

The novel contains a lot of MATURE CONTENT read carefully... ❤️I think we're just gonna have to be secretly in love with each other and leave it at that❤️ Mathew frowned and asked, "What happened, are you mad??" Maria replied, "We can't do this. You are married, we can't betray july. This is wrong." She was the only child of her parents. Her father passed away when she was just a teenager. She just had her mother but life took a cruel and sharp turn. She also lost her mother in an accident. She was none other than Maria. A beautiful girl with a very kind heart. But what will happen when she falls for Mathew Long?? Will she be able to control her feelings?? On the other side, Mathew Long is a forty-eight-year-old man with a quite handsome personality. When he first saw Maria, he wanted to make her his. Will he be successful in claiming her?? Life's a roller coaster. It has so many twists and turns. Maria's life wasn't an easy one. She got betrayed by the one whom she loved. Definitely, it was a forbidden love but ❤️Forbidden love provides happiness when there is no happiness❤️ But maybe, her destiny had planned something else, when Marcello Arthur entered her life. ❤️I am gentle to the kind but very dangerous to the people who mess up with me.❤️ When he saw Maria, he fell for her at first sight. But will she accept him after what all happened to her in the past?? Will this man be able to heal the broken Maria or not?? Let's join the journey to know how these people get attached.

Mohsin Khan · Urban
Not enough ratings
231 Chs

Who sent you?????

Aaron was smiling looking at his hand and his cell phone rang and he looked at the caller and picked it up and said ' Did you find anything?'

The guy from the other side said ' We caught one of them'

Aaron sneered ' just one of them? We're the rest of the three?'

The guy said ' It was very difficult to even get him, someone else was also hunting them and 3 had been taken and he was also being chased we got him in a car acting like we are rescuing him and caught him'

Aaron sneered ' Asshles, you take so much money and still can't do a thing? Who were other people?'

The guy said 'We don't know they were very professional we couldn't even give a glance were fast as lightning

Aaron said ' Alright, I want the name of the person who send them to do the thing in the cafe yesterday break his bones cut him I don't care I want the name'

In the office, 

Maria after great difficulty finished her food and she couldn't even move and seeing it Arthur laughed and Maria glared at him and said ' Don't laugh, it's you who made me eat'

Arthur pinched her cheek and said ' You are so cute when you are mad haha'

Then Maria said she will go back and work and Arthur shook his head and said ' No work today I have informed Emily that ur assisting me so you sit here I will get back to work'

Saying he got up and went to his seat and sat down…

Maria frowned and said ' What do I do sitting like this here?'

Arthur looked up and said ' Watch me and thank god for giving you such a handsome man' and he winked at her…

Maria on hearing it blushed and bowed her head down and Arthur was busy with his work and Maria began to look at him, his sharp facial features, those eyes he looked so hot in his white shirt, his brows a little frowned due to reading the document.

Maria was completely engrossed in him…

It was time to get off and the whole office had already left. Maria was still watching him and Arthur looked up and smiled seeing her looking at him and he said ' Do you like it?'

Maria came out of her thoughts hearing it and said ' What????'

Arthur got up and walked towards her and said ' you like what you see?'

Maria blushed understanding what he was saying and said ' What no I was not looking at you'

Arthur bent down and said looking into her eyes ' Umm I guess this isn't worthy of looking I think I should take off my clothes' saying he started to unbutton his shirt

Maria was shocked and immediately got up and held his hand, her face all red and said stop what are you doing…

Arthur said ' I'm taking my clothes off to show you '

Maria shook her head and said ' You are handsome I know it doesn't take off your clothes'

She blushed hard saying it her hands holding his…

Arthur smiled, made her look into his eyes and said ' Handsome?'

Maria nodded and hid her face in his chest shyly making him laugh…

They stayed like this for sometimes and then Arthur said ' Let's go it's late I will drop you at your home'

Maria nodded leaving him still her face red and her head bowed shyly seeing her like that Arthur chuckled and took her palm and walked out of the office to see the receptionist guy standing and he looked at them holding hands and Maria on seeing him tried to free her hand but Arthur held it firmly and proudly walked into the elevator...

As the elevator closed Maria hit on his chest and said ' He saw us'

Arthur said ' So what?'

Maria looked at him and shook her head. They got into the car and they left towards her home…

They were in the car. Arthur was still holding her hand and seeing it Maria shook her head and looked at the driver who was smiling and she blushed and looked out of the window…

Suddenly Arthur's phone rang and seeing the caller he picked up and he hummed and then disconnected the call and they finally arrived at Maria's home and he got out and hugged her and stood there until she went in and then got into the car and said ' To the warehouse'


The car sped on the street Arthur put on his gloves and had a terrifying cold light in his eyes…

Somewhere in the suburbs of the city,

It was pitch black, complete silence was there nothing could be seen nor heard and in a warehouse, 3 people were tied on the chairs and were bleeding and were begging to be released but whenever they screamed they were hit, more than 12 guards were surrounding them making them shake in terror…

They heard a roar of an engine and a car stopped in front of them and a guy got out and as he walked in everyone bowed down to him and the 3 guys who were tied looked at the Man with gloves coming towards them and seeing his terrifying gaze were almost dead…

Arthur looked at 3 of them and he raised his arm and a guard gave him an iron bat and he went towards them and he hit them mercilessly and after hitting them he asked ' Who sent you ?'

One of the guys peed on himself from fear and the other guy groaning in pain asked ' What?'

Earning another blow of his bat made him unconscious and the other 2  seeing it started crying the guy said `` I will say anything you ask just tell me about whom you are asking?"

On the other side, Aaron was waiting for the call to come and suddenly his phone rang and he picked up and asked ' Who?'

Arthur said ' Who sent you to attack the girl yesterday in the coffee shop?'

The guy on the phone and The guy tied up in the warehouse both said ' RACHEL'.....

Hearing it Arthur and Aaron both frowned….

So, what do guys think will happen now guys?

Will They destroy Rachel before destroying Maria??

Comment down your views guys and also write a review, guys.

Let's aim for 15 comments guys...