
Aether X Genshin Heroine

Lore friendly romance between aether/sora with the Characters of genshin impact. Love me some romantic relationship in games. Every girls with the same feelings toward our beloved prota, who will he choose? Who will you choose? Will Aether meets the one whom can brought him forward toward the stars?

common_eneweebs · Video Games
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12 Chs


That evening bell chimes its beautiful sounds. She, who dedicated herself to Barbatos, pray to the altar as I enter the room. She turns around at me, hands on her chest, and she smiled at me gracefully yet childish at the same time. "Good evening Aether. Are you feeling well today?" I nodded. Cmon Aether, I want to show you something."

She pulled my arm and brought me to the top floor of the cathedral. The sunset is breathtaking. I looked at Barbara; she seems very relaxed seeing the evening like this. She smiled very cheerfully and hums. With her, I feel I regained my strength after a long day. That's the power of Idol for you.

After a whole 5 minutes went by, she gives a big sigh. She "The weather is so amazing! I could burst into song". Be with her is truly the best. We laugh a little, "Aether," she calmly speaks to me. "Tell me, I already did my best right?" I don't get what she was trying to say, but I'd say she did her best already. I nodded. She seems unsure of herself. No matter how hard she is trying, it just never hard enough for her. Her voice is now is so soft and filled with sadness.

"My companions keep getting injured, but I'm unable to share the burden of their pain. The only thing I can do, is my absolute very best" She started to cry. "If only I am as strong as my sister," I told her that she had done her best.

"Aether, thank you for being with me all this time. Around you, I feel safe." She looked at me. I can't see her face. The sun blinded me, but I know she is shaking. "Every time I get on stage, I always start to doubt myself — can I heal every person in Mondstadt? But I look at you now, and I feel that as long as we keep marching forward, maybe one day I might just..."

She has worked so hard I can't ever do anything for her. I have held my breath long enough. She doesn't know how much she lights my day. Her smile, her passion for helping people. If only she would focus only on me.

She takes a deep breath and chants a praying to Barbatos. If only she knows what Barbatos is doing right now. She stopped for a while. She hugs me suddenly and continues, "Aether; With you, I don't need anything else. Your body is warm." I was surprised, she hides her face from me, but she keeps holding me tremblingly.

Minutes passed, the sun already set, and it turns into night. Neither of us speaks anything. She let go of her hand and smiled, "I understand, maybe it is better if we stayed this way. Come on before anyone else notice we are here." She ran downstairs quickly.

"Barbara, wait!" I shouted. She stopped. She didn't look back at me, but water drips to the stairs floor. After everything she has done, she encourages me, filled me with power, and healed me. I never did anything for her except to make her cry and worry about me. I can't ignore this feeling any longer. "Barbara, I love you too," I shouted. She finally looked back at me.

She smiles, disbelieves what she just heard. She jumps right at me. Swing herself around my body; this is dangerous. I try to balance myself, "I love you very, very much, Aether," she giggled. I smile back at her. "Thank you for being with me all this time.

You have given me everything I want, Barbara" I looked at her, the bell behind our back, "Barbara, after I found my sister, will you marry me?" She nodded. Her smiling face is all I want to protect right now. We dance around the cathedral shrouded by stars." Aether, promise me never to let go of my hand, ever." I smiled as I hold her hand tightly, never.