

The novel contains a lot of MATURE CONTENT read carefully... ❤️I think we're just gonna have to be secretly in love with each other and leave it at that❤️ Mathew frowned and asked, "What happened, are you mad??" Maria replied, "We can't do this. You are married, we can't betray july. This is wrong." She was the only child of her parents. Her father passed away when she was just a teenager. She just had her mother but life took a cruel and sharp turn. She also lost her mother in an accident. She was none other than Maria. A beautiful girl with a very kind heart. But what will happen when she falls for Mathew Long?? Will she be able to control her feelings?? On the other side, Mathew Long is a forty-eight-year-old man with a quite handsome personality. When he first saw Maria, he wanted to make her his. Will he be successful in claiming her?? Life's a roller coaster. It has so many twists and turns. Maria's life wasn't an easy one. She got betrayed by the one whom she loved. Definitely, it was a forbidden love but ❤️Forbidden love provides happiness when there is no happiness❤️ But maybe, her destiny had planned something else, when Marcello Arthur entered her life. ❤️I am gentle to the kind but very dangerous to the people who mess up with me.❤️ When he saw Maria, he fell for her at first sight. But will she accept him after what all happened to her in the past?? Will this man be able to heal the broken Maria or not?? Let's join the journey to know how these people get attached.

Mohsin Khan · Urban
Not enough ratings
231 Chs

I'm coming for you...

In office 

Aaron was working and Ava dressed up well when she came to the office. She looks extremely happy…anyone can tell that by just seeing her face.

She went towards Aaron's chamber and before entering she saw Aaron's secretary and asked if he was inside and she said he was…So she went in and greeted him….and again said 'Thank You!!'

Aaron said "You had already thanked me many 

times….u don't have to be like that….and by the way you came on time…I need your help…"

Ava says 'okay' and he asks something about the project and she explains…at the end, Aaron appreciated her, "Why didn't I think about it ur great Ava!!!" Saying he taps her shoulder in excitement and keeps on talking and Ava looks at him and blushes with a huge smile…..


Tacy (Ava's secretary) thanks Aaron's secretary for informing Aaron about the engagement and saving Ava…

Then suddenly Aaron's secretary remembered something and she excused herself and went into the chamber. When she went inside she saw Ava's red face looking at Aaron n Aaron was busy doing his work. She was surprised and thought "How a fool Aaron is…..that he doesn't even have a hint…"

Then she clears her throat….gaining their attention. She apologizes for the disturbance.

"I've to inform you something…." She said, looking towards Aaron. 

"What??" Aaron asked.

"Sir you have to attend Ryan sir's wedding today…"

" ya, how did I forget that!!!" Hearing it Aaron said. Then he looked at Ava who had a red face because of blushing. 

"What happened to your face???" Saying Aaron touched her cheek, making her, even more, blush and embarrassed. 

Ava shook her head and the secretary smiled, holding back a laugh. Ava notices it and she wants to die instead of this embarrassment. 

Aaron passed her water…She immediately held a glass and drank it in one gulp.

"Well….let's go together…" Aaron said to Ava.

"Who me??" Ava asked shockingly.

"Yes or who else…." Aaron said smiling. 

"Well…I don't think I'm invited. " Ava said.

"Ryan invited you but as your engagement and all was there, so he told me to inform you but it's in front of you, I forget…...So you can accompany me……" Aaron said casually. 

Hearing it Ava's eyes had a different spark and she nodded and said "Yes…I'll go…"

Aaron says okay. The secretary goes out laughing

Tacy looks at her laughing and asks "what happened??"

Aarons's secretary shook her head and just says,

"Well….Love is unpredictable….."

Hearing it, Tacy was a bit confused. 

On other hand, 

Maria wakes up with her body aching. She saw Arthur sleeping beside her. She looked at his naked upper body, blushed to remember his jealous face last night and laughs….Then she went to take shower and after checking for any marks she went out…..

When she came out, she saw Mishka and all in the hall. Mishka looked worried. Maria went near her.

"What happened Mishka?"  Maria asked. 

"Idk….. I am confused!!! See the jewellery does not match the dress…." Saying Mishka freaks out.

"Ohh it's not a serious matter. See I've already called the jeweller and some samples are arriving soon. So don't worry we will get the best match…"Maria says and calms her down.

"By the way, why did you wake up this late? Don't you know we have so much to do?" Mishka asked. 

Maria blushed and cursed Arthur in their mind and changed the topic…..

After sometime,

Arthur wakes up and sees that Maria ain't in the room…he wears his clothes and goes out…As he comes out….Everyone sees him. He went near Maria, said bye to her and left.

Maria's face got red. Mishka looks at her face, laughs and nudges Maria with her elbow.

"!!! Someone couldn't live without his lover…"

Mishka teases Maria a bit then sees …. Maria, all embarrassed she stopped…..

On the way out Arthur meets Ryan and his parents…Ryan's parents asked Arthur, "How are you and when did you arrive??"

Ryan behind knew Maria stayed back last night. He just smiles, controlling his laugh….

After Ryan's parents went in….Ryan laughed and Arthur punched him in the stomach…

"You don't wanna look good at your wedding???" Arthur said.

Ryan still laughs and seeing it Arthur shakes his head and starts walking……

"Where are you going???" Ryan asked, seeing Arthur walking away.

"Home….will directly come to your wedding…" Arthur replied and left. 


In England,

In a villa, Stuart ( Matthew's son) was sitting near the pool thinking abt his old days and how July used to take care of him from everyone.  

"Stuart!!!! Stuart!!" He remembered July calling him. He had tears in his eyes, then he remembered the words of Francis abt Matthew cheating on her and then he remembered how Matthew used to ignore him, making his blood boil…..

He throws the glass vase in front of him….

"If it's true….. I'm coming for you, Mr Mathew Long!!!"