
After 1000 Years

Warning! Mature content! While on vacation in Seoul, Yena accidentally buys an antique which gets her involved with an Imoogi named Lucifer. Being held hostage by Imoogi, instead of getting bad treatment, Yena got the sweetest treatment in her life. "Give me my Yeouiju and I'll set you free." 'B-but it is already destroyed. Am I going to be stuck here with him forever?'

Apples_Cha · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
20 Chs


"Who is that?" Yena walked to the window and lifted the curtain.

A crow flies in front of the window. He looked surprised when he saw Yena.

"Eh? Not Lucifer? Who is this female snake?" The crow muttered in surprise as it flew away.

"Kwaakk kwakk."

"Who are you to call a female snake huh?!" Yena chuckled. Does she look like a female snake? Really!

"But... did he just say that Arion was gone?" Yena furrowed her brows.

"This is a great opportunity! But I don't know where Lucifer went. What if he finds me again?" She thought for a moment.

"Foolish, not necessarily a chance again!" Yena has already decided. The girl hurriedly went downstairs.

While Lucifer had not returned, she had to leave immediately.

Yena saw that it was very quiet outside. The buildings around look old and uninhabited. As far as the eye could see there was only silence.

Yena felt goosebumps. It's like not in the human world.

"Scary! Is this the city of the dead?" The girl walked quickly, down the empty and cold street. She didn't stop looking every few seconds, afraid of meeting Lucifer.

"Why is it so cold, eh...?" Yena stopped in her tracks when her eyes caught a familiar red object lying on the asphalt.

"My bag!" She rushed to take it.

"Thank you, Lord!" Yena was relieved to see that the contents of her bag were still complete, including her smartphone. For a moment, She thought she would survive. However, seeing that her smartphone had no network her facial expression turned ugly again.

"It's a dead city indeed. There's not even a single signal here, tsk!" She squeaked.

The girl again walked faster, even half running while holding her cellphone high to catch a signal.

"Come on! Why isn't there one!" Yena started to get annoyed mixed with panic. With every step, the fear increases. The more she ran she only felt Lucifer getting closer.

"Nuna, what are you doing? It's hard to get a network around here."

"I know! Maybe if I climb up the building I'll get some, right-- eh?" Yena is stunned. She looked and found a fat man who was repairing the engine of his car.

"Oh...?" Yena looked around. She was still in the deserted territory. However, now the atmosphere didn't feel cold anymore.

The girl's expression turned to joy. "I'm safe! Sir, please help me! Get me out of here, quickly--"

"Wow wow, Nuna, calm down...." The man who seems to be a taxi driver looks surprised by Yena's reaction.

"Sir, I will tell you later. Now I beg you please take me away from here!" Yena said with a panicked face.

"Nuna, calm down first. I'm dropping off passengers, my car is also breaking down. Tell me first what happened?" The man took the water bottle and gave it to Yena.

Yena did not then drink it. She continued to stare. for some reason the hairs on the back of her neck suddenly got goosebumps. She felt Lucifer was around here.

"Nuna, something happened? Is there a bad person chasing you?" The taxi driver asked worriedly.

"Yes! I was kidnapped. I'm afraid he will soon catch up. Help me, sir...." Yena's face started to turn pale. Lucifer is getting close.

Seeing Yena's messy condition and worried the taxi driver felt that she was not lying.

"Then hurry on in. I almost fixed it. Hurry up!" He ordered.

"Thank you, sir. Thank you!" Yena is very grateful. She hurriedly got into the car.

"Finally I survived...." The girl took a deep breath. However, a few seconds later her expression became awkward. She felt a cold wind blow from behind, penetrate the chair and freeze her back.

Yena turned her head, only to see a familiar cold figure sitting back with a book in his hands.

The girl's face instantly turned deathly pale as if all the veins on her face had disappeared.

The man looked up, making the pair of bright red eyes hiding behind the black hat visible.


"Oh, sir, is it okay if we drop this lady off first? At least as far as the police station, pity her." The taxi driver said as he opened the car door, was about to get in but Yena immediately pushed him out with herself.

"Go! Sir, he's the one!"

"Nuna, he-- what do you mean?"

"He's the one who kidnapped me! Hurry up! W-we have to run--"

"Relax, Miss! I will protect you. Sir, can you explain what this is? Have you kidnapped this girl? Please get out!" The taxi driver pulled out a knife and drew it warily.

Yena took cover behind his chubby body.

"Careful, he's not... human...."


Lucifer got out of the car.

Yena is getting closer.

"If you don't want this man to die, come here," said Lucifer in a cold and threatening tone.

"Gosh! Why are there so many young people nowadays? Nuna, don't be afraid. You--"

"Go back, or die." Lucifer pressed. His cold aura began to suppress.

Yena shivered.

"Don't move. Back off and get back in the car. You have to take responsibility for your actions!" cried the driver as he slowly advanced with his knife.

"Wait... sir."

Lucifer didn't move an inch.

"Alright. Then this man died because of you...." lucifer raised her hand.

"Not!" Yena shouted.

"W-okay. I'm back. Please... let him go." Yena gave up. It was naive to expect this man to beat Lucifer.

"I'm back. Please let him go...." Yena came out and approached Lucifer.

"Nuna, why are you going back?!" The taxi driver grabbed Yena's hand.

"No. Thank you for helping me, sir. You must leave immediately. Please go!" Yena squeezed her fist and walked to Lucifer's side. In the end, this man caught her again.

"Next time, I won't ask again everyone who meets you after this, I will kill," whispered Lucifer, viciously.

Yena grimaced. Lucifer gripped her wrist so tightly that it felt like it would snap and drag her away.

"Wait! Let go of the girl or I'll call the police!" snapped the taxi driver.

Lucifer ignores it.

"Shit! This kid is such a bastard! Dare to kidnap people in broad daylight!" The man drew his dagger again and lunged at Lucifer.

"Assholes like you the police won't blame me either!"

"No sir!" Yena screamed.

Too late. the dagger flew to Lucifer's back. Lucifer dodged without turning around, catching the man's hand and breaking it with just a push.


"How dare you!"


Lucifer grabbed the man by the neck and lifted his stocky body as if he were just lifting a sack of cotton.

"No! Please let him go! Don't kill!" Yena staggered down and pleaded at Lucifer's feet.

The man's legs dangled and struggled in front of him.


Yena's body went limp.

"I beg you. Let him go... He will die...."

"Hump! Insects!"


lucifer dropped the stocky body that was almost dying.

"Sir...." Yena was about to help her but Lucifer grabbed her hand and dragged her away, back to the nest.



Lucifer dumped Yena as soon as they arrived.

The girl fell to the floor.

"Don't you know yourself?