
Aethercross-Real Game,The Borderland of Reality and Fantasy

When the unknown counts down to zero, will you be ready to embark on the most mystifying journey of your life? Imagine waking up to a cryptic countdown, imprinted directly onto your vision. You don't know its origin, purpose, or what awaits at its conclusion. This enigma is just the beginning of "Aethercross," a tale that transcends the boundaries of worlds, reality, and imagination. In this colossal universe, where the line between reality and illusion blurs, you will traverse realms that defy conventional wisdom. Here, magic reigns supreme, dragons soar the azure skies, and ancient Oriental mysticism intertwines with forgotten deities from bygone eras. Your journey will take you through apocalyptic mech battles against grotesque mutants, across lands where magic and martial prowess dictate supremacy, and into urban landscapes where creatures of the night walk alongside humans. From the desolate remnants of shattered worlds to the vibrant pulsations of thriving civilizations, "Aethercross" offers a gateway to the unimaginable. Will you join the quest to unravel the mystery of the countdown? Or will you become a legend in this vast, fantastical cosmos? Dive into the heart of adventure, where every turn leads to a new mystery, every alley hides a forgotten lore, and every character you meet could alter the course of your destiny. Welcome to the world of  Universal Journey, where the only limit is your imagination. Embark on your odyssey. Embrace the unknown. Welcome to "Aethercross."

Frank_Schu · Fantasy
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59 Chs

Chapter 31: Midnight Scallion Pancakes

Originally designed to accommodate a small guard unit, the castle's tower boasts a vast interior living space. Generations of castle owners have since repurposed these quarters, potentially transforming it into a luxurious mansion of over 500 square meters. Even now, with just a fraction in use, it contains six rooms and spans nearly 150 square meters.

Late into the night, after the day's tumultuous events, Sky proposed that the ladies

come to his tower residence to discuss their individual situations. The scenario was confusing for all parties involved.

Soon, the trio found themselves gathered in Sky's dwelling within the tower.

Lilianna, hauling a small suitcase and shoulder bag previously left at the castle gate, chose a vacant guest room. After stowing her belongings, she briefly greeted Sky and retreated to the room, enjoying a soothing shower.

Meanwhile, Lumiya managed to salvage only a hard drive and some unspoiled snacks from the ruins of her own room. Upon her arrival at Sky's place, she tossed her items on the dining table and collapsed into a chair in despair.

Resting her head on her arms, draped listlessly over the table, she appeared utterly forlorn. Her furry appearance had vanished, revealing the pale skin of a young girl, though her fluffy white ears still drooped despondently on her head, and her long white tail lay limply on the floor.

When Sky initially welcomed Lumiya and Lilianna, he had encouraged, "Feel at ease, just like you're in your own home." So, Lumiya did exactly that, revealing her typical at-home behavior. This demeanor, surprisingly, seemed more in line with her true self, not out of place at all.

In a voice tinged with existential doubt, Lumiya half-whispered, half-muttered, "I've turned into a werewolf; I hope Master won't punish me. That explains the stomach issues with dog food. I'm a wolf, after all. Oh dear, what about my formal demon cultivation knitting? Is my certification from the Association still valid? Should I update my demon attributes at the registry? What if they fine me 500 top-grade Spirit Stones for misinformation? I'm worried about the 'Celestial Canine Howl' techniques; might I lose control? I need to find out if there's a wolf-specific version of 'Celestial Canine Howl' in the demon cultivators' forum. And my phone... is it broken from the fight? Guess I'll need a new one tomorrow. Hey, landlord, I'm famished. What's for our midnight snack?"

The final query was aimed at Sky.

"Just hold on, I'm on it," Sky responded, engrossed in browsing Chinese cuisine websites on his phone. He was elated to realize his newfound ability to comprehend languages and scripts from various realms. Intent on preparing an authentic Chinese midnight snack to buoy Lumiya's spirits, his challenge was the mere two bags of flour in his pantry. What culinary delight could he craft from them?

Then the door opened, and in came Lilianna, post-shower, donned in comfortable home attire and tousling her semi-dry black hair. Cleansed of the day's grime and battle's ferocity, she now resembled a gentle, beautiful older sister from next door

, radiating warmth and beauty.

Sky, captivated by Lilianna's altered appearance, was momentarily lost in thought.

Noticing Sky's gaze, Lilianna couldn't help but laugh and tease, "I forgot we had a young man here; I might have dressed a bit too casually. Caught you staring, huh? Haven't seen a beauty like me before? Or is it just rare to see a beauty in casuals?"

Sky suddenly came back to his senses, coughed lightly, and glanced down at his phone screen, murmuring, "I'm just looking up some recipes, trying to figure out what to make for a late-night snack." Lilianna leaned in with curiosity and inquired, "What ingredients do you have at home?" She noticed Sky browsing a page in Chinese and expressed her surprise, "You understand Chinese too?"

While pretending to be diligently searching for recipes, Sky was suddenly enveloped in a delightful scent of shower gel. Turning his head, he saw Lilianna right beside him, her hair still partly wet, with strands lightly touching his face. His heart inexplicably quickened, and he instinctively moved a bit away.

Lilianna, sensing the awkwardness, stood up and apologized, "Sorry, my hair is still a bit wet." She then murmured a few spells, and a warm breeze arose around her, gently lifting and drying her hair. Sky watched this scene, his heartbeat accelerating further.

