

The novel contains a lot of MATURE CONTENT read carefully... ❤️I think we're just gonna have to be secretly in love with each other and leave it at that❤️ Mathew frowned and asked, "What happened, are you mad??" Maria replied, "We can't do this. You are married, we can't betray july. This is wrong." She was the only child of her parents. Her father passed away when she was just a teenager. She just had her mother but life took a cruel and sharp turn. She also lost her mother in an accident. She was none other than Maria. A beautiful girl with a very kind heart. But what will happen when she falls for Mathew Long?? Will she be able to control her feelings?? On the other side, Mathew Long is a forty-eight-year-old man with a quite handsome personality. When he first saw Maria, he wanted to make her his. Will he be successful in claiming her?? Life's a roller coaster. It has so many twists and turns. Maria's life wasn't an easy one. She got betrayed by the one whom she loved. Definitely, it was a forbidden love but ❤️Forbidden love provides happiness when there is no happiness❤️ But maybe, her destiny had planned something else, when Marcello Arthur entered her life. ❤️I am gentle to the kind but very dangerous to the people who mess up with me.❤️ When he saw Maria, he fell for her at first sight. But will she accept him after what all happened to her in the past?? Will this man be able to heal the broken Maria or not?? Let's join the journey to know how these people get attached.

Mohsin Khan · Urban
Not enough ratings
231 Chs


The night passed,

Maria woke up in the morning and saw she was still held in Arthur's strong arms, she looked at him who was still sleeping…

She then remembered everything he said to her last night and a smile appeared on her face. What else a girl wants she thought of a man who loves her and protects her with all his might….

She looked at him sleeping calmly and lay down in his arms in peace, she thought ' As long as He is with her she doesn't have to be afraid of Rachel  she will trust him completely'

After some time, Arthur slowly opened his eyes and looked at Maria and seeing him look Maria gave a bright smile…

Arthur seeing her smile, he was so happy finally she is back he thought, he smiled and pulling her closer he kissed her forehead and said ' A morning couldn't be better, waking up and seeing you smile'

Maria blushed hearing it and Arthur said ' Always keep on smiling my Love, You don't have to be afraid of anyone in this world You have you Man always with you understood?'

Maria felt so sweet and grateful hearing it, he was winning her heart, again and again, she nodded and kissing his cheek said ' It's late get up let's go to the office'

Arthur said ' Na, let's have rest at home no need of office today'

Maria nodded and again placed her head on his chest and both rested….

They both again drifted off…

After some time, Arthur's phone was vibrating and Arthur woke up and looked at his phone and saw there were several missed calls from his informer in London…

As he is calling so many times it must be important he thought and slowly took his hand off Maria and got up without waking her up and went to the balcony…

After going he dialled the number and on the first ring, it got connected. 

The guy said ' Sir, I have been trying to contact you since a long, but you were not picking up'

Arthur said ' I was busy, Do you have any news?'

The guy said ' Yes, Sir Francis just didn't come here to control the game from far but also to find someone'

Arthur frowned and asked ' Who is it?'

The informer said ' Stuart Long'

Arthur never heard the name but the surname Long caught his attention…

Arthur started to think, does Francis have another child except for Aaron?

Arthur said ' Did you find out who he is? Is he from Long's family? Francis another child?'

The informer said ' Yes we found out about him, He is indeed a member of the Long family but not a child of Francis Long'

Arthur frowned and asked, " Then who is he?"

The informer said ' Mathew Long's '

Arthur hearing it stunned ' Mathew?'

He turned and looked at Maria who was sleeping…

Not getting a response from Arthur the Informer said ' Sir? Are you there?'

Arthur hummed and said ' Keep eye on him and if he goes and meet him follow and let me know what happens next and I want every detail of Stuart'

The informer said ' Alright sir don't worry, we will find out'

And the call disconnected….

Arthur then remembered the day he met Maria for the second time when she was all drunk and heartbroken. The only name she was taking was Mathew….

Mathew Long… he whispered….

There Mathew and Maria's connection he could understand but why is Francis so against her? It can't be for Aaron as he knows she is with me, then???

I have to know this, thinking he looked at his phone to call to bring out their history but suddenly stopped thinking about something….

He then nodded, went inside and went to freshen up….

In Long's group,

Aaron and Ava were in Aaron's cabin and were discussing something. After the way she solved the issue, Aaron was impressed with her…

Ava was happy as she was getting to spend more time with him and they even had dinner after the meeting with the townpeople. She was alone for the first time with him and she felt good seeing him get comfortable around her…

Ava said ' So, leave about the professional talks, tell me about you'

Aaron said ' What about me?'

Ava said ' About your personal life, your girlfriend, interests and all'

Aaron chuckled hearing it and said ' I don't have a girlfriend'

Ava said ' But I heard that you had one '

Aaron shook his head and seeing her being so persistent about his life he said about his life when he was abroad and she was listening carefully…

Though she has read everything, listening to it from himself was different for her and to her surprise, he was honest and said everything about how much of a playboy he was and all…

They were talking peacefully inside but outside the Long's group 3 cars entered and the centre car stopped in front of the entrance of the building and the guard saw an expensive car and he took the initiative to open the door….

As soon as the door opened a man got down and started walking in and the guards tried to talk but the guard was pointed by the guards who got out of the car and 4 guards followed the man in rest standing out….

The guy walking shouted ' Where is Aaron Long's office?'

