
Affair of fire and ice

Nicole_Michael · Fantasy
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13 Chs

The letter

I could smell the sea around me. I didn't know we've left Dalvin's island. I woke up in shock. Ivor rushed to me.

" why did we leave Ivor we are going into danger" I said.

" we can't spend our lives hiding, I'm the heir to Kasaria. My kingdom must be suffering because of my father and your parents must be in danger" Ivor said.

Ivor was correct. I had not heard from Lisa all these while. While I was thinking I heard Hermia's screech. She flew around our ship.

I smiled. if my dragon was here, it means Lisa made it. Hermia passed me a letter from Home.

It read,

" My beloved daughter, your father is dead. he died defending our little kingdom. King Adam waged a war and now he has Pesteracia on siege. I know you are not a murderer and you will never hurt somebody. The rumors have spread all around all the kingdoms. Lisa and I are in Kasaria's dungeon with Quila, your ice dragon who's dying because she can't survive the heat. I managed to release Hermia, your water dragon before we were captured. Aleera, as your father said you are the hybrid and you can't run from that, be the hybrid unlock your potentials and come for your kingdom, love Mum."

I bust into tears. My father had died , all because of me. Ivor took the letter and read it .

" I'm sorry my love " Ivor said as he embraced me .

I cried more.

" My father has made a terrible mistake, he has to go. he has killed a king . The people must be suffering because of his quest for power, he won't rest until he has you" Ivor said.

"he will never have me" I said as I stood up in anger.

My eyes turned blue and white. This time it was deeper than ever.

" Aleera, let your rage fill you, you need to unlock your potentials, close your eyes and open them the full hybrid, carrying a tribid" Ivor said.

I closed my eyes. I could feel my baby's powers, they were already strong. I was overwhelmed with powers, filled with rage.

I opened my eyes and the first thing I did was to grab Ivor's neck . I couldn't control my powers, they were too much.

But my love for Ivor was more than my rage, while he was gasping for air, I let him go.

He hugging me and said

" Everything will be okay"

I cried in his arms and he kissed me.

I wanted more. In the middle of the sea, we took off our clothes and had sex.

We stayed on top of the ship , the whole night staring at the stars.

" we must have a thing for stars right? " Ivor asked rhetorically

I laughed.

" My love, I'm sorry for what my father did, I promise I'll release your....." Ivor said as I cut his speech.

" I don't wanna think about it Ivor , I want only you right now" I said.

Ivor nodded and we went back to kissing , until we fell asleep.

It was morning, and I could feel the sun all over my skin.

" good morning sunshine" Ivor said .

" yeah.... right, I didn't want the night to end" I said.

" we could continue if you want" Ivor said teasingly .

" Ivor!!" I said as we both laughed.

We had some fruits for breakfast, my baby bump increased. we were shocked

" Ivor I can't have my baby with all these Crisis" I said

" you won't princess, it will all be solved, once it is we'll come out more with our little prince or princess , just us and maybe continue all what we started" Ivor said.

He could never stop teasing me, but it was quite sweet.

We arrived Pesteracia and got on Hermia's back. As we entered the kingdom, arrows were coming out direction.

" I got this Ivor" I said.

I sent back the arrows more sharper, and covered with ice back to the ground in just one go.

" impressive baby" Ivor said.

I blushed a bit .

I landed Hermia on the palace fields. King Adam's men surrounded us.

" step back all of you" Ivor said.

" we are on the king's orders and he told us to only get the princess" a man said.

"you're getting me first I guess" Ivor said as he burnt all the men to ashes. I could feel his anger it was bad.

"calm down baby" I said

We entered the palace. Lyla was in my father's throne.

" I see you've finally come sister" Lyla said

" Fuck you Lyla, before I kill you get off that throne" I said.

Lyla's men came and surrounded her.

" kill my men first then "

Her men were pesteracians, waterlings and icelings. I couldn't harm my people.

" Aleera, I know you can't harm them but I've killed my own men, we have to get to your mother and Lisa as soon as possible" Ivor said.

I had to calm down a little bit.

" are you scared princess? " Lyla asked as she laughed.

" You have betrayed your king, your queen and me as you fight for this evil witch. I'll give you one last chance or you'll die by my hands, your princess" I said.

out of twelve men, ten came to my side while two stayed by Lyla. Lyla was shocked . I smiled.

The rest two wanted to attack me , I laughed. In just one strike I killed both of them. I didn't feel bad this time because I gave them a choice.

" Lyla it's over, step down from the throne"Ivor said.

She tried to use her fire powers to burn me but as it touched my skin it quenched.

She was surprised. if a hybrid was that easy to kill, I'd have been dead a long time ago. I got to the throne. I held her neck, I was draining her powers until Ivor told me to stop.

"Aleera she's not yours to kill, let her be for now " Ivor said.

I let her neck. Ivor ordered some men to take her to the dungeon.

" you won't stop me when I get to your father , Ivor he's mine " I said.

" I won't stop you " he said.

He said he won't stop me but the look on his face would.

We took back Pesteracia, we headed for Kasaria.