
After 800 Years, I've Become The Taboo Lifeform

# GROUP Wei Bujuan was transmigrated into a Xianxia game. He was forced to live under the Green Cliff Mountain for 800 years. When 800 years had passed, he had obtained the Divine Lightning Washed Body. The Green Cliff Mountain quickly became a restricted zone where not a single soul would dare to enter. And Wei Bujuan had become a legendary being in the cultivation world, the Taboo Lifeform.

The Key In 10 Years · Eastern
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40 Chs

I Have Seen This Scene Before!

Translator: Nyoi-Bo Studio Editor: Nyoi-Bo Studio


"Sir, why did you change from arrogance to being respectful?"

"Now you know to be gentle?"

A playful smile appeared on Wei Bujuan's face.

Without another word, it started!






On the prodigy's arena.

The sounds of fighting, which were half-pushing and half-agreeing, rang out continuously!

The itinerant cultivators had been used as laborers by Wei Bujuan.

Most of them were dejected and dealt with the matter.

However, they were all very smart. They knew that Wei Bujuan wouldn't be too ruthless, so they all fought to destroy him...


Some of them released their true Qi and used it as a defensive spell, afraid that Wei Bujuan wouldn't be able to break through.


Some of them fell on the spot after two moves.

They shouted, "My old injuries are acting up! My life is over!"

Then, they rolled off the stage.


There was even a female cultivator with a bulging chest who secretly used a spell to make her baby, who was not on the stage, cry.

Then, she looked at Wei Bujuan with tears in her eyes.

"Prodigy Han, my son wants to drink milk... What do you think?"

Wei Bujuan covered his forehead with his right hand.

His left hand helplessly waved, signaling her to leave the stage.

The female cultivator happily left the stage.

It attracted countless gazes.

However, after she got off the stage, she followed everyone's gaze and glared back.

"What are you looking at? Are you my son?"

Someone even shamelessly added.

"I can be..."


The Yang Qi Sword suddenly stopped in front of the man's chest.

"You first!"

Wei Bujuan's expression wasn't friendly.

The man immediately panicked.

"Prodigy Han, I have my parents to take care of, and I've never done any evil! I'll occasionally take advantage of people with my words, but that's not a big deal, right?"

"Please take it easy, I'm only in the early Foundation Establishment stage..."

Wei Bujuan rubbed his temples.

His heart was in pain.

He just wanted to find someone to practice with, but why did it suddenly become so difficult?

Where were the masters?

Where were the f*cking masters?

Could it be that these unorganized itinerant cultivators were the only ones left in the vast Jade Dragon Kingdom?

He couldn't help but glance at the West Bank of Wind Lightning Gorge.

With just a glance, the people from the Black Frost Demonic Sect retreated another thirty miles.

Wei Bujuan looked at the Eastern Shore.

The reaction on this side was even faster.

As the Black Frost Demonic Sect retreated, they had already started to run!


This time, the originally grand prodigy's arena had completely turned into an embarrassing farce.

This was because the masters of both the righteous and demonic paths had a psychological shadow after being attacked by the system.

The rest of the itinerant cultivators were still struggling.

However, a battle of this level could not be considered exciting.

Wei Bujuan would be done in at most two minutes.

He could only get a minimum amount of fighting experience!

If he wanted to gain extra experience, he had to increase the time, posture, frequency, strength, and so on...

But he didn't have the ability to do so now!


"No matter how thin a mosquito's leg is, it's still flesh..."

Wei Bujuan thought helplessly.

Then, he raised his voice and shouted.

"All of you, listen up! If you have any abilities, don't try to hide them. Show them all! If I find out that you're hiding something, I'll definitely repay you in the future!"

Everyone saw that Wei Bujuan didn't even bother to pretend anymore.

All of them were crying for their parents.

In their hearts, this person had already been linked to the real demon!

Therefore, they fearfully exchanged blows with "Han Li".

Although they didn't dare to go easy on the surface, under the low morale, Wei Bujuan always won easily!


