
I think of him

Celine had already reached home and was exhausted with all the drama that happened that day at school. Her father wasn't home and the big mansion felt so quiet and calm the only voices heard were that of the servants. She was in her room thinking of all that she had experienced that day. She was so confined in her thoughts she didn't even mind leaving her room. As she looked towards her bedroom door, a small acacia table stood at the wall next to the door. Her attention then shifted to the acacia table. She didn't stare at it because of the lovely wood work but at the small case that laid on the table. Her attention quickly shifted to Mwinza. "What a gentleman he is." Celine said as she looked the small case on the table. Deeply attracted to the case, she stood up and headed straight to the table to have a closer look. She took it up and started scanning it. She noticed it had a crack at the edge and wondered how it got there. "Maybe he dropped it or something. " Celine thought. She got so attracted to the case she opened it to scan its interior as well. Mwinza's name was written in the inside of the case. Celine looked at the handwriting and knew he had have written it in a rush. She looked closer and saw what looked like numbers in a straight line. They had a specific order. This made Celine know these were no mere numbers but it was a phone number! Mwinza's phone number!..she put the case back and went outside the courtyard to get some fresh air and soothe her mind from that days drama. As the day went by a stormy and cold night took hold. The atmosphere was chilly and everyone was indoors obviously snuggling their blankets. But not for Celine. She sat in the living room waiting for her father to arrive. It was already 10pm and he wasn't home yet. Gustavo "her personal body guard" sat next to her in order to keep her company. Gustavo had already asked Celine to go to bed but she insisted on staying awake until her father returned. The room was quiet and was creeping with silence. Celine sat on the couch looking at the clock patiently without changing her posture. In about a minute the silence was broken as the telephone started to wring. Gustavo stood up an picked up the call to see who would call at such an hour. Celine was looking at Gustavo as he was taking the call. She hoped it was her father telling Gustavo to open the gate. As Gustavo was speaking on the phone, Celine was very anxious to know who it was Gustavo was talking to. Gustavo quickly put down the telephone and turned to Celine. "Umm mam it seems the boss isn't coming tonight, he's got a tight schedule and is trapped with work. He ordered me to tell you this so that you do not worry." Gustavo said in his serious voice. Celine sighed and proceeded to her room without a word. This wasn't the first time her father did this. The truth wasn't that Celine was missing her father but that she was beginning to feel lonely. All of her friends were back in England. She missed their company unlike the company of her ghostly silent home.