

The novel contains a lot of MATURE CONTENT read carefully... ❤️I think we're just gonna have to be secretly in love with each other and leave it at that❤️ Mathew frowned and asked, "What happened, are you mad??" Maria replied, "We can't do this. You are married, we can't betray july. This is wrong." She was the only child of her parents. Her father passed away when she was just a teenager. She just had her mother but life took a cruel and sharp turn. She also lost her mother in an accident. She was none other than Maria. A beautiful girl with a very kind heart. But what will happen when she falls for Mathew Long?? Will she be able to control her feelings?? On the other side, Mathew Long is a forty-eight-year-old man with a quite handsome personality. When he first saw Maria, he wanted to make her his. Will he be successful in claiming her?? Life's a roller coaster. It has so many twists and turns. Maria's life wasn't an easy one. She got betrayed by the one whom she loved. Definitely, it was a forbidden love but ❤️Forbidden love provides happiness when there is no happiness❤️ But maybe, her destiny had planned something else, when Marcello Arthur entered her life. ❤️I am gentle to the kind but very dangerous to the people who mess up with me.❤️ When he saw Maria, he fell for her at first sight. But will she accept him after what all happened to her in the past?? Will this man be able to heal the broken Maria or not?? Let's join the journey to know how these people get attached.

Mohsin Khan · Urban
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231 Chs


Ava had tears in her eyes and she looked at the man in front of her, who she calls him dad and for just money, he is ready to throw her in the hands of a beast….

Her heart was paining thinking about it….

The butler and Tacy on the side looked at her and felt bad, a girl who should be treated as a princess was being treated with the force for trash…

Chris seeing her silent smiled and he before wanted to marry her for her beauty but now he wants to avenge her….

He said ' If this is how she is going to be, I am sorry i won't marry a cheap girl'

Ava was shocked hearing the word cheap….

Her father instead of defending he turned to Chris and said ' There's nothing like that, she will marry you'

Chris sneered and said ' Ya looks like your little girl who u call as pure is having an affair with Aaron'

Her father said ' There's nothing like that, she is yours'

Chris said ' You sure?'

He nodded and said ' Either she likes it or not she is yours, Chris, I have said it before and now again'

Chris smiled and said ' Is that so? Then let's do the engagement this weekend '

Hearing it Everyone was shocked hearing it…

Ava said ' What are you talking'

Her dad said ' Of course why not'

Ava said ' Dad, no we ca…'

Before she could finish he turned and glaring at her said ' Shut up, what I say will happen you don't get a sat in this, now go in your room '

Ava was scared hearing his high-pitched voice. She ran upstairs tears falling and Tacy ran behind her but Ava locked her door and hid her face in the pillow she started crying…

Tacy knocked and shouted for her to open but she didn't open….

Downstairs Chris after saying that the engagement will happen this weekend he left…

As he went out and got in his car he touched his back which was paining like hell, he groaned and said ' Now I will show you what real pain is Ava bitch, I will make you beg my slave'

Ava's dad sat smiling thinking about finally having a merger. The butler saw it and went towards him and said ' Sir, are you sure about it?  Miss doesn't seem to be ready yet'

Hearing it he said ' It's not about she being ready or not, we should be thankful that Chris is still marrying her after what she did' saying he got up and left…

Butler saw and shook his head thinking what a bad father…

Tacy came down and Butler asked if she talked to her but she shook her head and left…

Tacy after leaving she felt sad she knew Ava was getting attracted to Aaron who is at least better than Chris should she do something she thought?...

On the other side,

Arthur and Maria shopped for the whole day and were a bit tired, especially Maria as Arthur would make her try everything and she was tired of it and she swore that she would never go shopping with him ever…

It was dinner time and they reached the best restaurant where people have to book the seats weeks before….

They were escorted by the manager and the infrastructure was a delight to the eyes….

They got seated at the table and they were given the menus and Arthur said to give them a moment and the waiter nodded and left…

Arthur closing the menu said ' Order for me too'

Maria nodded and with a sweet smile, she looked at the menu and then saw the prices and was shocked seeing them…

She looked at Arthur and said in a small voice ' They are frauds'

Arthur smiled hearing it, he understood that it must be about the price and still said ' why?'

