

Xanthippeia Castiano, a young seemingly ordinary girl raised in the mortal world that happens upon paranormal abilities as a Hemitheos (demigod) that will separate her from the normal life she once led. The more she discovers herself, she sees her new secret powers might not be all they are cracked up to be as she gains unwanted attention from immortal beings from a strange world. Unbeknownst to her, there is a great force at work that she will have to overcome as she is part of a ancient prophecy that will force her into an immortal war she had no idea of.

itsvatispeach_88 · Fantasy
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171 Chs

Chapter One Hundred Fifty-Nine

*Earlier on Umbra*

When Ares had been rearing to go find his little brother, the golden nuisance he did not expect it to take Nyx as long as it had. For almost two hours she spent hunched over an obseidion crystal ball trying to locate Leodocus' whereabouts. At that time Ares had gotten impatient as anyone could anticipate and decided to help the process along by waking up one of his half-siblings from their spell-induced slumber. He had chosen the one who was less likely to give him a difficult time. Methios to question.