[You've defeated the itinerant cultivator Xu Meiniang. Your fighting experience +1000]


[You've defeated the itinerant cultivator Qu Zhen. Your fighting experience +1000]


[You've defeated the itinerant cultivator, Mu Sanxing. Your fighting experience +1000]



He had defeated all the itinerant cultivators in one go.

Wei Bujuan ruthlessly ate a wave of guaranteed victories!

Under the accumulation of numbers, his fighting skills had finally improved again!

He had reached the realm of [Minor Accomplishment]!


[Minor Accomplishment: Your fighting skills are outstanding, and you are almost unrivaled in the same realm (minor realm)]


It could be translated as he could easily stand out in a situation where rookies were pecking at each other!


[Your fighting skills have improved by a small level. You have obtained a new function: Immersive Replay (unlockable with 150000 spirit stones)!


Immersive Replay: You can now play any character in the replay process;

You can observe every detail from both sides or a special state during a particular time frame;

In the review process, you have a certain chance of learning the spells or divine power of both sides.]


This was awesome!

Wei Bujuan's eyes lit up.

After activating this function, wouldn't he be able to transform into Yu Zhibo and lay flat?

"I just don't know what the probability is. It can't be the probability of drawing a card in a mobile game, right..."

He muttered in his heart.

However, after unlocking the Immersive Replay, Wei Bujuan's abundant reserve of spirit stones was suddenly stretched thin.

He had thought that spirit stones weren't important, but now it seemed that even if he was sent to an immortal cultivation sect, he would still need a large number of spirit stones!


He watched as this group of itinerant cultivators left the arena.

Wei Bujuan's challenge count stopped at [67/210].

He looked around.

None of them had the intention to challenge him!

The itinerant cultivators in the fishing village had long since hidden far away.

Even the tea shop where the old man sold tea had opened his stall on the other side!

This made Wei Bujuan a little depressed.

He was clearly a small fry.

Why was no one willing to go on stage and try again?

Moreover, he had a sense of propriety.

He didn't see any of the itinerant cultivators that he had defeated die!

"It's all the system's fault for playing on my behalf!"

"I must use it carefully in the future!"

He secretly remembered it.


On the other side of the fishing village.

Luo Bajiang of the Ironwood Castle slowly woke up.

He was very curious upon seeing the scene below the arena.

A servant immediately explained to him.

Luo Bajiang came to a sudden realization.

He immediately asked.

"Since that's the case, why hasn't everyone dispersed?"

Mi Fu laughed.

"Didn't you say that the young talents of the other five countries are on their way here? If we don't finish watching this show, we'll be at a huge disadvantage..."

While they were talking, a hearty laugh came from the distance.

"You're not done? It seems that I'm not late!"

"Northern Mountain Kingdom's sword cultivator Zhang Daoyuan, challenging the number one prodigy... What's his name again? Oh, Han Li!"

A figure flew onto the arena.

The two sides began to fight without a word.


Zhang Daoyuan had the strength of a mid-Golden Core stage.

His sword technique was also extremely sharp.

Facing such a strong enemy, Wei Bujuan would fight to the end.

However, he was also mentally prepared to have the system battle on his behalf if he really couldn't handle it!

However, the actual combat process had far exceeded his expectations!

Zhang Daoyuan's sword technique was indeed exquisite.

However, Wei Bujuan had only used the simplest move of the Yang Qi Sword to suppress him!

Wei Bujuan felt a little strange.

But he didn't think too much about it.

Ever since he had awakened, he was very calm.

He was not in a hurry to attack.

Instead, he continued to suppress it.

Their true Qi collided with each other.

It was as if two strong men drenched in sweat were fighting hand to hand!

However, in the 13th move, Wei Bujuan suddenly turned his blade.


Dan Yangzi's Sword Technique: The Cycle!


In that instant, a golden light flashed!

The sword Qi pierced through Zhang Daoyuan's stellar energy like an antelope hanging upside down.

Then, it struck his back!


Zhang Daoyuan spat out a mouthful of blood.

His true Qi was instantly thrown into chaos.

Wei Bujuan continued.

He stabbed a few more times.

He would defeat the enemy directly!


[You've defeated the Northern Mountain Kingdom's sword cultivator Zhang Daoyuan (mid-Golden Core stage). Your fighting experience +2400!