Maria showed him the a fish and said ' This you can buy it for a few dollars out in the market and they are charging more than 100 times of that'

Arthur chuckled and waved and the manager came and asked for the service…

Arthur said ' My partner thinks you are charging way more than the normal price, why is it so?'

Hearing it Maria was shocked, she hit him under the table with her heels, but Arthur didn't change his expression…

The manager smiled and said ' well we have a price higher than others due to the ambience and services but also as the quality is always high'

Arthur showed him the fish Maria showed and told him about it and the manager said ' This has many quality, we have the purest one a fish which we catch in the purest water plus only in the morning when the temperature is suitable, the market fish is fetched from bad water and won't taste good, I am sure when you have it you will know the difference '

Maria nodded and she ordered the food. Her face was still a bit red…

The manager after taking the order left, Maria looked at Arthur and said ' Why did you do that? Embarrassing me in front of all?'

Arthur shook his head and said ' No, I just wanted you to know to have something best you have to pay a price, even if it's something very high, not all similar-looking things carry the same qualities'

Hearing it Maria was stunned and confused too as of what he was saying but she didn't mind….

While here they were waiting for their food to arrive….

A car was strolling on the street and on the driving seat it was a girl…

She was driving and she stopped at a red light on the intersection waiting for it to go green and on the adjacent side of her, a car was standing still and seeing her car suddenly the car engine was turned on…

As the signal turned green the girl started to drive and was taking a right turn but suddenly a car broke the red light and came and banged into her car making the car turn….

And the car that hit after hitting ran away from the site….

People got out of the cars and people on the street ran towards the car and the people slowly turned the car back on and the ambulance arrived…

The meds transferred her to the stretcher and while transferring something fell to the ground…

A guy picked it up and it was the driver's license and the name written was Rachel….

Among the crowd, a man went out and sent a message to someone….

In the restaurant,

The food was served and they both started having it and Maria tasted the fish and she was shocked to see that the taste was completely different from the one she had from the market…

She used to take a bite and make a noise ummm, making Arthur smile…

They were having dinner and suddenly Arthur's phone rang and he saw it was a message from Mike…

Arthur looked at Maria and then opened the message. It was written Done…

Arthur deleted the message and a smile was there on his face and he waved at the waiter and asked him to bring the best wine he nodded and left…

Maria said ' I am not drinking wine'

Arthur said ' Why is that?'

Maria blushed remembering what happened last night and just shook her head…

Arthur chuckled and said ' I loved the wildness'

Hearing it the fork fell from Maria's hand and her face was completely red…

Arthur laughed seeing her like that…

The waiter brought the wine and poured it to both of them and the dinner went very pleasant…

Maria, as said, had a low amount of wine but still, her cheeks were red due to it while on other hand except for the 2 glasses of Maria Arthur had the whole bottle…

His steps were a bit vague and he put most of his weight on Maria and they finally reached the car…

Maria hushed sitting in the car…

She looked at him who was already looking at him and she brushed seeing the way he was looking at her…

Arthur suddenly pulled her close and started kissing her neck. Maria felt her body on fire but she knew the driver was there…

When the driver saw it he pressed a button and a divider fell from the top blocking the view and it was completely dark…

Arthur had already gone to her collar bone and was kissing it….

Maria still was shy she placed her hands on his chest stopping him and said ' Please, not here let's go home'

Arthur though wanted her right now but he knew she was shy he pulled her close, kissing her for a few seconds he left and placed his head in her neck crook inhaling her scent…

Maria finally was a bit relieved but his hot breath on her neck was giving her sensations all over her body….

After a very long 20 mins they finally arrived at the Palace and as soon as the car stopped Arthur got down and dragged Maria upstairs to their room.

As it was late,

No one was present and they went straight to the room…

As soon as they went into the room, Arthur closed the door and pushed Maria's back to the door and started kissing her 

Hope you liked the chapter guys

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