After Tone Death
Episode 8.09
Disclaimer: I do not own Castle, doo wop, doo wop. Rating: K Time: See above.
"Are you sure that this is a good idea, Beckett?"
"Maybe I'll feel bad about it later, when this is all over, but now I'm just mad at them. Plus, it'll make our fake breakup look more real."
"They only did it because they care for you, you know."
Beckett slowly nodded. "Caring for me is one thing. But both Ryan and Espo have assumed from the start that you were at fault in this. Even Lanie's told me that she's there for me, and she's told me I'm better off without you. And those are the things I can tell you she said."
"Sure, but…"
"And Ryan and Espo have been pushing you around and I won't stand for that. Plus, Ryan told me that Jenny agrees one hundred percent that it's your fault."
"But don't you think this is going a bit too far."
"Not when I'm this angry. You're my husband, the love of my life, my one and done, and I'm not going to let them get away with this."
They were interrupted by a knock at the loft door. Kate hid in the bedroom in case it was someone else. Rick opened the door. Standing there was a tall, blonde with green eyes, dressed in a scarlet dress which showed off her long, toned legs and her boobs.
"No, Ekaterina." Then she smiled. "Oh, yes, Mr. Castle. Tonight I'm Svetlana. How are you?"
"Come in, please. And could you show more of a Russian accent please?"
"Am very sorry. In acting school I try to lose accent, sound American. Martha a big help. Wonderful lady. I appreciate you pay me union scale, but I would do for free for Ms. Martha. Wonderful woman."
"My mother-in-law is that." Kate said. "I'm Captain Kate Beckett, also known as Mrs. Castle. You're gorgeous, Svetlana. Exactly what we're looking for. You understand what we're doing tonight?"
"Absolutely. Ms. Martha explain."
There was another knock on the door and both Kate and Svetlana headed for the bedroom to hide.
Rick opened the door. "Dr. Livingstone, I presume?"
The man who entered the loft was taller by two or three inches than Castle with wide shoulders and a narrow waist. He had dark, curly hair and a great smile. He grinned at Castle. "You know I had to look that reference up on Google. And I'm in my first year of med school, so I'm not a doctor. But thanks for the job, you have no idea how hard it is for me and my boyfriend to make ends meet with both of us in school."
"But you know what you have to do?" Rick asked.
"Yeah, your friend explained everything to me. So, I'll really be with your wife and you'll be with some actress, and we'll be at the same place?"
"My wife overheard some friends planning a little dinner tonight. We want to play a joke on them."
Kate and Svetlana came out of the bedroom.
"Are we ready?" Kate asked.
Everyone nodded.
Ryan and Jenny and Espo and Lanie sat glumly at a table at Remy's, looking over the menus.
"It sucks that Castle and Beckett broke up." Ryan said.
"Kev! Castle was cheating on her. Of course she had to break up with that asshole. I hope she gets every cent that bum has in the divorce."
Lanie nodded in agreement. "All that bastard has ever done is break her heart. I'm glad she found out what he really is when she did and not later."
Espo suddenly looked up. "Look. It's Beckett. And that must be Dr. Livingstone."
"He's cute." Lanie said. "And well dressed. I hope he'll be good for Beckett."
"Shit!" Espo said. "It's Castle."
"And look at who he's with." Lanie added.
"If she's an underwear model, why isn't she wearing any?" Jenny muttered.
Castle and Beckett were sitting several tables apart and totally ignoring each other.
Svetlana reached over and took Rick's hand, placing it on top of her own on her lap. "Just sit there, Rick and smile. I see this in American movie."
Svetlana began moving back and forth slowly on her chair and then closed her eyes. She leaned towards Rick, who continued smiling. She then began to breathe heavily and was bouncing up and down on her chair. Then she started to groan and finally let out a long, drawn out moan and collapsed against Castle's shoulder. "Did they see?" She asked. "Did I do good job?"
"Oh they saw, all right. I just hope Beckett can protect me from them. Espo especially looks like he's ready to kill me right now."
Castle looked over at Beckett's table and saw that she had pulled her doctor over to her and was apparently nibbling on his ear, but with him blocking the view of her detectives and their dates, she winked at Castle and mouthed, "I love you." and blew him a kiss.
The Ryan's, Espo and Lanie were shocked. Finally, Espo began to get up. "I'm going to go over there and knock him silly."
Ryan grabbed his arm. "Javi, this is a cop bar. You hit him and Beckett will have to take official notice. You'll lose your badge."
"It'd be worth it."
"No, it won't, Javi." Lanie said. "He isn't worth it."
"Look, Svetlana is getting up and headed for the ladies' room." Ryan broke in. "You two go follow her and see if you can get anything out of her."
"I'd love to get something out of her."Lanie growled." Starting with her spleen and working down."
When the two women reached the ladies' room, they found Svetlana primping in front of the mirror. Jenny spoke first. "Looks like you've got a hot date tonight. "
"Reekee? He's fantastic, but sometimes too much for me. Three nights ago, I bring my friends Annika and Irina. He wear us out. No wonder, considering what his wife is like. She hate sex. All she want to do is spend money. Svetlana is better for Reekee."
After Lanie and Jenny stormed out of the ladies' room, it took Svetlana several minutes to stop laughing.
Ryan and Espo were totally shocked about what Castle had allegedly said about Beckett. "She hates sex?" Espo said.
Ryan shook his head. "I know for as fact that she's gone out of her way to pay her own way in that marriage."
"Hey," Jenny said. "Now it's Livingstone's turn. You two guys go talk to him."
They found Livingstone washing his hands.
"We're Ryan and Esposito." Kevin said. "We work with Captain Beckett. So, you're a doctor?"
He smiled at the two men and nodded. "I'm the love doctor. I've got what's good for you, and I'll make you feel better with a little injection from the love machine."
Both men were shocked. "You're not a doctor?"
He shrugged. "I am what I am. And let me tell you, your captain is one hot mamma. And her hubby is one rich dude. This is going to be so much fun."
Espo was about ready to deck him when a detective from IA walked in. Espo and Ryan stomped out.
They sat there, miserable, through the dinner, watching Castle and Beckett enjoying themselves. Castle and Svetlana left and then Beckett got up to go to the ladies room, walking to their table.
"Captain, you have to listen to us." Ryan said. "That guy isn't a doctor. And he's…"
"I know what he is, Ryan. I don't ask you two what you do off duty and I expect the same from you."
Al four sat there with their mouths open. Kate went on. "And another thing. Whatever happens in my relationship with Castle, it's between him and me and no one else. And he's a citizen of New York and entitled to our respect and protection. If I ever hear of you even being nasty to Castle, you'll be in front of my desk and you will not like what happens. Do I make myself clear?" Without waiting for a reply, Kate walked off.
"I'll never understand women." Javi said.
Kevin glanced at Jenny. "I'll never understand that woman."
Back at the loft, Rick picked Kate up and carried her to the bedroom. "That was nasty, Mrs. Castle, but I'm afraid I enjoyed it."
She kissed him. "Just remember how much I love you. And when someone is nasty to you, I become a mama grizzly bear looking out for her mate."
"A Russian bear?" Castle teased.
"Absolutely. Now let me show you what a real, gorgeous, sexy Russian underwear model can do for you."