hospital room enveloped him in a sterile embrace. The harsh beeping of machines echoed in his ears, a dissonant melody to his fragmented thoughts. His eyes opened to the harsh glare of fluorescent lights, revealing a face marred by a burn scar and eyes clouded with confusion.

 Wu Tong, the formidable patriarch of the Wu family, strode down the sterile hospital corridor with an air of authority. He reached the door marked "Private," beyond which lay the answers to the questions that loomed in his mind. The doctor, a middle-aged man with tired eyes entered his sight.

Wu Tong approached Shen Yujin's bedside, his gaze fixed on the man who lay beneath the sterile white sheets. He offered a small, reassuring smile before speaking.

**Wu Tong:** how are you feeling? Are you starting to feel better?

Shen Yujin's eyes flickered with confusion as he struggled to form words. His lips parted, but no sound emerged, only a faint whisper of breath escaping his lips. He gazed at the old man with a mixture of frustration and helplessness, his eyes pleading for understanding.

**Wu Tong:** (Frowning) It's alright, young man take your time. There's no rush. Just focus on resting and getting better.

Wu Tong's voice was gentle, laced with empathy for the man who lay before him, trapped within the confines of his own mind. He placed a comforting hand on Shen Yujin's shoulder, offering silent support in the face of uncertainty.

**Wu Tong:** Doctor, I need to know the extent of his injuries. Spare no details.

**Doctor:** (Nodding) Mr. Wu, I understand your concerns.He has sustained severe injuries. Multiple rib fractures, contusions all over his body, and a burn scar on his face from the impact. The accident has left him physically battered.

**Wu Tong:** (Frowning) How bad is it? Will he recover?

**Doctor:** (Sighing) Physically, he is stable. The fractures will heal with time, and he should be able to resume normal activities within two to three months. However, his head injury is a different matter. The trauma has caused amnesia. He doesn't remember who he is or anything about his past.

**Wu Tong:** (Narrowing his eyes) Amnesia? How severe is it? Can't you do something about it?

**Doctor:** Mr. Wu, amnesia is a complex condition. The impact on his memory is unpredictable. It might resolve itself over time, or it could persist. We can't guarantee anything regarding the recovery of his memories.

**Wu Tong:** (Impatient) I need a more concrete answer, doctor. His memories are crucial, especially considering the circumstances surrounding the accident.

**Doctor:** I understand the importance, Mr. Wu. But the brain is a delicate organ, and its healing process is not always straightforward. His recovery will depend on various factors, including his own resilience and the support he receives.

**Wu Tong:** (Frustrated) What about his current state? Is he out of danger?

**Doctor:** Yes, physically he's out of immediate danger. With proper care, he should make a full recovery from his injuries. However, the journey regarding his memory is uncertain.

**Wu Tong:** (Nodding) Ensure he gets the best care. Money is no object. And make sure the details of his injuries remain confidential.

**Doctor:** I assure you, Mr. Wu, he's in good hands. I'll do my best to provide the care he needs. As for confidentiality, the hospital staff is well aware of the sensitivity surrounding this case.

Wu Tong left the room, his mind swirling with concerns. The revelation of Shen Yujin's amnesia added a layer of complexity to an already delicate situation. The journey ahead was uncertain, and the shadows of the past cast a veil over the road to recovery for the man who now bore both physical and unseen scars.

Images flashed before him – a collision, shattered glass, and the haunting silhouette of a woman behind the wheel. His memories lay scattered like shards of glass on the pavement. He couldn't recall his name, his past, or even the reason for the pain that surged through his battered body.

Across the city, Wu Tong, the formidable patriarch of the Wu family, received news of the accident. Concern etched lines on his weathered face as he learned that his granddaughter, Wu Jiayi, was involved. The Wu family, known for its influence and wealth, couldn't afford a scandal tarnishing their prestigious name.

In a hushed conversation within the sterile walls of the hospital, Wu Tong confronted Shen Yujin's dire circumstances. A pact was silently forged, binding the fates of two individuals forever. To protect his granddaughter from the clutches of the law, Wu Tong wielded his influence, orchestrating a clandestine marriage between the amnesic Shen Yujin and the remorseful Wu Jiayi.

As Shen Yujin awoke to a reality he could not comprehend, he found himself entangled in a web of deception. The burn scar on his face mirrored the unseen scars of a past erased by the collision of metal and destiny. Wu Jiayi, burdened by guilt, faced the consequences of her actions not in the cold bars of a jail cell, but in the confines of an enforced union.

Wu Tong, the puppeteer behind the scenes, ensured that the accident remained veiled in secrecy. Despite his wealth and influence, even the head of the number one family in Beijing found himself hitting walls when attempting to uncover Shen Yujin's obscured past. The man with no memories became an enigma, shielded by the shadows cast by Wu Tong's formidable presence.

And so, a reluctant chapter of their lives unfolded, where the lines between truth and fiction blurred, and the rain continued to fall, washing away the sins of that fateful night. Shen Yujin and Wu Jiayi, bound by circumstances beyond their control, embarked on a journey through the mist of forgotten memories, unaware of the intricacies that lay h

idden in the shadows of their intertwined destinies.