
Affair In Rickhorn Mansion

Proud and smart Rosette Woods from the countryside has been sent to stay with the Rickhorns, her parents very close friend's who live in the capitol, the city of Kantor. Later into the night of her arrival she bumps into DeAndre Rickhorn, the son of Mr and Mrs Rickhorn. She soon finds that he is a promiscuous person whom she would like no dealings with even if he is as attractive as the rumor's have him. Rosette must learn to co-ordinate her social standings in the city where she is not familiar with the 'common' behavior of the high-class society, altogether keep her wits about her every time she has an eventful encounter, which seems to be too often, with Young Master Dre who is unbothered by most things yet a very accomplished man in the eyes of many, if not all who know of his name. Their continuous interactions cause Rose to let her guard down around him and soon, he becomes someone who her gaze seeks when ever he is in the room.

TheGreyyLadyy_ · History
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27 Chs

An Awkward Breakfast

The very next morning, Rose woke up to the sound of Daisy pulling the curtains open to let the lovely sunshine into the room.

"Good morning Miss Rose!" said Daisy. Rose yawned and greeted her back, "A good morning to you too Daisy." It was a good morning, she thought, especially since she did not have any intrusive dreams about Mister Rickhorn last night!

But then Rose saw Daisy's face. Her eyes were puffy and red.

"Daisy, have you been crying?" she asked with a gasp as she wasn't used to seeing the cheerful and bright Daisy in such a state.

Daisy turned to Rose and tried to force a smile but failed. Soon after her lips started to tremble and before Rose could ask what was wrong, Daisy started to cry loudly.

Rose was startled to say the least and stood up to quickly embrace the sobbing mess that was Daisy.