

The novel contains a lot of MATURE CONTENT read carefully... ❤️I think we're just gonna have to be secretly in love with each other and leave it at that❤️ Mathew frowned and asked, "What happened, are you mad??" Maria replied, "We can't do this. You are married, we can't betray july. This is wrong." She was the only child of her parents. Her father passed away when she was just a teenager. She just had her mother but life took a cruel and sharp turn. She also lost her mother in an accident. She was none other than Maria. A beautiful girl with a very kind heart. But what will happen when she falls for Mathew Long?? Will she be able to control her feelings?? On the other side, Mathew Long is a forty-eight-year-old man with a quite handsome personality. When he first saw Maria, he wanted to make her his. Will he be successful in claiming her?? Life's a roller coaster. It has so many twists and turns. Maria's life wasn't an easy one. She got betrayed by the one whom she loved. Definitely, it was a forbidden love but ❤️Forbidden love provides happiness when there is no happiness❤️ But maybe, her destiny had planned something else, when Marcello Arthur entered her life. ❤️I am gentle to the kind but very dangerous to the people who mess up with me.❤️ When he saw Maria, he fell for her at first sight. But will she accept him after what all happened to her in the past?? Will this man be able to heal the broken Maria or not?? Let's join the journey to know how these people get attached.

Mohsin Khan · Urban
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231 Chs

Is it the end????

Antonio took out a note from his pocket and gave it to the guy who was sitting and he said 'Here take it and start your process'

The guy took the note and he typed the address and he started the search….

The guy after some time said ' The phone is switched off, IP address won't help to find the current location '

Hearing it Antonio was desperate he said 'Don't say this, this is my last option  you have to find it, please try something find it, you have to'

The guy said ' We have been friends for so many years and have helped you always, why won't I do it now? For the IP address to work, the mobile has to be online and it is not so I can't help it'

Antonio kicked the table next to it and held his hair in frustration, the guy looked at him like this and asked ' What happened? I never saw you like this before, you were always so confident, what happened today?'

Antonio sighed and sat down on the floor and said ' It was the biggest case I ever got and it looked very common case and ordinary at the start but as I further went in, I got to know it wasn't any ordinary but a very high profile big names are in this case you know Mathew Long and Francis Long are already involved and there's someone else too I guess'

The guys were shocked hearing it's Mathew Long? That guy who was the first heir then changed to Francis ?'

Antonio nodded, and the guy said ' And you thinking someone more powerful than them is involved?'

Antonio nodded and said ' We have worked in this field for so long have you ever seen that a case which was taken up by cops but you know there is not even a single piece of information which was out everything was hidden just the body was given and no more the hotel was also sealed and re constructed it and it was with great pace just in months n boom… and you think Mathew Long he has his links but he doesn't have this influence it's like controlling power'

The guy said ' there is a point in that, Mathew Long has his influence but not up to this level that he can't control and hide this all, interesting even I wanna know now it, let's see what we can do..'  saying he started working on his computer...

Antonio, hearing it, stood up and asked ' Can you find it?'

The guy shook his head and said ' I can't find the present location, but I can access the last location his phone was and let's pray it gives us something'

Antonio wasn't satisfied but it was his only way so he nodded and said ' Okay find it fast'

The guy said ' it will take hours, it might be evening. I have to process and go back to the Ip address, it's a long procedure, so be patient ' saying he stretched his hands and started the work…

Antonio just sat beside him praying it works…


Aaron was sitting alone on the beach the beach was silent no one was around the cold breeze would hit his face making his face red and the sound of water waves gave a soothing effect, he sat there thinking of what all had happened in the last 2 days, he couldn't believe that his father could do something like this and he knew that he will not stop there and will try to further damage her.

He had to think of a way to tame him and he was thinking about it silently sitting seeing the water….


Arthur was in the office and was talking with Ryan about his talk with Aaron and Ryan said ' So it was his father who was behind it, But the reason looks like an excuse'

Arthur nodded and said ' I know there's more to it  let's wait and watch I have sent people for the information let's see if we can find anything from them'

They were talking and suddenly his secretary came in and said ' Sir the guard wanted to meet you'

Arthur nodded and said to let him in, the secretary nodded and left.

Arthur waited and a guard came in and bowed down respectfully and said ' Sir, I have found the information about Francis long and Aaron Long '

Arthur and Ryan looked at each other and told him to continue.

