
Aether X Genshin Heroine

Lore friendly romance between aether/sora with the Characters of genshin impact. Love me some romantic relationship in games. Every girls with the same feelings toward our beloved prota, who will he choose? Who will you choose? Will Aether meets the one whom can brought him forward toward the stars?

common_eneweebs · Video Games
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12 Chs


She stared off into space, sighing once a while and playing with a tiny anemo hyphostasis in her hand. She looks very bored and gloomy. I can only smile as I am approaching her. Sweeter than Sweet flower cotton candy and sunsettia jam is how to describe her best. How long has it been since then, I wonder to myself.

She has been avoiding me recently. When she calls me here today, to be honest, I have longing ever since to talk to her.

I walk right in front of her, but she doesn't see me at all. "Wawawa!!, I am so sorry. I didn't see you right there. I am very sorry; please don't take it personally." I am shocked, but I am so happy she decided to call me here today. I can only laugh. She also gives me awkward laughs. But it kind of makes me sad that she acted as if we are strangers again. I try to say something to her, but everything feels awkward.

"I know you're busy; please don't let me disturb your day. I'll be in my way!" I hold her hands and ask her if there is something she wants to talk to me about today. "You're not busy? Really? It's fine, and I get that you have the stuff to do..." Her eyes have been avoiding me. She looks red, but her forehead is not warm; I don't think she is cold. But she isn't subtle either. She seems very uncomfortable; I hurriedly let my hands go and apologize. I can't open any conversation with her; we stood there for a few seconds until she finally raises her head, looking at what's behind me. I looked back at what is in there, and I saw him, the ever famous Alchemist of mondstadt; Sucrose runs toward him and hides behind his back, ignoring me altogether. When I see is Sucrose clinging to Albedo; she doesn't even want to see my face.

Everything is dark, I can't even hear what Albedo talks about, but I understand what is happening, sort of. What is this feeling? It is painful and bitter, seeing her clinging to Albedo. I should have known. My heart aches real bad I can't see anything; my whole body is lifeless. I didn't even get to say that... never mind. Maybe I just need to find my sister and return home as soon as possible. I feel so sick that I am about to throw up.

I kept walking and wandering; in the end, there is no more places to run to, the blue horizon as to how a morning should. Stormbearer mountain ends my long walk. I should have known; I should have known, her cute embarrassed looks, her stubbornness, and how she focused on anything she did. It aches very much. In the end, even the wind cannot wipe this feeling easily. "I am in love with Sucrose" with a sighed "This sucked" I cannot contain it anymore. Words spilled from my heart.

Maybe it is terrible if I stay like this, perhaps it is better to go back. I can't stay like this forever. I stand up and stretch a bit. I smiled as I turn around; I saw her there, since when did she stand there, her face says that she has heard everything. She just stood there, confused of what to say or do. I can't keep my smile and hide my face from her. Laugh all you want; I couldn't care less.

"A-aether..."I didn't look at her; I clench my fist. What is it? Sucrose takes something from her back and drinks it. "Aether!" "No matter. How hard I tried, I can't say it" Can't say what? That she hates me, that I am a bother, that she is going out with her master? I ask her what she can't say. She takes out another flask and drinks it.

She takes a deep breath, "I love you too, Aether! I always do, but I can't say it to you. I am not brave enough, but hearing you say that you love me I."

Wait, I thought that Sucrose likes; wait a minute, this doesn't make enough sense. "Master Albedo helps me with this" She takes out another flask. "potion of bravery! He helped me with it so that I can finally tell you my feeling," she slows down, "but you run away before I can say anything." She takes another flask and gulps it all down in one go.

"Aether, to be honest, I was a little afraid when we first met because you don't talk much. But then, as time went on, I discovered you're easy to get along with, and along the way, I begin to fell in love with you, at first I try to ignore it, but as time goes, my feeling grows larger. I begin to feel self-conscious, I am sorry" I walk closer toward her slowly; what am I feeling? Can I trust her word right now? Can I trust what's in the potion? Can I trust my own heart right now?

Before I can make sure of anything, my body embraced her. She looks surprised, but she doesn't struggle; her whole body feels melting. "I love you too, sucrose! Very very much" "Are you sure Aether, there must be-" "No! I only want you to be mine, nothing more, nothing less. Will you accompany me in this everlasting experiment?" A single nod from her relieve all of my cloudy feelings. She cried on my shoulder but smiling.

Albedo comes out from the bush, writing on his note. "This experiment is very entertaining indeed" I am not exactly surprised; he pulled another flask from sucrose back. "Why are you drinking that master?" "Oh, this?" "This is just an orange juice; I am thirsty" It took seconds until Sucrose realize what happened. Her whole skin is tomato red, and steam comes out from her ears. She passed out from embarrassment; I hold her head. I am glad that her feeling toward me is not from the potion but her own heart; "Now you don't need to worry about anything anymore, right?" No wonder people call Albedo genius; I walk once more down the hill the same path but this time I carry a girl that I love on my back, I can see everything clearly how beautiful the blue sky is.