

Africa is one of the blessed continents of the world, with different peoples, characterized by divergent but suitably functional political and economic cultures. Africa's human resources are endowed with creative, hardworking and artistic skills.

Precolonial Africa had monarchical and hereditary political dispensations with no or little bellicose oppositions. Kings and queens were chosen based on the customs and traditions of the land. Conflicts and frictions between or among persons were settled with existing traditional laws by the elders of the land, and the people lived happily.

Music and dramas of the precolonial Africa united and entertained the people, who occasionally converge in a marked environment for displays and showcasing of dancing and singing potentials. The few persons who were gifted with singing abilities were venerated and regarded demi-gods sent by the water gods to minister and entertain the people on earth. Each music had it's attendant rhythms and costumes as they appealed to the people based on their relativity, and the people lived happily.