The guard said ' James Long was the chairman of the Long's group and his brother was Charles Long, Charles was always against him and suddenly James Long passed away and Charles Long thought he would be the one to sit on the throne but to his surprise, It didn't happen and It was given to Mathew Long and this fueled his anger and he and his son Francis Long played a dirty game with him to make him come to step down from the position and after that, he took all the power reigns in his control, he is a very cunning man who uses any means to win'

Arthur frowned hearing Mathew's name he thought he might have heard this name before, but he couldn't remember it and his thought were broken by Ryan as he said ' So  Francis has done all this since the start, it isn't anything new okay, he isn't any danger then we will tame him easily'

Arthur nodded and told the guard to leave…

And it was almost time for the office to end and everyone was packing and even Arthur decided to leave but suddenly some matters came so he sat down and started doing the work and Ryan was helping him….

It was dinner time and Olivia and Maria were still roaming around.

Olivia said ' It feels so good to be back Maria, and thank you for accompanying me it was one of the best days, I had even forgotten how to smile in these past 3 years but you made it happen'

Maria looked at her and said ' You will be happy aunt don't be worried, umm it's already dinner time let's call Arthur and tell him to come to a restaurant of your choice and let's have dinner outside together what do you say?'

Olivia smiled and said ' Fantastic idea, call him to go on'

Maria smiled and took out her phone and called Arthur. Arthur was in the office talking to someone but when he saw his phone ring and it was Maria he picked it up and said ' Everything alright?'

Maria frowned and said ' Yes why?'

Arthur said ' You didn't call me the whole day, and now you did so thought must be something wrong'

Maria chuckled hearing the jealousy and said ' well I was enjoying myself with Aunt so did not get time to think about you'

Olivia laughed at hearing it.

Arthur's face was black and blue hearing it and the people sitting in front of him looked a this face and were dumb, who can make this man tongue-tied they thought….

Arthur said ' You… I will see you later'

Maria laughed and said ' Okay, we wanted to have dinner outside I will send the name of the restaurant you come join us we are already hungry and we will wait for you c9me fast'

Arthur said okay and disconnected the call and looked towards the people and said ' Let's meet again later, I have an important matter to deal with saying he got up and left without waiting for their words…

Maria looked at Olivia and said ' He is coming ' and Olivia nodded…

Maria sent the restaurant's name to Arthur and they went towards it, Arthur got the name and even he left for it…


Aaron who was silently sitting suddenly got up and got in the car and drove out and he went to an old mansion where they used to live and went inside it….

In the room,

The guy suddenly jumped up causing Antonio to shudder and he started dancing and Antonio asked 'You found it?'

The guy nodded and they both hugged each other and Anotnio noted the address and ran out towards it…..

In the restaurant,

Arthur reached and saw Maria and his mother both waiting for him and seeing him come they waved at him and he went and sat with them and Olivia said ' Why did you take so much time we were so hungry, you bad boy'

Arthur said ' I left as soon as you called me  but it's far from my office so it took time but I apologize to both the beautiful ladies'

Olivia and Maria laughed hearing it and Maria said ' Now order, we are hungry' and Arthur nodded and started ordering the food.


Aaron opened the door and as it was closed since long it made quirky sound and opened and he went in everything was covered with white sheets, he just ran up the stairs and looked at a door of a room and suddenly kicked it open and went in…

He started searching for something and got busy with it…


Arthur, Maria and Olivia were finally served the food and they happily started eating it, they were having a happy time and Arthur was happy seeing both of them laughing and talking…


Antonio finally reached a place and seeing the note he looked around and walked a few blocks and he saw a house and stood in front of it and he remembered it was Maria's parents' home he found it in investigation…

He laughed and he stood in front of the house,  it was complete silence and his laugh was the only thing that could be heard….


Aaron was looking all around and suddenly his eyes fell on the dressing table and he went there and opened the drawers and started looking and he suddenly saw a pen drive and he held it and looked at it and he laughed evilly…

Arthur was laughing in the restaurant, Antonio was laughing standing in front of Maria's home, Aaron was standing in a shabby room and laughing holding a Pendrive….

All were laughing and every laugh had a different meaning….

What do you think will happen now, guys????

Comment down below your views,  also write a review,, guys…

Next chapter after we reach 20 comments, comment guys, please….