
Aethercross-Real Game,The Borderland of Reality and Fantasy

When the unknown counts down to zero, will you be ready to embark on the most mystifying journey of your life? Imagine waking up to a cryptic countdown, imprinted directly onto your vision. You don't know its origin, purpose, or what awaits at its conclusion. This enigma is just the beginning of "Aethercross," a tale that transcends the boundaries of worlds, reality, and imagination. In this colossal universe, where the line between reality and illusion blurs, you will traverse realms that defy conventional wisdom. Here, magic reigns supreme, dragons soar the azure skies, and ancient Oriental mysticism intertwines with forgotten deities from bygone eras. Your journey will take you through apocalyptic mech battles against grotesque mutants, across lands where magic and martial prowess dictate supremacy, and into urban landscapes where creatures of the night walk alongside humans. From the desolate remnants of shattered worlds to the vibrant pulsations of thriving civilizations, "Aethercross" offers a gateway to the unimaginable. Will you join the quest to unravel the mystery of the countdown? Or will you become a legend in this vast, fantastical cosmos? Dive into the heart of adventure, where every turn leads to a new mystery, every alley hides a forgotten lore, and every character you meet could alter the course of your destiny. Welcome to the world of  Universal Journey, where the only limit is your imagination. Embark on your odyssey. Embrace the unknown. Welcome to "Aethercross."

Frank_Schu · Fantasy
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59 Chs

Chapter 15: The Final Night

As dusk embraced the gene warrior base, which had been alive with activity and tension all day, tranquility finally prevailed. In Sky's freshly assigned dorm, he and his brother relinquished their beds to Arachne, opting instead for their military sleeping bags spread on the floor.

Raimondo succumbed to sleep effortlessly, his tranquil breaths occasionally interspersed with gentle snores.

Sky lay still for a while, waiting until he was certain Raimondo had fallen asleep. Then, he softly sat up and quietly walked over to sit beside Arachne's bed.

"Arachne, have you fallen asleep?" he whispered.

Her eyes gently opened. "Not yet," she murmured.

Inching closer, Sky bent over, his face just inches from her cheek, prompting her breathing to hasten and a shy blush to spread across her face.

"What are you intending to do, Sky?" she asked, her voice quivering with nervous anticipation.

Her heart pounded, consumed by one thought: Is he going to kiss me?

She closed her eyes, anticipating his next move, but instead, she heard Sky's voice whispering near her ear, "Arachne, it's difficult to express, but may I sleep holding you tonight?"

"Ah?" Her eyes widened in a soft exclamation.

This was happening too quickly, too directly!

"Shh, let's not wake Raimondo," Sky continued. "I have a theory. My unusually rapid increase in fusion rate might be connected to you. Every time I embrace you, I feel a warm energy surge through me, enveloping my entire being. Perhaps, it's your ability, boosting others' genetic evolution."

"I understand," Arachne steadied herself, her voice carrying a hint of disappointment.

Sky, slightly nervous, added, "So, I was thinking of sleeping in an embrace tonight, would that be okay?" He left unsaid his other reason: as a young man in his prime and Arachne being a striking beauty, the sensation of holding her was more than just a cellular warmth; it also stirred the burgeoning hormones within the young man.

Wordlessly, Arachne shifted to make room on the bed and gently pulled back a corner of the blanket.

Sky nervously swallowed his saliva, pulling back the covers to lie down beside Arachne, drawing her close into his embrace. Her unique scent wafted around them, kindling a warmth in his heart, prompting him to tenderly kiss her on the forehead.

The girl in his arms shivered briefly but then settled, snuggling even closer to him.

A warm energy mysteriously emanated within Sky, flowing gently, permeating every cell of his body. His mind was filled with pressing thoughts: enhancing fusion, longing for awakening, the need to protect her, and to fulfill his mission. In this alternative world, a beginner's trial, Sky struggled with his burgeoning feelings for Arachne, constantly reminding himself, "She's just an NPC, merely an NPC."

Arachne, yearning for more affection, was met only with a gentle "Good night."

Thanks to her special sensing ability, Arachne could vaguely perceive the intense emotions Sky harbored for her, emotions that then unexpectedly calmed down. Though puzzled, she didn't question it further, instead finding a more comfortable position and gently embracing Sky, echoing back softly, "Good night."

Thus, they spent the night in each other's arms, immersed in the warmth of their embrace.

Come morning, they were abruptly awakened by Raimondo's loud exclamation.

Sky opened his eyes, instantly aware of the awkward situation, and faced Raimondo's astonished gaze.

"Raimondo, it's not what you think," Sky hastily attempted to explain.

But Raimondo's expression quickly shifted from surprise to a mischievous smirk. "Don't bother explaining, I get it," he said as he got dressed. "I'm off to the base cafeteria. Do you want me to bring you breakfast? Rest up a bit longer; you must've been tired last night," he remarked teasingly as he left the room.

Irritated, Sky snatched a shoe from under the bed and threw it at Raimondo. "Cut out the nonsense, you brat. Get out of here!"

Raimondo let out an exaggerated yell as he darted out the door, calling back, "I'll bring breakfast!" before closing the door.

With the door now shut, Sky and Arachne were left alone in the suddenly quiet room.

Sky stood up awkwardly, putting on his coat. "Don't mind Raimondo's blabbering."

His hand was gently caught by Arachne. "Actually, I was thinking..." she began, but a finger pressed to her lips silenced her.

"Let's talk about this when we reach the main city," Sky said meaningfully.

Arachne, sensing the complexity and turmoil in Sky's emotions, along with a hint of guilt, paused briefly, then offered a faint, understanding smile and nodded.

