

There was no lens solution with him to clean current ones so Jason had to use spare contact lenses in his wallet. The brown haired man in the mirror had long eyelashes and pretty face features of the mediterranean just like his father. Only exception was his eye color. His eyes were as if a painter dipped his brush in champagne and liquid gold to find the right color. It was not a natural eye color for humans, unless you carry a mutant virus in your blood that turns you into a shape shifter. His eyes were only legacy from his mother.

'At one point his studies focused to pass on modified animal genes with these and some other characteristics to humans. He did not succeed. The test subjects did indeed have these characteristics however they were like animals stuck in human bodies. They began to lose their minds... However there was another scientist who was interested in this study. She took a different route for her studies in the country that was once called Japan. According to legend, she made a deal with a dragon...' His mother once said, looking at the eyes made of champagne and gold of her son in her arms.

'But mom, there are no dragons.'

'They may not exist today. It doesn't mean they didn't once exist. Scientist followed the legends and found the last living dragon to make a request. She asked the dragon to help her make humans stronger. The dragon did not accept. He said that humans wreak havoc on the world.' She caressed her son's head lovingly, made her voice deeper to imitate the dragon.

'Do they need to be stronger? For what? To damage more? Roarr! Either go now or be my food!' Seven years old Jason got rid of her mother's arms and started running with screams and laughter. Unfortunately, there was not much room to escape in their small apartment and he was immediately caught.

She kissed his son's two cheeks and continued, 'The scientist was not someone to give up just because she was told to do so. She went to see the dragon every day till the that day she learned dragon's biggest sorrow.' Someone kicked the room door hard.

'Slant eye, you have a customer. Send your bastard out.' Someone said from the other side of the door with a female voice thickened from using tobacco for so many years. The boy grabbed his mother's skirt.

'Mom, please tell me the story,' The woman told as she was walking to the balcony door with her son in her arms.

'The dragon was in sorrow because of he is the very last dragon all over the world. He has no family and never will have one. There was no female dragon to give him children.' Woman opened the balcony door and put his son on the ground.

'Mom wait, please don't let me go! What happened the scientist? Dragon?' Jason was holding onto his mother's long skirt tightly. The woman gently ripped off her son's fingers.

'The scientist gave the dragon what he desired and she got from dragon what she long for. She gave him children in human flesh with a dragon's soul. They were not strong as she wanted, physically. Startlingly, every one of them has one of the legendary abilities of dragons.'


'Mom have things to do. Be a good boy.' The woman left her son on the balcony, closed the glass door and pulled the curtain made of tulle. The boy watched the slim, blurred figure of his mother as she went to open the door to the stranger man. The petite woman had black hair that was soft like silk and stretched down to her waist, which Jason loved to comb. Her feet were small and bare.

When the stranger came in and touched his mother's face, Jason turned to the railings to skin down from the balcony into the street. How much he hated stranger men that came their house! If only the woman who brought the men disappear!..

Someone clicked on the restroom door and interrupted Jason's thoughts, ''Buddy, are you okay?''

''Yes, yes. Give me a second.'' Jason put on his contact lenses and chased the ghosts of the past. He went to the infirmary and this time he found the nurse waiting for him.

''I heard you had a car accident?'' Nurse Marguerite was a witch with natural heal skills. She had nice, short dark hair and a petite build. She was a woman who made people feel comfortable.

''Just scratches.''

''It's me to decide, lie down.''

''Yes, ma'am. Anytime you want.'' She giggled and punched his shoulder lightly. Jason caught the woman's hand, ''If you like it rough,'' he touched the woman's hand with his lips lightly, ''it is okay for me.''

''Don't be naughty, otherwise I won't examine you.'' She ran her hands on Jason's body from his hair to his toes, while Jason lying on the stretcher. ''No broken bones. Just dents and bruises. What happened your head?''

''I hit the steering wheel.''

''How could you hit the back of your head on the steering wheel? Were you driving the car looking back?'' Marguerite raised one eyebrow.

Jason sat up on the stretcher and raised both hands above his head. ''I surrender. I was beaten from the other party in the car accident. Are you satisfied now?''

She smiled. ''Farah will love it.''

''Oh, no. Don't say her.'' She laughed. ''Don't I have patient-doctor privacy?''

''Ah, Farah will absolutely love it.''

Hi, a big earthquake happened in my hometown a few days ago. In the tsunami caused by the earthquake an old lady drifted with her wheel chair and about a hundred people were trapped under the rubble. Search and rescue teams continue to their work and we help people who cannot return to their homes because they live in risky buildings, so I'm not much online these days. Thanks for reading.

Lolthcreators' thoughts