With her eyes closed, Lilianna enjoyed the feeling of her hair drying. When she opened her eyes and found Sky still staring, she chuckled, "Caught you staring again! Oh, right, for an ordinary person, this must be your first time seeing magic used for something as simple as drying hair." Sky nodded, "Yes, it's the first time I've seen... magic like this."

Lilianna's eyes sparkled with intrigue. "You're quite a mystery. Remaining so composed after all the weird things that happened today, you don't seem like an average person." Sky grinned awkwardly, "Me? Just a regular guy. Maybe I'm a bit slow to react. If you're doubtful, you supernaturals must have ways to detect magic or divine energies, right? Try it; you'll see I'm really just a regular human."

"I've already sensed it; your aura indeed shows nothing unusual," Lilianna replied. Sky's relief was brief as Lilianna changed the subject, "But that sword you used against me earlier was quite unique. Where did you put it?"

Feeling a chill, Sky stammered, "That sword? It's... a family heirloom, just an old relic. I've put it away again, haha."

"Is that so?" Lilianna's smile grew even more radiant, and Sky, admiring her beautiful, delicate smile, felt an overwhelming sense of pressure.

Fortunately, Lumiya's voice came just in time to save Sky from his awkward position: "

Landlord, I'm hungry. When are we having our late-night snack?" The dispirited werewolf casually grabbed a pack of beef jerky she had salvaged, tore it open with her teeth, and began munching away.

Sky quickly stood up and headed towards the stove, exclaiming, "Right, the snack! I'm on it." He began clumsily pulling out various kitchen utensils and ingredients, his mind seemingly adrift.

"What's up?" A soft, melodious voice echoed near Sky's ear as Lilianna emerged behind him unnoticed.

Startled and jolted with a start, Sky gave a wry smile and replied, "I've committed to whipping up a Chinese midnight feast for Lumiya, but I'm clueless about Chinese cuisine. And all we've got left is two bags of flour. What in the world can I cook with that?"

After pondering for a bit, Lilianna inquired, "Got any green onions?"

"Green onions?" Sky checked the fridge, "Yeah, there's some left."

"Why not try a Chinese-style scallion pancake? You can find recipes online. Make sure to cook plenty, I'm famished too," she suggested with a gentle smile, then walked back to chat with Lumiya across the dining table.

A moment of bewilderment crossed Sky's face: "Chinese-style scallion pancake?" He then quickly searched for it on his phone using Chinese.

As the night grew deeper, a warm glow filled the kitchen. Sky stood at the counter, surrounded by simple essentials: water, flour, oil, and green onions. He began by mixing the flour with just the right amount of warm water, kneading gently until the dough became soft and springy. Covering it with a damp cloth, he set it aside to let it ferment and rise.

Next, Sky set out to prepare the pastry. He took a small bowl, adding flour to it. He then finely chopped fresh green onions, turning them into a cascade of emerald. After adding a pinch of salt and some barbecue seasoning, he mixed them into the flour with a fork.

He heated some oil in a pan until it started to emit a faint smoke. Carefully, he poured the hot oil over the bowl of flour and green onions. While the oil was still warm, he continued stirring, blending it smoothly into the flour. 

His fingers moved skillfully, stirring until thepastry mixture became finely textured. The scent of sizzling green onions mingled with the warm, comforting aroma of the dough, creating an inviting atmosphere in the kitchen. 

Sky, now more confident, proceeded with the final steps, shaping the dough into pancakes, each filled with the savory, richly flavored pastry he had prepared. He cooked them to a perfect golden brown, filling the kitchen with the mouthwatering aroma of freshly made Chinese-style scallion pancakes.

A sharp "sizzle" as hot oil met the bowl, releasing a rich aroma of green onions, instantly drew the attention of two women engrossed in conversation by the dining table. Intrigued, they paused their chat and hurried into the kitchen.

Lumiya, who grew up in China, was intimately familiar with scallion pancakes. Lilianna, too, seemed well-versed in this modest yet delectable dish, even offering tips to Sky.

Under Lilianna's guidance, Sky worked on the rested dough, dividing it into smaller sections. He selected a piece, gently rolling it into a round shape. As he laid out the pancake on the countertop, he evenly spread a prepared oily mixture over it, followed by a generous sprinkling of chopped green onions, enveloping the kitchen with an irresistible scent.

The next step was to fold and flatten the pancake repeatedly, infusing it with layers of flaky pastry. Then came the frying. Sky placed a flat pan on the stove, adding just the right amount of oil. Once the oil was perfectly heated, he gently laid the rolled pancake into the pan. The pastry crackled upon contact with the heat, filling the air with a tantalizing aroma of frying. He expertly flipped it, cooking it to a golden crisp on both sides. Finally, he transferred the golden brown pancake to a cutting board, slicing it into bite-sized pieces. The steaming scallion pancake, with its alluring golden crust, revealed layers of pastry and green onions, an irresistible temptation.

Ignoring the searing heat, Lumiya eagerly grabbed and bit into a piece. The crunchy texture melded with the green onion flavor to create a perfect late-night indulgence. She instantly perked up, reaching for another, but Sky playfully shooed her out of the kitchen, asking her to wait at the table.

Sky served the culinary delight and proceeded with the remaining pancakes. Lumiya couldn't wait to grab another, heartily munching away. Lilianna, in a more elegant manner, deftly used a knife and fork, yet the speed at which her food vanished was impressively close to that of Lumiya's.

As they ate, their conversation resumed. Sky continued his rhythm, bringing more of the savory scallion pancakes to the table, contributing to the room's warm and surprisingly harmonious ambiance.