You have obtained Dragon's Spine Fluid!


Your "aura" has reached Level 30. Additional effect: One Burst is continuing to activate...


One Burst (Level 30): When you're in a state of consecutive victories, every attack you use will be 3 times the original power!]


So that was how it was!

Wei Bujuan suddenly understood.

Aura might seem ethereal to outsiders, but it was real!

Defeat the enemy to gain aura.

The more people he defeated, the higher the level of his aura, and the stronger the effect of "One Burst"!


He had not noticed it before.

Looking back now, Wei Bujuan discovered that when aura was at level ten onwards, One Burst had already started to take effect!

He tried to recall.

It was also from that time that things became smoother for him!

"As expected, the saying of nourishing one's Qi through victory really exists!"

"If a person wins for a long time, their strength will naturally overflow!"

"It's the same logic as a person in a high position showing his might without being angry!"

Wei Bujuan's understanding of "aura" had deepened by another level.

He thought about it carefully.

From the beginning, he was so nervous that he didn't even know how to cast a spell when he was facing a high-intensity confrontation on the stage. Now, he was grabbing strong men everywhere in the arena and domineering them. Such a huge change in such a short time was probably caused by the change in mentality and aura!

His mentality had completely settled.

His aura gradually accumulated.

Then, he fearlessly faced the enemy.

This was the correct path to progress!

Of course, Wei Bujuan also admitted that the key to his success was to have the system to back him up...


One after another, many more people rushed over from afar.

Judging from their faces, they were all from other countries.

Wei Bujuan's aura was at its peak.

Naturally, he would not let go of this batch of experience.

In order to prevent the same mistake as when the righteous path and the demonic path joined forces to retreat, Wei Bujuan directly used his Qi Observation on the crowd!

Then, he started a new round of reverse challenge slogans as if he was announcing the names of dishes.


"The number one prodigy, Han Li, challenges Jiang Yuyan from the Luosha Kingdom!"


"The number one prodigy, Han Li, challenges Xiao Pingshi of the Blacktooth Nation!"


"The number one prodigy, Han Li, challenges Quanfeng Kingdom's Dongfang Lanzhi!"


In an instant, countless golden lights fell.

This group of people had just arrived when they were captured by the golden light and sent to the preparation area on the stage!

After experiencing such an outrageous scene, everyone felt that this was outrageous!

They had never seen a person on the Prodigy Ranking challenge someone below the stage!

These guys who had failed in their internal strife in other countries and ran out to try to get some benefits muttered to themselves for a while.

A proud and arrogant guy sneered.

"This person is so arrogant that he's not afraid of us taking turns to fight him. Although he has an hour to rest, he'll be more and more exhausted as time goes on. Let's see how I take away his dragon energy..."

But as he spoke, he suddenly glanced at the list next to him.

What followed was a terrifying scream.

"Wait! Twenty-one flashes of dragon energy? Did I see it wrong?"


"How did such a monster appear in the Jade Dragon Kingdom? What the hell is the intelligence disciple of my sect doing? If I had known, how could I..."

However, just as he was wailing, something even more terrifying happened.

Han Li was actually looking at him with a smile!

Then, he even beckoned him over with his index finger!

That person immediately swallowed his saliva.

"P-Prodigy Han..."

"Please be gentle..."


Outside the tea shop in the fishing village.

Yangyang tugged at the corner of Luo Bajiang's clothes.

"Cousin, cousin, I've seen this scene before!"

Luo Bajiang's tiger-like body trembled, and he forced a smile.

"You scared me. I thought you wanted to learn this too..."

Who knew that Yangyang would actually stare at him with her big, watery eyes?

Luo Bajiang's heart skipped a beat.

"Don't tell me you're really thinking of..."

Yangyang suddenly shook her head.

Then, she said in an extremely serious tone.

"I want to learn from that person... Anything will be fine!"

"I just want to follow him!"

When she was speaking, her small face unconsciously blushed.

Luo Bajiang immediately turned serious.

"Your eyes... What did you see?"

Yangyang pouted, and she stopped talking.

Luo Bajiang looked at Han Li's figure.

His eyes gradually became deep.