Everyone was shocked and the guard pointed a gun at the receptionist and asked the receptionist to go to the top floor…

The guys headed to the elevator and the guard pressed the button and it closed…

In Aaron's office, Ava was listening to him say about his life and she was happy or in the clouds seeing him open to her…

She was deeply involved and suddenly the office door opened with a bang opened and the guy with guards entered…

Ava screamed in fear hewring the loud bang noise and Aaron stood up…

The Guy was none other than Chris Jacob, he with a proud face entered the office with 2 guards and the rest 2 were pointing guns at Tacy and Aarons's secretary and others from going in…

Aaron looking at Chris said ' How dare you enter my office without my permission'

Ava was still a bit scared from the loud noise, her heart was beating faster…

Chris looked at Ava who looked scared and thought she was scared as he caught her red-handed having secret meetings with Aaron…

Chris said with a sneer ' So the so-called Miss Pure Ava ain't so pure'

Hearing it Ava was shocked and said ' What do you mean?'

Chris said ' You act so innocent and fairy in front of me but here doing this?'

Ava was confused about what he was talking about, but Aaron understood what he was pointing to and also he knew after that clash at the party he was waiting for Chris to make a move but all he could do was this?

Aaron said ' There's nothing like that, we are here to discuss about the project'

Chirs laughed and said with a sneer ' Discussing the project with closed files? What was the project name ' Cheat on Chris?''

Ava said ' What rubbish are you talking about?'

Chris looked at her with anger his veins popping out, how dare she tries to cheat on him he thought and said ' You bitch come here I will show you what rubbish is'

Ava was scared out of her wits listening to his fierce tone she moved more towards Aaron to protect and seeing it Chris's blood boiled more…

Down in the parking again 2 cars stopped and a Man and 4 guards got down and started walking in and went straight up….

Aaron hearing such a tone towards Ava he felt disgusted she was such a good girl and was being thrown into this beast's hands…

Aaron said ' try to lay a finger on her, I will skin you alive'

Ava was stunned and both sweet hearing it…

Chirs hearing it went crazy 

The Elevator opened and the Man came out and everyone seeing him stood and the 2 guards pointing guns at tacy and others looked at them and at the gesture of the Man his guards took their guns.

As The Man was about to enter he heard Chris's angry voice  ' Shoot this bastard and then I will show what a man can do to her'

The guards aimed at Aaron and seeing that Ava came in front of Aaron, Aaron was shocked at her gesture and Chris gestured to fire but suddenly the guards were knocked down and Chris was hit making him fly and flew over the table and fell heavily…

Aaron and Ava looked who did it and saw there were 2 guards and then Seeing cleared the guards gestured and The man entered wearing a black shirt and pants and gloves in his hand ….

Seeing Arthur Ava was shocked….

Aaron frowned as to why was he here but thought it was good timing though…

Arthur asked ' This is how you are running the company? Rats coming and pointing guns?'

Chris who was down and not seen it was Arthur hearing rats he was furious and he got and was about to curse but he stopped in middle….

Arthur looked at him all stupefied and said ' You are lucky that I am in a hurry today else would have shown you how to be a real man  fuck off before I kill you'

Hearing the cold voice, Chirs   Ava and Aaron felt chills all over their body's …

Chris not wanting to mess with him he ran out leaving his guards who were knocked out….

After he left Ava was finally at peace, though she knew she would have to answer her parent's but Aaron was okay, so she didn't care about it…

Aaron looked at Ava who was still standing in front of him  he said ' He left'

Ava came out of her thoughts and moved and she looked at Arthur and said ' Thank you sir for saving us'

Arthur just nodded and looked at Aaron and said in a serious tone ' If your show of madness is over, I want a few answers from you'

Ava just listened to the seriousness of tone and the dominant voice she just was silent  Aaron who already guessed from his sudden appearance that something important had happened and from this tone, it was assured…

Aaron said ' Ya of course'

Arthur said ' Not here let's go' saying he turned and started walking back to the elevator…

Aaron looked at Ava and said ' I have to go, you take care and be careful of that bastard he might go to your dad'

Ava nodded and told him to leave but deep down she was afraid,  she just didn't expect Chris to come here and this all, she just wished what she was thinking shouldn't happen...

Aaron followed behind Arthur and left…

Tacy and Aaron's secretary ran in and seeing Ava alright they sighed and Tacy said ' Thank god, Mr Marcello arrived else it would have been bad'

Ava nodded and said ' Ya we were saved here but let's see what happens at home, lets go'

Tacy looked at Ava's sad face and understood the consequences and they also left….

Aaron's secretary looked at Ava and said ' What a good girl but ending with such a bad man'

Aaron and Arthur were in the car and heading somewhere…

Aaron looking at Arthur's serious face asked ' Everything alright? What happened '

Arthur replied ' Wait for a few minutes after we reach we will talk'

Aaron nodded and after more than 15 mins of silence and driving the car stopped in front of an old and filthy building which looked like a hotel….

Arthur got down and seeing him get down even Aaron got down…

Aaron looked at the place and asked ' You gonna buy it?'

Arthur started walking towards the entrance and said ' It's mine'

Hearing Aaron was stunned, this kind of place is owned by Marcello Arthur?

He was curious and he followed behind him…

They entered and ignoring all they directly walked towards the last room and Arthur and Aaron sat opposite to each other…

Arthur said ' I want to know everything about Matthew Long,  EVERYTHING..'

Hope you liked the chapter guys

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