

The novel contains a lot of MATURE CONTENT read carefully... ❤️I think we're just gonna have to be secretly in love with each other and leave it at that❤️ Mathew frowned and asked, "What happened, are you mad??" Maria replied, "We can't do this. You are married, we can't betray july. This is wrong." She was the only child of her parents. Her father passed away when she was just a teenager. She just had her mother but life took a cruel and sharp turn. She also lost her mother in an accident. She was none other than Maria. A beautiful girl with a very kind heart. But what will happen when she falls for Mathew Long?? Will she be able to control her feelings?? On the other side, Mathew Long is a forty-eight-year-old man with a quite handsome personality. When he first saw Maria, he wanted to make her his. Will he be successful in claiming her?? Life's a roller coaster. It has so many twists and turns. Maria's life wasn't an easy one. She got betrayed by the one whom she loved. Definitely, it was a forbidden love but ❤️Forbidden love provides happiness when there is no happiness❤️ But maybe, her destiny had planned something else, when Marcello Arthur entered her life. ❤️I am gentle to the kind but very dangerous to the people who mess up with me.❤️ When he saw Maria, he fell for her at first sight. But will she accept him after what all happened to her in the past?? Will this man be able to heal the broken Maria or not?? Let's join the journey to know how these people get attached.

Mohsin Khan · Urban
Not enough ratings
231 Chs


The woman smiled hearing her name and said ' It's a lovely name just like you'

Then she asked her about her studies and all Maria was a bit better from her care.

Mathew left towards Maria's home and when he arrived he saw it was locked and he thought she might have gone to buy something and he waited for her and 1 hr passed she didn't come, 2hr, 3hrs went by and there was no news of Maria and he was scared now as it was evening and there's no news of her…

He tried calling her but it turned off and he then got into the car and roamed around to find her he went near the park and saw children playing and he went to where she does the part-time thinking she might have gone there but to his disappointment, he didn't find her anywhere…

July after leaving the villa while driving called James and said to him to meet her at a restaurant, After some time both reached the net and July looked at him and asked ' Why did you do this to me, James?'

James was confused, What did he do?