Meanwhile, the atmosphere at the Genetic Warrior Base grew tense. The warriors' expressions were grave, the number in battle armor noticeably increased, and the armory buzzed with technicians busily prepping equipment.

Sky, along with Raimondo and Arachne, were also busy, finalizing their sparse luggage. Escorted by Emily and Luca, they made their way to the third sublevel of the base hospital.

There, Dr. Spencer informed them of the latest update: they would depart for the main city by noon the next day. Preparedness was key. Following this briefing, Sky was led to a full-body scanner.

After enduring more than an hour of testing, Sky received his anticipated results from Dr. Spencer: his fusion rate had impressively increased by 20%, reaching a remarkable 86%.

Then, Sky faced a daunting challenge. He was conscripted into a rigorous full-day training regimen. Dr. Spencer, prioritizing Sky's monitoring, delegated all the prep work for the next day's journey to her assistant and followed Sky with a slew of gadgets, closely observing his every move through real-time tracking.

Utterly drained, Sky lay on the floor, too weary to stand. Only then did Dr. Spencer conclude her day's work, a mix of curiosity and concern painted on her face. "Your case is mystifying," she said. "A day of hardcore training boosts your integration by a mere fraction under 1% - impressive in its own right. But what puzzles me is how a night's sleep can spike it by 15%, sometimes 20%. Could sleep be your secret to enhancing integration?"

Sky, perplexed and without answers, could only offer a helpless shrug.

Dr. Spencer pondered aloud, "In the main city, we'll have to design a device to monitor you while you sleep. Plus, we might need to move up the timeline for the F-type gene enhancement serum. But that's a worry for another day. For now, go rest."

Sky, in a feeble voice, asked, "Emily, Luca, could you help me get back? I'm too weak to stand. And is there anything left to eat in the base canteen? I'm famished."

After satiating his hunger and taking a refreshing shower, Sky, now in clean clothes, dragged his exhausted body back to the dorm. Sensing his fatigue, Arachne assisted him to the room's only bed. He flopped down, limbs splayed, not even bothering to remove his jacket.

Raimondo asked with concern, "What happened to you?"

Sky, barely mustering the energy to respond, said, "It's been a rough day. Dr. Spencer put me through intense training. Just so you know, we're set to depart for the main city tomorrow at noon. Get ready."

Raimondo's eyes sparkled with excitement. "For real? We're finally heading to the main city? I've heard it's enormous, with a population over five million. I can't even imagine the size of it. I wonder what Dr. Spencer has planned for us. You're likely to continue your path of awakening, right? I'm curious if military school is still on the cards or if you're heading straight into the army."

Sky considered, "It looks like we're going straight into the army."

Raimondo sounded slightly disappointed. "That's too bad. I was hoping to attend the same military school as you someday, counting on you to watch over me."

"You're thinking about military school?" Sky sat up, surprised, looking at his brother. "You've never been fond of fighting. Military school doesn't seem like it would suit you."

Raimondo defended his choice, "Brawling and battling are not the same. With my physique, I'm destined to be a great warrior."

Sky sighed deeply. "War isn't a game. It's deadly serious. I always hoped you'd go to college in the main city, secure a stable job, and lead a life of peace and safety."

Raimondo, resolute, shook his head. "I don't want a mundane life. I aim to be like you, a protector, someone strong who doesn't always need shielding from others."

Sky exhaled a weary sigh, his eyes fixed on his brother's unwavering gaze. Recognizing the futility of further persuasion, he relented, "Alright, it's a decision for the future. If your heart is set on it by then, you'll have my full support."

Raimondo's eyes sparkled with elation as he fervently nodded. "To become an Awakener, to harness mysterious powers and safeguard our city-state—that's my dream," he exclaimed. Turning to Arachne, he asked, "And what about you, Arachne? Do you have future aspirations? Dreams you hold dear?"

Arachne nodded with a tranquil assurance. "I never had clarity about my future, nor did I comprehend my own desires. But now, my only wish is to remain forever by Sky's side, no matter our location."

Raimondo let out a playful laugh, "Sky, did you hear that? Your future sister-in-law just made her feelings crystal clear. Won't you respond?"

Sky, a mix of annoyance and affection in his voice, responded, "Enough with your nonsense, you little troublemaker. Time for bed—we embark on our journey tomorrow and need our rest tonight."

Though his words suggested indifference, Sky's actions that night spoke otherwise. No longer concealing his emotions from Raimondo, he openly embraced Arachne as they lay in bed.

Raimondo quickly succumbed to sleep, his snores a steady backdrop. In the quiet of the night, Arachne, nestled in Sky's embrace, softly inquired, "Sky, do you like me?"

Sky tensed momentarily, internally debating his feelings for the girl from another world. Was it mere fondness, or something deeper, perhaps pity?

Continuing, Arachne voiced her perception, "I can feel it. You have feelings for me, but it seems you're restraining them for some reason."

Sky realized the futility of concealing his emotions from Arachne, whose unique abilities allowed her to sense the sentiments of evolved beings. He was an open book to her.

After a moment of contemplation, he confessed gently, "Yes, I do like you. But I'm uncertain if I should. Maybe, in the coming days, I'll find my answer."

Arachne pressed her cheek against Sky's chest, absorbing the steady beat of his heart. After a brief pause, her eyes softly closed, and a faint smile graced her lips. "I understand. I'll wait a little longer. Good night."

Sky tenderly kissed her hair, murmuring in return, "Good night."

He closed his eyes, feeling the curious energy within him stir and spread, enveloping his body in warmth as he slowly drifted into a dream-filled slumber.